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# 3(4) 2011: The Cultural History of Media
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy.
Department of Ontology and the Theory of Knowledge. PhD, Professor,

On the Subject of Mediaphilosophy

The article introduces the reader to the contemporary context of mediaphilosophy, discussing the irreversibility of the mediareality`s existence and presence. In addition, the article sharpens the focus on the key to transformation which has taken place in the 20th–21st centuries, wherein media activities have themselves become the object, rather than the objective reporter:: The media is not a subject that speaks, sees, perceives, but rather the speech speaks, the image sees, while the media is perceived by the subject. Following the logic of the important cultural "shifts" of the 20th century (ontological, linguistic, iconic), the author suggests the following: — the media shift — from which the key theory of mediaphilosophy arises — may be summed as “everything is media”. The soluble limits of this theory are justified.

Key words: media, mediaphilosophy, linguistic turn, iconic turn, medial turn, communicant, mediareality, medial configuration, existing


  1. Nicshe F. Sochinenija: V 2-h t. — T. 1. M.: Mysl', 1990. S. 497.
  2. Mersch D. Sistematische Medienphilosophie. 2005. S. 114.
  3. Merlo-Ponti M. Fenomenologija vosprijatija/Per. s fr. pod red. I. S. Vdovinoj, S. L. Fokina SPb.:1999. S. 227.
  4. Nikolaj Kuzanskij. Ob uchenom neznanii//Nikolaj Kuzanskij. Izbrannye filosofskie sochinenija. T. 1. M.: Mysl', 1979. S. 75.
  5. Sandbothe M. Und wie fühlt sich Ihr Nacken an?//Kulturaustausch. Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven. 2010, № 3. S. 22.
  6. Kamper, Dietmar. Unmögliche Gegenwart. Zur Theorie der Phantasie. München, Fink Verlag, 1995. S. 96.
  7. Frish M. Homo Faber. Nazovu sebja Gantenbajn. M., 1975. S. 364-365
  8. Münker St. Philosophie nach dem «Medial Turn». Beitrage zur Theorie der Mediengesellschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2009. S. 20.
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Ukraine, Kharkov.
V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University. Chief of Media & Communications Department.
Professor, PhD, Director of the Center of Media Communications and Visual Studies.

Medium and Distance

How are the concepts of “media” and “distance” related? Whether the media “shells of consciousnesses” are called on to remove the distance between the knower and the known or vice versa, do they become a way of articulating it? The notion of “distance” has an inevitable double meaning: it both dis-connects and inter-connects. From this point of view, distance is a conditio sine qua non of the medial phenomenon as such. The space of our reflections is perceived by three semantic points, two of which are associated with allusions encrypted in the phrase “medium and distance” (essay by Fritz Heider “Thing and Medium” and the book of Jean-Luc Marion “Idol and Distance”), while the third point is connected to Walter Benjamin's definition of the aura as a “unique phenomenon of a distance, however close it may be”. The destruction of the aura “in the age of mechanical reproduction”, gives rise to the euphoria of the total removal of spatial, temporal, and mental distances. That’s why we must return to the experiences of reflections on the problems of distance which brings together, and proximity which alienates (“The Sickness unto Death” by Søren Kierkegaard, “Thing” by Martin Heidegger). However, the old-fashioned, sublime pathos of thinking about the metaphysics of “distance” is now increasingly giving way to suffocating reductions and speculations about the “human, all too human” world. One of the main questions of the utterly “medialized”, “virtualized”, and “digitalized” consciousness in the beginning of 21st century, with its immersion toward a dangerous illusion of proximity and accessibility of knowledge, is the question of the (dis)ability to maintain a life-saving insuperable distance: both “stored” and “stores”, between hearing and hearable, vision and visible, thinking and thinkable.

Key words: medium, media, medialized, distance, approximation, alienation, destruction of the aura


