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#3(20) 2015: History and Theory of Art Systems
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Topic of the Issue

Theory of Art


Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Russia
Ph.D, Professor

Key Concepts of Russian Byzantine Studies

The academic paper deals with the methodological challenge of the equivalent clue to understand Byzantium Сulture in Russian Byzantine studies over the past two decades. The author proposes the idea of "symphony concepts" of Byzantine culture: Truth, Beauty, Liturgy, asceticism, Philokalia, synergy, seeing it as a manifestation of "blossoming complexity" of Byzantium culture.

Key words: Byzantium, type of culture, modern Russian of Byzantine studies, the search range of adequate methodology, key “concepts”.


  • Savel'ev Ju.R. «Vizantijskij stil'» v arhitekture Rossii. Vtoraja polovina XIX- nachalo XX veka. – SPb.: «Liki Rossii»- «Proekt-2003», 2005
  • Basargina E.Ju. Russkij arheologicheskij institut v Konstantinopole: arhivnye fondy // Arhivy russkih vizantinistov v Sankt-Peterburge. – SPb.: Dmitrij Bulanin, 1995. – S.73-76
  • Grushevoj A.G. Imperatorskoe Palestinskoe obshhestvo (po peterburgskim arhivam) //Arhivy russkih vizantinistov… - S. 134-156.
  • Uspenskij F.I. Vizantinizm i ego kul'turnoe znachenie v istorii /Uspenskij F.I. Istorija Vizantijskoj imperii. IV-IX vv. M.: Mysl', 1996.
  • Kul'tura Vizantii. Otv. red. Z.V. Udal'cova, G.G. Litavrin. - M.: Nauka, 1984-1991.
  • Narochnickaja N.A. Rossija i russkie v mirovoj istorii. - M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2004.
  • Il'in I.A. Sozercajushhee serdce / Il'in I.A. Sushhnost' i svoeobrazie russkoj kul'tury // Moskva, 1996, fevral'.
  • Il'in N. N. Tragedija russkoj filosofii. – M.: Amfora, 2008
  • Kotel'nikova V.V. «Chto est' Istina?»: (Literaturnye versii kriticheskogo idealizma). – SPb: Izdatel'stvo «Pushkinskij Dom», 2009.
  • Kondakov N.P. «Osobym otdelom svoih vospominanij…» // Mir Kondakova: Publikacii. Stat'i. Katalog vystavki /Sost. I.V. Kyzlasova. – M.: Russkij put', 2004.
  • Losskij V.N. Ocherk misticheskogo bogoslovija Vostochnoj Cerkvi // Misticheskoe bogoslovie. – Kiev: Put' k Istine, 1991. – S.100-101.
  • Hvostova K.V. Vizantijskaja civilizacija kak istoricheskaja paradigma. – SPb.: Aletejja, 2009.
  • Hvostova K.V. Vizantizm «opravdanie zhizni» (problema vizantijskoj civilizacii) // Vizantijskij vremennik. – M., 1998. – T.55(80).
  • Lidov A.M. Ierotopija. Prostranstvennye ikony i obrazy-paradigmy v vizantijskoj kul'ture. – M.: Feorija, 2009.
  • Alekseev S.V. Obraz, voplotivshij slovo. - SPb.: Satis.
  • Kolesov V.V. Filosofija russkogo slova. – SPb., 2002
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Nikolay IVANOV

St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, Russia
PhD., Lecturer

Hermeneutics of Ornament: New Methodological Approaches

Ornament is a model of a social and cosmological reality. Is shows the world models that are typical for a certain culture. It is a medium between man and world. It organizes an influence on a reality through the typical patterns and compositions. As a result a synthetic image appears. It combines different means from different forms of art that express diversity, dynamics and movements ofthe real world.

Key words: Ornament, pattern, image of the world, art form, cultural model.