  1. Hajdegger M. Vew'//Vremja i bytie: Stat'i i vystuplenija/Martin Hajdegger; Per. s nem. V. V. Bibihina. — M.: Respublika, 1993. — S. 316.
  2. Debrje R. Vvedenie v mediologiju/Rezhi Debrje; Per. s franc. B. M. Skuratova. — M.: Praksis, 2010. — S. 21.
  3. Heider F. Ding und Medium/Fritz Heider//Symposion. — 1926. — № 1. S. 109-157.
  4. Baudrillard J. La Photographie ou l'Ecriture de la Lumiere: Litteralite de l'Image//L'Echange Impossible. — Paris: Galilee, 1999. — P. 175. — (Per. Arsena Melikjana).
  5. Arendt H. Val'ter Ben'jamin/Hanna Arendt; Per. s angl. Borisa Dubina//Inostrannaja literatura. — 1997. — № 12
  6. Zontag S. Pod znakom Saturna/S'juzen Zontag; Per. s angl. Borisa Dubina//Zontag S. Mysl' kak strast': Izbrannye jesse 1960-70-h godov/Sost., obw. Red. B. Dubina; Per. s angl. V. Golysheva i dr. — M.: Russkoe fenomenologicheskoe obwestvo, 1997. — 208 s.
  7. Benjamin W. The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media/Walter Benjamin; Ed. by Michael W. Jennings, Brigid Doherty and Thomas Y. Levin. — Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008. — 448 p.
  8. Ben'jamin V. Proizvedenie iskusstva v jepohu ego tehnicheskoj vosproizvodimosti//Proizvedenie iskusstva v jepohu ego tehnicheskoj vosproizvodimosti: Izbrannye jesse/Val'ter Ben'jamin; Per. s nem. — M.: Medium, 1996. — S. 24.
  9. Grau O. Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion/Oliver Grau;Transl. by Gloria Custance. — Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. — 416 p
  10. Vattimo Dzh. Prozrachnoe obwestvo/Dzhanni Vattimo; Per. s it. Dm. Novikova. — M.: Logos, 2002. — S. 53-70, 83-102. (Serija «Ecce homo»)
  11. Vattimo G. La società trasparente/Gianni Vattimo. — Milan: Garzanti, 1989. — 99 p.
  12. Mersh D. Meta/Dia. Dva razlichnyh podhoda k medial'nomu/Diter Mersh; per. s nem.
  13. Mersch D. Meta/Dia. Zwei unterschiedliche Zugänge zum Medialen/Dieter Mersch//Zeitschrift für Medien-und Kulturforschung: Medienphilosophie. — 2010. — № 2. —
  14. K'erkegor S. Bolezn' k smerti//Strah i trepet/Sjoren K'erkegor; Per. s dat. S. A. Isaeva. — M.: Respublika, 1993. — S. 335.
  15. Marion Zh.-L. Idol i distancija/Zhan-Ljuk Marion; Per. s fr. G. Vdovinoj//Simvol. — Parizh-Moskva, 2009. — T. 56. — S. 150.
  16. Bart R. Camera Lucida: Kommentarij k fotografii/Rolan Bart; Per. s fr., poslesl. i komm. M. Ryklina. — M.: Ad marginem, 1997. — S. 5.
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Russia, Samara.
Samara State University, Sociology Department.
PhD, Associated Professor.

Transmedia and «interpretive communities»

Article is devoted to the analysis of transmedia in field of popular culture. Transmedia are considered as a new, characteristic for the New Media Times phenomenon. It is shown that transmedia have certain cultural tradition (namely migration of genres), however their occurrence is caused by logic of postindustrial society development and distribution of new information and communication technologies. Transmedia are characterized by specific (in comparison with «pre-digital» times) mode of media-production, a synergy of genres and media formats, new cultural practices of the consumers and specific experience of mass media reception. Transmedia are produced by a special policy of the media companies and the consumer’s activity. The role of «interpretive communities» (spectators /readers/ listeners/gamers which are involved in media texts interpretation, communication, interaction and content-generation) in transmedia production is shown. Transmedia give evidence not only transformation of media-textuality but also the changes in traditional model of cultural production and consumption. Transmedia demonstrate contradictory character of modern popular culture: they are substantially created by vernacular activity and creativity but finally serve formation of sense of an accessory to a brand.

Key words: new (digital) media, transmedia, media-convergence, popular culture, Web 2.0, interpretive communities, migration of genres, branding, media-production, media-consumption


  1. Jenkins H. The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence//International Journal of Cultural Studies. 2004. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 34-35.
  2. Deuze M. Convergence Culture in the Creative Industries//International Journal of Cultural Studies. 2007. Vol.10 (2). P. 246.
  3. Jenkins H. Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. N. Y.: New York University Press, 2006. P. 26.
  4. Miller C.H. Digital storytelling: A creator's guide to digital entertainment. Amsterdam: Focal Press, 2004. P. 34.
  5. Jenkins H. Transmedia Storytelling//Confessions of an Aca-Fan: Official Weblog of H. Jenkins. URL:
  6. Kljajn N. NO LOGO. Ljudi protiv brjendov/per. s angl. A. Dormana. M.: «Dobraja kniga», 2003. S. 198.
  7. Ruppel M. Narrative Convergence, Cross-Sited Productions and the Archival Dilemma//Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 2009; Vol. 15. № 3. R. 281-282.
  8. Najt D., Mak-Najt Dzh. Real'nyj zhanr i virtual'naja filosofija//«Matrica» kak filosofija: jesse/per. s angl. O. Turuhinoj. Ekaterinburg: U-Faktorija, 2005. URL:…/matrix_kak_filosofia.html.
  9. Obsuzhdaem «Seks v bol'shom gorode»/pod red. K. Akass, Dzh. MakKejb. M.: Ad Marginem, 2006. S. 219-220.
  10. Tincknell E., Raghuram P. Big Brother: Reconfiguring the `Active` Audience of Cultural Studies//European Journal of Cultural Studies. 2002. Vol. 5. № 2. P. 207-208
  11. K. Ju. Ignatov Ot teksta romana k kinotekstu: jazykovye transformacii i avtorskij stil'. URL:
  12. Scolari C. A. Transmedia Storytelling: Implicit Consumers, Narrative Worlds and Branding in Contemporary Media Production//International Journal of Communication. 2009. Vol. 3. № 4. R. 587.
  13. Samorukov I. Massovaja literatura (problema hudozhestvennoj refleksii): avtoref. dis.... kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.08. Samara: Izd-vo «Samarskij universitet», 2006. R. 9.
  14. Evdokimova S. Process hudozhestvennogo tvorchestva i avtorskij tekst//Avtor i tekst. SPb., 1996. S. 9-10.
  15. Ruppel M. Narrative Convergence, Cross-Sited Productions and the Archival Dilemma… P. 281-298.
  16. Bozhankova R. V. Literatura i mediakul'tura (tematicheskie i zhanrovye sdvigi v sovremennoj russkoj literature)//Russkaja literatura v mirovom kl'turnom i obrazovatel'nom processe. T. 2. Ch. 2. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy literaturovedenija. SPb.: Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburg. un-ta, 2008. S. 24-30.
  17. Evans E. Character, audience agency and transmedia storytelling//Media, Culture&Society. 2008. Vol.30. № 2. P. 197-213.
  18. Scolari C.A. Transmedia Storytelling: Implicit Consumers, Narrative Worlds, and Branding in Contemporary Media Production … P. 597.
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Ukraine, Kiev.
National Academy of Personnel Management / Center of Arts and Culture. Department of Theory and History of Culture.
PhD, Seigneur Lecturer.

Book and Media-text: Paradoxality of Succession

This article analyzes the specifics of a book, as a phenomenon of virtual reality in its correlation with media-text. The function of a book and media-text, as important remedies for a holistic worldview, are demonstrated in article. The comparative analysis of books and texts from the Internet, as regulators of the human psyche and existence, are proposed here.

Key words: book, media-text, Internet, holistic, worldview, existence


  1. Nosov M. I. Zamenit li Internet knigu?//
  2. Krasnaja kniga kul'tury./Sost., podgot. teksta, podbor i predisl. V. Rabinovicha. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1989. C. 189
  3. Savchuk V. V. Mediafilosofija: formirovanie discipliny//Mediafilosofija. Osnovnye problemy i ponjatija/Pod. Red. V. V. Savchuka. — SPb.: Sankt-Peterburgskoe Filosofskoe obwestvo, 2008. — S. 10.
  4. Lash S., C. Lury. Global Culture Industry. — Cambridge: Polity, 2007. — R. 7.
  5. Eko U. Chi pogline komp'juter knigu?//Knizhkova teka. — L'viv. — 1997. — 30 serp. — S. 4.
  6. Zubric'ka M. Homo legens: chitannja jak sociokul'turnij fenomen. — L'viv: „Litopis", 2004. — S. 316.
  7. «Jeto ub'et to»//
  8. Zavadskaja E. V. Japonskoe iskusstvo knigi (VII-XIX veka). — M.: «Kniga», 1986. — S. 201.
  9. Chernov A.Ju. Monogramma v rublevskoj «Troice»//Krasnaja kniga kul'tury./Sost. i predisl. V. Rabinovicha. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1989. — S. 380.
  10. Kaverin V. A. Bibliotechnyj rabotnik//Vechnye sputniki: Sovetskie pisateli o knige, chtenii, bibliofil'stve/Sost. A. V. Bljum. — M.: Kniga, 1983. — S. 170.
  11. Li Hant. Fragmenty jesse i statej//Korabli mysli. Zarubezhnye pisateli o knige, chtenii, bibliofilah. — M.: Kniga, 1980. — S. 122.
  12. Nod'e Sh. Biblioman//Nod'e Sh. Chitajte starye knigi. Novelly, stat'i, jesse o knigah, knizhnikah, chtenii. — M.: Kniga, 1989. — S. 48.
  13. D'jakov A. V. Gnosticizm i marginalizm: prodolzhenie tradicii ili parazitirovanie? // Zhurnal «Tochka perehoda» //
  14. Bodrijar Zh. Simvolichnij obmin i smert'. — L'viv: „Kal'varija", 2004. — S. 125.
  15. Klodel' P. Filosofija knigi//Chelovek chitajuwij. HOMO LEGENS. Pisateli HH v. o roli knigi v zhizni cheloveka i obwestva. — M.: Progress, 1983. — S. 160.
  16. Jeko U. Ot Interneta k Guttenbergu//
  17. Remizov M. Modernizacija protiv modernizacii//Sumerki globalizacii. Nastol'naja kniga antiglobalista: Sb. — M.: AST, 2004. — C. 204.
  18. Gesse G. Magija knigi//Gesse G. Pis'ma po krugu. — M.: Progress, 1987. — S. 185.
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Konstantin SHEVTSOV