  • Kosmenko A. P. Tradicionnyj ornament finnojazychnyh narodov severo-zapadnoj Rossii. – Petrozavodsk, 2002.
  • Ryzhakova S. I. Jazyk ornamenta v latyshskoj kul'ture. – M., 2002.
  • Ryndina O. M. Ornament. Ocherki kul'turogeneza narodov Zapadnoj Sibiri. – Tomsk, 1995.
  • Vagner G. K. Sud'ba obrazov zverinogo stilja v drevnerusskom iskusstve. //Skifo-sibirskij zverinyj stil' v iskusstve narodov Evrazii. – M., 1976. – S. 250- 257.
  • Korenjako V. A. Iskusstvo narodov Central'noj Azii i zverinyj stil'. – M., 2002.
  • Ivanova I.Ju. Obraz v iskusstve ornamenta. – M, 2004.
  • Ivanov S.V. Ornament narodov Sibiri kak istoricheskij istochnik (po materialam XIX – nachala HH v.). – M.-L., 1963.
  • Dal' V. I. Tolkovyj slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka. T. 2. – M., 1955.
  • Ornament // Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauza i Efrona. T. 43. – SPb., 1897. – S. 173-176.
  • Filippov A. V. Postroenie ornamenta s bol'shim chislom variantov. – M., 1937.
  • Maslova G. S. Ornament russkoj narodnoj vyshivki kak istoriko-jetnograficheskij istochnik. – M., 1978.
  • Kokorina Ju. G., Lihter Ju. A. Morfologija dekora. – M., 2007.
  • Sjazi A. M. Ornament i veshh' v kul'ture hantov Nizhnego Priob'ja. – Tomsk, 2000.
  • Vlasov V. G. Novyj jenciklopedicheskij slovar' izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva. – T. VI. SPb., 2007.
  • Kosmenko A. P. Tradicionnyj ornament finnojazychnyh narodov severo-zapadnoj Rossii. – Petrozavodsk, 2002.
  • Alekseev S. Arhitekturnyj ornament. – M., 1954.
  • Klejn L. S. Arheologicheskaja tipologija. – L., 1991.
  • Dzhangushin R. Novatorstvo kak tradicija. – Alma-Ata, 1982.
  • Rice P. M. Pottery Analysis. A sourcebook. – Chicago, London, 1991.
  • Marr N. Ja. Voprosy jazyka v osveshhenii jafeticheskoj teorii. – L., 1933.
  • Foss M. E. Drevnejshaja istorija Severa evropejskoj chasti SSSR. // Materialy i issledovanija po arheologii SSSR. 1952. # 29.
  • Chernecov V. N. K istorii rodovogo stroja u obskih ugrov. //Sovetskaja jetnografija. – 1947. VI-VII. – S. 159-183.
  • Gribova L. S. Dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo narodov komi. – M., 1980.
  • Volkov N. N. Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo saamov. //Narodnoe tvorchestvo. – 1939. # 3.
  • Bogatyrev P. G. Voprosy teorii narodnogo iskusstva. – M., 1971.
  • Maslova G. S. Narodnaja odezhda v vostochnoslavjanskih tradicionnyh obychajah i obrjadah. XIX – nachalo XX vv. – M., 1989
  • Shangina I. I. K voprosu o perezhitkah drevnih verovanij v bytu russkih krest'jan XIX v. // Jetnografija narodov Vostochnoj Evropy. – L., 1977. – S. 118-124
  • Ivanov V. V., Toporov V. N. Strukturno-tipologicheskij podhod k semanticheskoj interpretacii proizvedenij izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva. / Trudy po znakovym sistemam. K 70-letiju akademika D. S. Lihacheva. – Tartu, 1977. – S. 103-119.
  • Meletinskij E. M. Pojetika mifa. – M., 1976.
  • Bakanidze M. I. Dialektika processa umozakljuchenija. / Problemy logiki i dialektiki poznanija. – Alma-Ata, 1963. – S. 298-299
  • Hodder J. Reading the past. Current approaches interpretation in archaeology. – Cambridge, 1991; Shanks M., Tilley C. Re-constructing archaeology. – London, NY., 1994.
  • Ivanov S. V. Materialy po izobrazitel'nomu iskusstvu narodov Sibiri XIX nachala HH v. – M.– L., 1954.
  • Golan A. Mif i simvol. – M., 1993.
  • Chervonnaja S. M. Sovremennoe islamskoe iskusstvo narodov Rossii. – M.: Progress-Tradicija, 2008.
  • Ivanov S. V. Materialy po izobrazitel'nomu iskusstvu narodov Sibiri XIX nachala HH v. – M.– L., 1954.
  • Krichevskij E. Ju. Ornamentacija glinjanyh sosudov u zemledel'cheskih plemen neoliticheskoj Evropy // Uchenye zapiski LGU. – 1949, # 85.
  • Gol'msten V. V. Ornamentacija keramiki rodovogo obshhestva juga SSSR // Trudy otdela istorii i pervobytnoj kul'tury Gos. Jermitazha. – 1941. T. 1.
  • Chernecov V. N. K voprosu o meste i vremeni formirovanija finno-ugorskoj jetnicheskoj gruppy // Tez. dokladov i vystuplenij IIMK, podgotovlennyh k soveshhaniju po metodologii jetnogeneticheskih issledovanij. – M., 1951. – S. 24-29
  • Shhedrina G. K. Iskusstvo kak jetnokul'turnoe javlenie / Narodnoe prikladnoe iskusstvo. Aktual'nye voprosy istorii i razvitija. – Riga, 1989.
  • Mongajt A. L. Arheologija Zapadnoj Evropy. Kamennyj vek. – M., 1973.
  • Bajburin A. K. Semioticheskie aspekty funkcionirovanija veshhej. /V sb. Jetnograficheskoe izuchenie znakovyh sredstv kul'tury. – 1989.
  • Levi-Brjul'. Sverhestestvennoe v pervobytnom myshlenii. – L.-M., 1937.
  • Ivanov S. V. Kirgizskij ornament kak jetnograficheskij istochnik // Tr. Kirgizskoj arheologo-jetnograficheskoj jekspedicii. Vyp. 3. Frunze, 1959.
  • Stasov V. V. Russkij narodnyj ornament. – Vyp. 1. SPb., 1872.
  • Korenjako V. A. Iskusstvo narodov Central'noj Azii i zverinyj stil'. – M., 2002.
  • Gol'msten V.V. Hronologicheskoe znachenie jevoljucii drevnih form.– Samara, 1923.
  • Haruzina V. N. Jetnografija. T. 1. – M., 1909.
  • Montandon G. La civilization ainou. – Paris, 1937.
  • Florenskij P. A. Analiz prostranstvennosti i vremeni v hudozhestvenno-izobrazitel'nyh proizvedenijah. – M., 2000.
  • Kagan M. S. O sushhnosti i specifike prikladnogo iskusstva //Iskusstvo. 1956, #1.
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Natalia POPOVA

Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Russia

Henri Bergson’s Theory of Creativity and Work De Stijl Group

The article shows the role of intuition and creativity in formation of specific style of De Stijl Group in Holland. The author examines Henri Bergson’s futuristic theory of creativity to discover the main features of the new type of artist emerging in that period. The role of the social context in this process is also shown.

Key words: creativity, Henri Bergson, artwork, De Stijl.


  • Arkad'ev M. Kreativnoe vremja, «arhepis'mo» i opyt Nichto // Logos. 1995. - #6. – S. 164-178.
  • Bergson A. Tvorcheskaja jevoljucija. Sobranie sochinenij. – M.: Moskovskij klub, 1992. - 477s.
  • Vagin Ju Kreativnye i primitivnye. Osnovy ontogeneticheskoj personalii i psihopatologii. – Perm': Russkij gumanitarnyj Internet universitet, 2002. – 350s.
  • Kasavin I.T. Migracija. Kreativnost'. Tekst. Problemy neklassicheskoj teorii poznanija. – SPb.: RHGI, 1998. – 408s.
  • Krasheninnikova N.L. Sovremennaja arhitektura Niderlandov. – M.: Strojizdat, 1971. – 128 s.
  • Ikonnikov A.V. Arhitektura HH veka. Utopii i real'nost'. V 2 t. T. 1. – M.: Progress-tradicija, 2001. – 655 s.
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Russian State Institute of Cinematography Named by S.A. Gerasimov, Moscow, Russia
Department of Aesthetics, History and Theory of Culture, Professor, Doctor of Science in Philology

Mozart and Salieri: Organized Simplification of Culture

The use ofartistic creativity for theservice of the ruling elite or for the achievement of any aims out of aesthetics always leads to simplification of culture and to decreasing of human type as a result.
This universal rule was verified in Russia after 1917 when it was declared that all art before the revolution was a product of the bourgeois society and psychological inequality of people. In communism all people are equal and art should express this equality.

Key words: culture, creativity, aesthetics, simplification, human being, genius, physiology, metaphor.