St. Petersburg, Russia.
St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Philosophy.
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Fellow of the center of mediaphilosophy.

Mediaarhiv as a Form of Presence of the Past

The aim of the article is to demonstrate how the changes in leading forms of media are reflected in the concept of the “Past”, and dominated in the culture. The archive, as the medium of the past and different discourses legitimizing it, is chosen as the subject of analysis. The starting point is that, historically, only the media has been a favorite model for understanding memory and the nature of past memory, as it is intended to be understood. If an oral story makes the past dependent on the openness of the future, writing encloses any text within framework of a special medium (a wax tablet, scroll parchment, paper, book, etc.), thus forming the concept of a closed storehouse, outside both the present and the past. On the one hand, typography and modern audio and video media disperse the past in a stream of copying and retranslation; on the other hand, they reduce the past into a pure, negative force, full of gaps and violence.

Key words: media, archive, past, memory


  1. Danziger K. Marking the Mind: a history of memory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. P. 5-7
  2. Draaisma D. Metaphors of Memory: a history of ideas about the mind, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. P. 3-5.
  3. Assmann A. Canon and Archive//Media and Cultural Memory: Cultural Memory Studies: An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook. Berlin, DEU: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. P. 97-107.
  4. Levi-Stros K. Pervobytnoe myshlenie. M.: Respublika,1994. S. 128.
  5. Lotman Ju. M. Semiosfera. — S.-Peterburg: «Iskusstvo-SPB», 2000. S. 365.
  6. Lokk Dzh. Sochinenija v 3-h t.: T. 1. M.: Mysl'. 1985. S. 462.
  7. Casey E. S. Remembering: a phenomenological study (2nd edition), Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2000. P. 95.
  8. Jejts F. Iskusstvo pamjati. Fond podderzhki nauki i obrazovanija «Universitetskaja kniga». S-Pb. 1997. S. 78.
  9. Descartes R.; Gaukroger S. (Editor); Gaukroger S. (Translator). Descartes: The World And Other Writings. Port Chester, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1998. P. 150.
  10. 10. Kittler F. Opticheskie media: Berlinskie lekcii 1999 g./Per. s nem. O. Nikiforova i B. Skuratova. M.: Logos; Gnozis, 2009.
  11. Benn S. Odezhdy Klio. M.: "Kanon+", ROOI "Reabilitacija", 2011. S. 54.
  12. Fuko M. Slova i vewi. Arheologija gumanitarnyh nauk. M.: Progress, 1997. S. 466.
  13. Hacking, I. Rewriting the Soul: multiple personality and the sciences of memory, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995. P. 33.
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Alexandr LVOV

Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics. Associate professor, PhD.


Russia, Kursk.
Kursk State University. Associate professor, PhD.

The Morality of Material: Medialogical Reflection upon the Records

The article aims at providingthe mediological meaning of records. The dynamics of records is viewed with an emphasis on the material they were produced from (celluloid and vinyl gramophone records, CDs). In addition, the role of the music industry in the process of the restructured reading procedure is analyzed. Reading becomes reduced to playback. Temporal experience faces the problem of recorded time consumption. The authors coin a new phrase “plastinka”, taken from modern Russian melomaniac circles. “Plastinka” is a material disk form of a musical record, serving for listening and playback. Medialogically, “plastinka” limits communication and personal creativity, implies conformity, and causes deafness.