  • Aseev N. Sobranie sochinenij v pjati tomah. «Hudozhestvennaja literatura», M., 1964, t. 5
  • Berberova Nina. Zheleznaja zhenshhina. M., «Knizhnaja palata», 1991.
  • Dostoevskij F.M. Sobranie sochinenij v pjatnadcati tomah. T. 7. L. «Nauka», 1990.
  • Gudkova Violetta. Rozhdenie sovetskih sjuzhetov: tipologija otechestvennoj dramy 1920-h-nachala 1930-h godov. M., NLO, 2008.
  • Protiv burzhuaznogo liberalizma v hudozhestvennoj literature. M., 1931.
  • Gan Aleksej. Konstruktivizm. «Tvorcheskoe izdatel'stvo», 1922.
  • Grjadushhee, 1918, # 2.
  • Biblioteka russkoj kritiki. Kritika 1917-1932 godov. AST. M., 2003.
  • Levin E. Jekranizacija: istorizm, mifografija. - Jekrannye iskusstva i literatura. M., «Nauka», 1994.
  • Nikolaj Jerdman. P'esy. Intermedii. Pis'ma. Dokumenty. Vospominanija sovremennikov. M., «Iskusstvo», 1990.
  • Rahmaninov S.V. Literaturnoe nasledstvo. T. 1, M., 1976.
  • Korolenko Vladimir. Dnevnik 1917-1921. Pis'ma. M. «Sovetskij pisatel'», 2001.
  • Ortega-i-Gasset H. Jestetika. Filosofija kul'tury. M. Iskusstvo. 1991.
  • Dostoevskij F.M. Dnevnik pisatelja, 1876. – Sobranie sochinenij v pjatnadcati tomah. T. 13. SPb, «Nauka», 1994.
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Ilya Repin St. Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Russian Academy of Arts, Russia
The Dean of the Faculty of the Theory and History of Arts, Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Department of the Theory and History of Arts.

Critique Activities of Artists as Creative and Textual Basis of the Russian Avant-garde

The article discusses the critiquework of Russian artists as representatives of avant-garde art. In twentieth-century art the artist becomes not only the Creator of an artwork, but also the author of theoretical-based manifest. It created textual basisof the Russian Avant-garde. It was extremely important not only as a reflection on the works of art but also as a mode of "fitting" them into an art context.

Key words: The Russian Avant-garde, the art critique; the art theory, the critique essay, the art of the twentieth century, V. Kandinsky, K. Malevich; D. Burliuk.


  • Berdjaev N. Krizis iskusstva. (Reprintnoe izdanie). - M.: SP Interprint, 1990. – 48c.
  • Burljuk N., D.Burljuk. Ego tvorchestvo // Sojuz molodezhi. SPb., 1913. – 82 s.
  • David Burljuk. 1882-1967. Vystavka proizvedenij iz GRM, muzeev i chastnyh kollekcij Rossii, SShA, Germanii. SPb.: Palace Edition, 1995. – 128 s.
  • Kandinskij V. O duhovnom v iskusstve. M.: Arhimed, 1992. – 107 s.
  • Kandinskij V. Izbrannye trudy po teorii iskusstva. T.1. 1901-1914. M.: Gileja, 2001. – 429 s.
  • Kandinskij V. Kritika kritikov // V.Kandinskij Izbrannye trudy po teorii iskusstva. T.1. 1901-1914. M.: Gileja, 2001. – S.377-390.
  • Kandinskij V. Tochka i linija na ploskosti. SPb.: Azbuka, 2005 – 232 s.
  • Kljun I.V. Moj put' v iskusstve. Vospominanija, stat'i, dnevniki. M.: «RA», 1999. – 560 s.
  • Kovtun E. Pavel Filonov i ego dnevnik // Pavel Filonov Dnevniki. SPb.: Azbuka, 2001. – 672 s.
  • Koldobskaja M. Zhivopis' i politika. Prikljuchenija abstrakcionistov, v tom chisle v Rossii // Kosmopolis. 2003. #2. – S.19-22
  • Larionov M. Luchistaja zhivopis' // Oslinyj hvost i Mishen'. M., 1913. – 153 s.
  • Livshic B. Polutoraglazyj strelec. L.: Sovetskij pisatel', 1989. – 720 s.
  • Malevich K. O teorii pribavochnogo jelementa v zhivopisi. Predislovie E.Kovtuna. // Dekorativnoe iskusstvo SSSR. 1988. #11. – S.33-35.
  • Poljakov V. Knigi russkogo futurizma. – M.: Gileja, 1998. – 303 s.
  • Sarab'janov D., Shatskih A. Kazimir Malevich. – M.: Iskusstvo, 1993. – 414 s.
  • Sarab'janov D.V., Turchin V.S. Predislovie // V.V.Kandinskij Izbrannye trudy po teorii iskusstva. T.1. 1901-1914. M.: Gileja, 2001. – 429 s.
  • Sinij vsadnik. Pod red. V.Kandinskogo i F.Marka. Perevod, kommentarii i stat'i Z.S.Pyshnovskoj. – M.: Izobraz. Iskusstvo, 1996. – 192 s.
  • Filonov P.N. Katalog vystavki. L.: Avrora, 1988. – 112 s.
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Kemerovo State University, Russia
Associate Professor, PhD