Key words: audio media, «plastinka», LP, CD, music lover, record collector, phonogram, phonotop, hearing, power


  1. Bodrijjar Zh. Rekviem po media//K kritike politicheskoj jekonomii znaka. M., 2004. S. 211.
  2. Makljujen M. Ponimanie media. M., 2007. S. 313.
  3. Apollonova L. P., Shumova N. D. Gramzapis' i ejo vosproizvedenie. M., 1973. S. 16.
  4. Regirer E. I. Jekonomika shellaka//Gramofonnaja plastinka. M., L., 1940. S. 410-411.
  5. Blansho M. Penie siren. Vstrecha s voobrazhaemym//Poslednij chelovek. SPb., 1997. S. 6.
  6. Rans'er Zh. Na kraju politicheskogo. M., 2006. S. 58.
  7. Debrje R. Vvedenie v mediologiju. M., 2009. S. 175.
  8. Mol' A. Teorija informacii i jesteticheskoe vosprijatie. M., 1966. S. 174.
  9. Attali J. Noise: The Political economy of Music. Manchester: Manchester univ. press, 1985. P. 95.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy. The center of mediaphilosophy. Researcher.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Researcher.

Machina ludens: The multiplicity of dimensions of new media

Subject of “new media” is extremely popular. Thinking about them are usually reduce to the Internet and its instrumental use, with a rare analysis of the reverse effects. In the article analyze main aspects of the definition of “new media”, meaning digital technology in an interconnected set of concrete implementation. “New Media” can not be reduced solely to the internet as a unity of form the set of game spaces, technical, social, political, psychological interaction with unpredictable effects.

Key words: new media, multi-dimensional media, the game, machine, instrument, V. Flusser


  1. Fljusser V. O proecirovanii./per. s nem.//Hora. Zhurnal sovremennoj zarubezhnoj filosofii i filosofskoj komparativistiki. — № 3/4, (9/10) — 2009. S. 72-73
  2. Manovich L. The Language of New Media. — The MIT Press, 2002. R. 49-65.
  3. Flusser V. Kommunikologie. — aufl.4 — Mannheim: Bollmann, 2007. S. 150-157.
  4. Fljusser V. Za filosofiju fotografii./Per. s nem. G. R. Hajdarovoj. — SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2007. S. 22-36.
  5. Bol'c N. Azbuka media./Per. s nem. — M.: Izd-vo «Evropa», 2011. S. 89-90.
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Cultural Experience


Austria, Innsbruck.
Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck. Pedagogical Institute.
Professor, climber.

Moments of Unfeasible Freedom

The author explores the state of base-jumpers, who execute their “flight” from buildings, antennas, spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs) (from which the acronym BASE derives), together with a video recording of the jump, as a media event. There are moral questions at stake here: What kind of freedom is this, really? How does it manifest itself? There are epistemological questions as well: How can one intuit the intense state of the jumpers? What is the method of capturing the jumpers’ feelings? The answers to these questions are based on the assumption that the body, with its ability to perceive, feel and remember, experiences this intensity. Therefore, the body becomes a subject and a method of analysis. The main goal of the article is to examine the role of the body in a media event, and to demonstrate the possibility of freedom inherent in such an action.

Key words: body, freedom, feeling, media event, extreme sport, basejumping


  1. Anker 1998, 5.
  2. Peskoller 19993a, 310ff.
  3. Peskoller 2003a, 2004 a, b, c i 2005a.
  4. Bacon Novum Organon I, 82 po Kambartel 1968, 78.
  5. Nietzsche Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne. 1980, Bd. 1, 882 nach Welsch 1993, 36
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Concepts of Culture

Alexander LYUSY

Russia, Moscow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Seniour Rearcher.
PhD in Cultural Science.

MEDIA JAZZ: About a Deconstruction of a Local Captivity and Medialization of Culture Texts

Parade of mental elite armies is spent in a media jazz genre. By means of consideration of interference of media and the literature on a material of some concrete products the media critical panorama of modern Russia is given. The special attention is given a captivity deconstruction as one of the basic motives of the Caucasian text of Russian culture.