Transformation of the Aphorism Genre in German Modern Linguistic Culture

Nowadays the aphorism genre becomes quite popular in German culture. Special sites for aphorisms made by different people exist and develop. This kind of activity has the special title Aphoristiker. The reason for this rise is the intention to discover the social problems in ironical and philosophical manner. The aphorism reflects not only the personal point of view but also the collective one. It makes this genre the important kind of cultural mirror that helps to understand the current state of German culture.

Key words: aphorism, genre, German, culture, reader.


  • Fedorenko N.T., Sokol'skaja L.I. Aforistika. – M.: Nauka, 1990.
  • Karasik V.I. Jazykovoj krug: lichnost', koncepty, diskurs. – Volgograd: Peremena, 2002. – 477 s.
  • Ivin A.A. Vvedenie v filosofiju istorii. – M.: VLADOS, 1997.
  • Vereshhagin E.M., Kostomarov V.G. Jazyk i kul'tura: lingvostranovedenie i prepodavanie russkogo jazyka kak inostrannogo. – M.: Russkij jazyk, 1990.
  • Tarlanov Z.K. Russkie poslovicy: sintaksis i pojetika. – Petrozavodsk, 1999.
  • Telija V.N. Russkaja frazeologija. Semanticheskij, pragmaticheskij i lingvokul'turologicheskij aspekty. – M., 1996.
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Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art


Astrakhan State Conservatory, Russia
Vice-Rector for Science, Chairholder of Theory and History of Music
Doctor of Arts, Professor

Musical-Scenic Ideas of the Early XX-th Century Art Culture

The objective of the article is the consideration of music and painting of the late XIX-th – early XX-th centuries as kinds of arts, the interaction of which is characterized by high semiotics value. The subject of the investigation is the creative work of the composers of early XX-th century Schőnberg, Scriabin and Roslavets. The introduction of color converts the musical compositions into a complicated text, which informative system is constructed with help of extra-musical factors. The methodological basis of the investigation is the works on semiology, art-criticism and musicology.

Key words: Semiology, musical text, musical code, painting code, Schőnberg, Scriabin, Roslavets.


  • Demchenko A. Kartina mira v muzykal'nom iskusstve Rossii nachala HH veka. – M.: Kompozitor, 2006. – 264 s.
  • Turchin V. Po labirintam avangarda. – M.: Izdatel'stvo MGU, 1993. – 248 s.
  • Nekljudova M. Tradicii i novatorstvo v russkom iskusstve konca XIX - nachala HH veka. – M.: Iskusstvo, 1991. – 396 s.
  • Kandinskij V. O duhovnom v iskusstve. – M.: Arhimed, 1992. – 109 s.
  • Koljadenko N. Sinestetichnost' muzykal'no-hudozhestvennogo soznanija: avtoref. dis. … dokt. iskusstvovedenija: 17.00.02. – Novosibirsk, 2006. – 47 s.
  • Kudrjashov Ju. «Uchenie o tropah» J.M. Haujera // Problemy muzykal'noj nauki. Vyp.5. – M.: Muzyka, 1983. – S. 224-255.
  • Lotman Ju. K postroeniju teorii vzaimodejstvija kul'tur // Semiosfera. – SPb: «Iskusstvo — SPB», 2004. – S. 603-613.
  • Bagirova L. Kul'turologicheskie i psihosemioticheskie aspekty muzykal'noj sinopsii: avtoref. dis. … kand. iskusstvovedenija: 17.00.02. – Saratov, 2002. – 20 s.
  • Kudrjashov A. Teorija muzykal'nogo soderzhanija. Hudozhestvennye idei evropejskoj muzyki XVII–XX v.v. – M.: Lan', 2006. – 432 s.
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Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Head of the Dept. of Cross-Cultural Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Professor

The Ethnocultural Factor in the Art of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century

Consolidation of ethnicity as a factor in contemporary cultural and aesthetic areas of social life demands serious critical attention. Here we have singled out a model geographically including both of the Americas, Africa, Pacifica, Siberia and some others. Therefore, in the system of contemporary arts it seems appropriate to take into account three main aesthetic trends: mass culture, elite culture (represented by post-modernism), and ethnic culture, each of which possesses its own aesthetic characteristics.

Key words: ethnic arts, ethnic literatures, identity, globalization, post-modernism, traditional culture, civilization.


  • Ajpin E.D. Hanty, ili Zvezda Utrennej Zari. M, molodaja Gvardija, 1992
  • Larson Charles. The Novel in the Third World. Washington D.C., Inscape Publishers, 1976.
  • Vashhenko A., Vojna cennostej: civilizacija protiv kul'tury. // Kartiny mira i obrazy nasilija» Otv. red. A. Jastrebov. M., Izd-vo «GITIS», 2006, ss.153-175.
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Oksana MOROZ

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
Department of History and Theory of Culture, Associate Professor, PhD in Cultural Studies

Culturological Projects of Modern Literature: Two Waves of Russian Postmodern Literature

This article examines specifics of Russian postmodern literature of 1970-1980s. The author draws attention to the key writers` works, which are considered to compose a literature archive of the first two generations of Russian post-modernists. The main aim is to demonstrate the strategies of defamiliarization of reality. The author manages to reveal a number of Russian postmodern literature`s features, which allow nowadays to speak about the social responsibility of the authors` community and about the role played by such literature in the development of social and cultural reality.

Key words: Russian literature, everyday life, postmodernism, post-structuralism, deconstruction.


  • Skoropanova I. S. Russkaja postmodernistskaja literatura. M. : Flinta : Nauka, 2007.
  • Kondakov I. V. Po tu storonu slova (Krizis literaturocentrizma v Rossii XX-XXI vekov) // Voprosy literatury. 2008. # 5. URL: // (data obrashhenija: 13.07.2010)
  • Vodka, krov' i «Saharnyj Kreml'». Interv'ju B. Sokolova s V. Sorokinym // Grani.Ru. 16.04.2008. URL: // (data obrashhenija 13.07.2010)
  • Sokolov B. Moja kniga o Vladimire Sorokine. M. : AIRO, 2005.
  • Kerimov T. H. Dekonstrukcija // Sovremennyj filosofskij slovar'. M.; Bishkek; Ekaterinburg : Odissej, 1996.
  • Berdjaev N. A. Istoki i smysl russkogo kommunizma. M. : Nauka, 1990. 224 s.
  • Genis A. Postmodernizm: pobeda razuma nad sarsaparilloj // Dzen futbola i drugie istorii. M. : AST : Astrel', 2008.
  • Lakan Zh. Imena-Otca. M. : Gnozis : Logos, 2006.
  • Smirnov I. Socrealizm: antropologicheskoe izmerenie // Socrealisticheskij kanon : Sb. statej. SPb. : Akademicheskij proekt, 2000.
  • Klark K. Polozhitel'nyj geroj kak verbal'naja ikona // Socrealisticheskij kanon : Sb. statej. SPb. : Akademicheskij proekt, 2000.
  • Panchenko A. M. Jurodivye na Rusi // Russkaja istorija i kul'tura: Raboty raznyh let. SPb. : Juna, 1999.
  • Lihachev D. S. , Panchenko A. M., Ponyrko N. V. Smeh v Drevnej Rusi. L. : Nauka, 1984.
  • Babenko N. G. Jazyk i pojetika russkoj prozy v jepohu postmoderna. M. : knizhnyj dom «LIBROKOM», 2010.
  • Erofeev V. V. Iz zapisnyh knizhek // Sobr. soch.: v 2 t. M. : Vagrius, 2007. T. 2.
  • Ryklin M. Svoboda i zapret. Kul'tura v jepohu terrora. M. : Logos, Progress-Tradicija, 2008.
  • Erofeev V. V. Interv'ju // Cit. izd. T. 2.
  • Erofeev V. V. Moskva-Petushki // Cit. izd. T. 1.
  • Olport G. Stanovlenie lichnosti. M. : Smysl, 2002.
  • Erofeev V. V. Moja malen'kaja leniniana // Cit. izd. T. 2.
  • Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Anti-Jedip. Kapitalizm i shizofrenija. Ekaterinburg : U-Faktorija, 2008.
  • Man'kovskaja N. B. «Parizh so zmejami» (Vvedenie v jestetiku postmodernizma). M. : IFRAN, 1995.
  • Zejgarnik B. V. Patopsihologija. Osnovy klinicheskoj diagnostiki i praktiki. M. : Jeksmo, 2008.
  • Zhizhek S. Kukla i karlik. M. : Evropa, 2009.
  • Lipoveckij M. Russkij postmodernizm. (Ocherki istoricheskoj pojetiki). Ekaterinburg : Ural. gos. ped. un-t, 1997.
  • Sorokin V. Utro snajpera // Utro snajpera. M. : Ad Marginem, 2002. S. 37-43.
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Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, Russia
Head of the Humanities Department, PhD, Associate Professor