Key words: revolt of elite, corporate space, a brand, the media critic, a media jazz, an information labyrinth


  1. Kuk F. Modern, postmodern i gorod//Logos. 200. № 3-4.
  2. Kljajn N. NO LOGO. Ljudi protiv brendov. M., 2008. S. 16.
  3. Kaganovich S. Kavkazskie plenniki v russkoj literature (Bibliotechka «Pervogo sentjabrja», serija «Literatura». Vyp. 27). S. 9-10.
  4. Polezhaev A. I. Stihotvorenija. M., 1981. S. 89.
  5. Plenniki nadezhdy. Povesti. M., 2008. S. 68.
  6. Pirogov L. Bud'te kak jeti, ili Grud' chetvertogo cheloveka//LG. 17.09.2008.
  7. Topol' Je. Roman o ljubvi i terrore. M., 2003. S. 198.
  8. Begbeder F. Windows in the World. M., 2010. S. 368-369.
  9. Sokolov G. Vihr' preispodnej (zdes' i dalee — rukopis').
  10. Nikiforov O. Dialektika mediaprosvewenija//Otechestvennye zapiski. 2003. № 4 (12). S. 57.
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Art Theory

Round Table: “Media and Contemporary Art”

This is an edited version of the audio record of the Round Table: “Media and Contemporary Art”, which took place on November 28, 2008. The Round Table was part of the 2nd Russian Congress for Cultural Research with international participation on the topic “Cultural Diversity: From the Past to the Future”.

Key words: media, contemporary art, techno-art, new technology, perception

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Russia, Moskow.
Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science
PhD, Scientific Secretary of the “Philosophical Journal”

The Dispersed Human

Among many articles that examine the media, this article seeks to describe anthroplological structures bound up with the “medial” and articulated by it, using concrete material as a base. Looking for the path between a cultural approach to media based on mathematical methodology and politicized media analysis on the terrrain of globalization, it pursues those modes of relation on the level of subjective perception, to which the media attracts attention. The focus then shifts from the (quasi)mechanical combination of media and the unification of its effects upon the frontier of subjectivity - a frontier which is always moving because of continuous shifting change processes of the “vision” itself. The simple fact that Andreas Gursky’s photography can be found among paintings of Altdorfer or Mondrian and NASA photography, illustrates the disorientation in defining the foundation of media works analysis. Vague and evasive terms like “reality”, “referent”, “imagery”, “event”, among others are being used to discuss the media in relation to the “shared”, “human”, “close”, “intensive”, and “multiple”.

Key words: medial, media compatebility, patterns, new forms of perception, subjectivity edges, multitude


  1. W.J.T.Mitchel. There are no visual media, in: Journal of Visual Culture August 2005 vol. 4.
  2. Sinkler I. Olimpijskoe «kidalovo». M.: proekt, 2010.
  3. Nancy J-L. La création du monde ou la mondialisation. Paris: Galilée, 2002
  4. Mar'on Zh.-L. Perekrest'ja vidimogo. M.: Progress-Tradicija, 2010.
  5. Aronson O., Petrovskaja E. Po tu storonu voobrazhenija. Nizhnij Novgorod. Privolzhskij filial GCSI, 2009, S. 15, 25.
  6. Mersch D. Medientheorien zur Einführung». Hamburg: Junius Verlag, 2006, S.82
  7. Horkhajmer M., Adorno T.V. Dialektika prosvewenija. Filosofskie fragmenty. M.-Spb., 1997. S. 149-209.
  8. The New Yorker. «Reality Clicks.» May 2002.
  9. Martynov V. Zona opus posth, ili Rozhdenie novoj real'nosti. Klassika XXI, 2011.
  10. Saltz J. It's boring at the top. The Art Review, May 2007.
  11. Tomkins, Calvin. The New Yorker. «The Big Picture.» January 2001.
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Book Reviews


Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy. The center of mediaphilosophy. Researcher.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Researcher.

Thinking Movies

This book review on film historian, Oksana Bulgakova, "Soviet sluhoglaz ..." analyzes the metamorphosis of Soviet cinema during the transition from the 1920s to the 1930s. The review discusses the program "medial anthropology." The media has enabled the organization of a new sensibility, a new way of thinking, and is transforming the world. Through this program, the media is not only used by us, but also uses us.

Key words: A. Bulgakov, film, body, feeling, thinking, media, medial anthropology, Dziga Vertov, Sergei Eisenstein.

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The Sixth Sense

This book review on "The feeling, the body movement”, discusses the disclosure of the mechanisms of interaction between emotion and the media.

Key words: body movement, the sense, emotion, media


  1. Vertov D. Stat'i. Dnevniki. Zamysly. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1966. S. 47
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Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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