The Strategies of Destroy as a Creative Activity in Art

The destruction of aesthetic restriction became the characteristic feature of art in the second half of the XX century. Arts started to break their aesthetic borders actively. Thereby it turned into creativity of deconstruction borders between art and life. In this article the strategies of border destruction used in the theory and practice of anti-art are investigated.

Key words: anti-art, anti-aesthetics, not art, aesthetic restriction, art borders, total art, silence, authorship, art communication.


  • Andreeva E.Ju. Postmodernizm: Iskusstvo vtoroj poloviny HH – nachala HHI veka. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2007. 488 s.
  • Apinjan T.A. Igra v prostranstve ser'joznogo: Igra, mif, ritual, son, iskusstvo i drugie. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2003. 400 s.
  • Dianova V. M. Postmodernistskaja situacija v kul'ture XX veka // Filosofija kul'tury: Stanovlenie i razvitie. / Pod red. M. S. Kagana. SPb.: Lan', 1998. S. 351- 362.
  • Dubinec E. A. Tvorchestvo skvoz' prizmu notacii // Muzykal'naja akademija. 1997. # 2. S. 191-201.
  • Izvekov A. I. Problema lichnosti postmoderna: Krizis kul'turnoj identifikacii. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2008. 244 s.
  • Il'in I.P. Postmodernizm: Slovar' terminov. M.: Intrada, 2001. 384 s.
  • Kejdzh D. Budushhee muzyki: Credo // Muzykal'naja akademija. 1997. # 2. S. 210-211.
  • Leksikon nonklassiki: Hudozhestvenno-jesteticheskaja kul'tura HH veka / Pod red. V.V. Bychkova. M.: ROSSPJeN, 2003. 607 s.
  • Modernizm: Analiz i kritika osnovnyh napravlenij / Pod red. V.V.Vanslova. M.: Iskusstvo, 1973. 280 s.
  • Orlova E. V. Foto- i videotehnologii v tvorchestve hudozhnikov gruppy «Fljuksus» // Germanija. HH vek: Modernizm. Avangard. Postmodernizm. M.: ROSSPJeN, 2008. S. 368- 385.
  • Pereverzeva M.V. Novejshaja polifonija Dzhona Kejdzha // Ot Gvido do Kejdzha: Polifonicheskie chtenija / Red.-sost. N.I. Tarasevich. M.: TS-Prima, 2006. S. 261- 282.
  • Tereshhenko N.A., Shatunova T.M. Postmodern kak situacija filosofstvovanija. SPb.: Aletejja, 2003. 192 s.
  • Turchin V.S. Po labirintam avangarda. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1993. 248 s.
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Academy of Media Industry, Moscow, Russia
Vice-Principal, Doctor of Science in Philosophy

Creativity, Art-Management and Problems of Art Theory

Art of the modernity, modernism and contemporary art are all committed to a single line of development. Author distinguishes between “Modernity” and “Modernism” (modernist art). Art of the modernity stands for a socio-cultural environment which produced a new esthetic paradigm of “modernism” at the turn of the XXth century. The modernist art introduced a new pattern of esthetic perception with a role of an intermediary as its distinctive feature. Modernist principles and approaches are what the certain art-management methods can be traced back to.

Key words: art theory, aesthetic perception, J. Habermas, modernism, art-management.


  • Habermas J. Moderne und postmoderne Architektur // Wege aus der Moderne. Schlusseltexte der Postmoderne-Diskussion / Hrsg. von W. Welsch. 2 Aufl. Berlin, 1994. – S.110-120
  • Bogatyrjova E.A. Dramy dialogizma: M.M. Bahtin i hudozhestvennaja kul'tura HH veka. M., 1996
  • Fuko M. Slova i veshhi. Arheologija gumanitarnyh nauk. – Spb.,1994
  • Hardzhiev N. K istorii russkogo avangarda. Stokgol'm, 1976
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Baltic International Academy, Latvia, Riga
Associate professor, Ph.D.

Performance and Artwork in Contemporary Culture

The revelation and figuration of creative potential is an inherent part of any culture. The variety of cultures provides evidence that creativity can take various directions and receive various shapes. Transformations that take place in contemporary art manifest themselves primarily in performances. It is in the performance that artistic and non-artistic realities merge, which is an importantcharacteristic of contemporary art.

Key words: contemporary art, creativity, performances, culture.


  • Fabian J. Power and Performance. Madison,Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1990
  • Schechner R. Performance Theory.London, New York: Routledge, 1988.
  • Platon. Ion, 534 v s [ Sobr. Soch.: V 4-h t. T.2. M.: Mysl', 1992.
  • Jung K.G. Psihologija i pojeticheskoe tvorchestvo. V kn.: K.G.Jung. Fenomen duha v iskusstve i nauke. M.: Renessans, 1992
  • Breton A. Javlenie mediumov. V kn.: Antologija francuzskogo sjurrealizma. M.: Gitis, 1994
  • Aristotel'. Metafizika, VII, 8 (1034a) [ Sochinenija: V 4-h t. T1. M.: Mysl',1976
  • Vazari Dzh. Zhizneopisanija naibolee znamenityh zhivopiscev, vajatelej i zodchih. M.: Nauka, 1991.
  • Luman N. Real'nost' massmedia. M.: Praksis, 2005
  • Matule Z. Performance Latvija 1963-2009. Riga: Neputns, 2009
  • Luhman N. Die Kunst der Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1997.
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Ilya Repin St. Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Russian Academy of Arts, Russia
Associate Professor, PhD in Art History

Modern Art. Cry of Disobedience and Laughter of Despair?

The twentieth century had condemned itself to live by the rules of the progressive expansion of all spheres of human life and the planet became a hostage of the experiment, in which at the end of century, it almost lost its influence and turned from cheerful experimenter into the test subject. Culture growth occurs as long as the a chain of "challenge - response". When adequate response is not possible comes a “civilizational breakdown”, leading to a "spiritual gravity flow". Then spiritual reorganization becomes necessary. It should give answers in a new series of creative acts. Only in this way a chance to restart can appear. Art plays a significant role in that process of initiation.

Key words: Contemporary art, artist-audience, function view, sensory experience, experimentation, intuition, modernism, postmodernism, citation, plagiarism, parody, cybernetics, death, laughter, despair, inspiration.


  • Sloterdajk P. Sfery t 2., Nauka SPb, 2007.
  • Makljujen M. Ponimanie MEDIA Giperboreja. Kuchkovo pole. -M., 2007
  • «Budushhee v nastojashhem»… // 12 ezhegodnaja mezhdunarodnaja konferencija «EVA- 2009». Sb.dokladov.- 2009. – S.230- 238.
  • Podoroga V. Chislo massa. S.Jejzenshtejn i teorija pafosa// Sovetskaja vlast' i media, Akdemicheskij proekt, -SPb, 2006
  • Zedl'majer H. Utrata serediny, izdatel'skij dom «Territorija budushhego», progress-tradicija, -M., 2008.
  • Ossip Mandelstam Gesprach under Dante Gustav Kiepenheuer Verlag Leipzig und Weimar, c.34, 1984
  • Jakimovich A. Polety nad bezdnoj . Iskusstvo, kul'tura, kartina mira 1930- 1990.Iskusstvo –HHI vek., 2009.
  • D'jakova T. Ontologicheskie kontury pejzazha. Opyt smyslovogo stranstvija, izd. Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2004.
  • Sloterdajk P. Kritika cinicheskogo razuma, Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo universiteta, -Ekaterinburg, 2001.
  • Gibson Dzh.Jekologicheskij podhod k zritel'nomu vosprjatiju.- M., Progress, 1988.
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К проблеме наездницы русского постмодернизма

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Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь...
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Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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