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# 3 (28) 2017: Sound in Culture: New Approaches to Sound Studies |
Topic of the Issue
Svetlana LAVROVA
Vaganova Ballet Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia Doctor of Science (in Art Studies), Vice-Rector for Research and Development
The Entropy of Absence and Harmony of Noise in Peter Ablinger's Creative Concept
The article is devoted to new technologies, which have been actively developed in the music of post-serialism in close interaction with the art of the New Media. In the center of analysis is the work of the composer Peter Ablinger and his innovative ideas. The relationship between noise and cultivated sound, differentiated silence and white noise is analyzed. The basis of P. Abinger's creative method is the interaction of various noises with spatial structure, spectral modeling / transcription and with the perception of sound itself. The conclusion from the conducted research is the appeal of the modern composer to the individual listening experience, where art gives rise to the interaction of sound and recipient.
Key words: new media art, post-serialism music, Peter Ablinger, white noise, phonorealism, sound-art.
- Adorno Teodor V. Esteticheskaya teoriya. M. : Respublika, 2001. 526 s.
- Bart R. Ot proizvedeniya k tekstu // Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika: Poetika: Per. s fr. / Sost., obshch. red. i vstup. st. G. K. Kosikova. M.: Progress, 1989. S.413-423.
- Keydzh Dzh. Tishina. Lektsii i stat'i. Vologda: Biblioteka moskovskogo kontseptualista Germana Titova, 2012. 384 s.
- Lavrova S.V. Akusticheskaya fotografiya i «loop»-estetika. Nasledie printsipov eksperimental'nogo kino v novoy muzyke// Vestnik Akademii russkogo baleta im. A.Ya. Vaganovoy. 2016. № 3 (44). S. 218-227.
- Men'shikov L.A. Dzen i teoriya total'nogo iskusstva: o nekotorykh sovpadeniyakh v estetike moderna i postmoderna // Arkhitektonika sovremennogo iskusstva: Ot moderna k postmodernu / Akademiya Russkogo baleta imeni A.Ya. Vaganovoy. SPb., 2015. S. 64-75.
- Men'shikov L.A. Partitury i instruktsii v sisteme zhanrov sovremennogo iskusstva // Vestnik Akademii russkogo baleta im. A.Ya. Vaganovoy. 2015. № 5 (40). S. 216- 226.
- Ablinger P. “Black Square and Bottle Rack: Noise and Noises,” in Noise in and as Music/ eds. Aaron Cassidy & Aaron Einbond. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press, 2013. 229 r.
- Ablinger P. “The sounds do not interest me”, interview with Trond Olav Reinholdtsen in Parergon // Musiktexte, No.111 (Cologne, 2006). URL: (data obrashcheniya 10.08.2017)
- Ablinger P. Cézanne and Music (script for a lecture given by Peter Ablinger in 2013. URL: (data obrashcheniya 20.08.2017)
- Ablinger P. Interview mit Fragen des Komponisten Trond Olav Reinholdtsen, erschienen auf norwegisch in der Musikzeitschrift "Parergon" anläßlich des Festivals "Happy Days", Oslo, April 2005. URL: (data obrashcheniya 20.08.2017)
- Ablinger P. Sehen und hören / Musik ohne Klänge URL: (data obrashcheniya 20.08.2017)
- Billone P. Lecture Harvard, Cambridge Columbia University, New York: 2010//[Pierluigi Billone composer’s website] Rezhim dostupa: URL: (data obrashcheniya 10.01.16).
- Chechile A. Creating spatial deph using distortion product optoacoustic emissions in music composition// The 21st International Conference on Auditory Display .ICAD-2015. 8-10.07. 2015 Graz. Austria.
- Emmerson S. The language of electroacoustic music. London, MacMillan Press, 1986.231 p.
- Luhmann N. Die Kunst der Gesellschaft. Fr. a. Main: Suhrkamp. 1995. 517 s.
- Peter Ablinger, "Set-up explanations, performance instructions, and about how to play Voices and Piano," (2011): (data obrashcheniya 10.08.2017)
- Russolo L. The Art of Noise Futurist manifesto 1913. New York: A Great Bear Pamphlet Else Pres, 1967. 16 p.
- Smalley D. Spectromorphology: Explaining sound-shapes, Organised Sound / Dennis Smalley. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Vol. 2, no. 2. pp. 107– 126.
- Wishart T. On Sonic Art. London: Routledge, 1996. 372 p.
Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, St. Petersburg, Russia Head of the Humanities Department, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor
The Birth of Event from the Spirit of Anti-Music
The many forms of action art have appeared in the practices of the post-war avant-garde. The event as the reproducing household action genre becomes the first of them. In this article the sources of this genre in the work of the John Cage's class (which took place in the New York New School for Social Research) participants are traced. The connection of modern music composition with emergence of a sound and verbal events reveals. The rehearsals of two genre founders, which were the composer La Monte Young and the artist George Brecht, from anti-music (as reconstruction of sounds of the world around) to an event (as reconstruction of the event causing these sounds on the stage) are described. The conclusions about communication of the event emergence and anti-music are drawn on the basis of theoretical analysis in performative forms of art activity.
Key words: event, neodada, anti-music, La Monte Young, George Brecht, action art, score, instruction.
- Bart R. Ot proizvedeniya k tekstu // Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika: Poetika. M.: Progress, 1989.
- Delez Zh. Skladka. Leybnits i barokko. M.: Logos, 1997.
- Kiseeva E. V. Etapy stanovleniya i razvitiya tantsa postmodern vo vtoroy polovine KhKh–XXI vekov // Yuzhnorossiyskiy muzykal'nyy al'manakh. 2014. № 2 (15).
- Kostelyanets R. Razgovory s Keydzhem. M.: Ad Marginem Press, 2015.
- Lavrova S. V. Strukturnoe myshlenie i printsip polivalentnosti v evropeyskoy muzykal'noy kompozitsii posledney treti KhKh veka v kontekste idey «Logiki smysla» Zh. Deleza // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 15. Iskusstvovedenie. 2013. Vyp. 1.
- Suvorov N. N. Tsitiruya pomnyu, pomnya tsitiruyu // Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2009. T. 186.
- Khaskins R. Dzhon Keydzh. M.: Ad Marginem Press, 2016.
- Yugay I. I. Art-praktika fluxus – soedinenie tvorchestva i sotsial'noy deyatel'nosti // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. 2014. № 2.
- Altshuler B. The Cage Class // Flux Attitudes / Ed. by C. Lauf and S. Hapgood. Gent: Imschoot Uitgevers, 1991.
- An Anthology of Chance Operations, Indeterminacy, Concept Art, Anti-Art, Meaningless Work, Natural Disasters, Stories, Poetry, Essays, Diagrams, Music, Dance Constructions, Plans of Action, Mathemathics, Compositions / By G. Brecht et al.; Ed. by L. M. Young. Publ. by L. M. Young and J. MacLow, 1963.
- Brecht G. Notebooks: In 5 vol. Vol. 1. Colonge: Walter Konig, 1991.
- Brecht G. Water Yam. Koln: Thomas Schmit, 1963.
- Cage J. Writer. N. Y.: Limelight Editions, 1993.
- Eimert G. What Is Experimental Music // Die Reiche. 1955. № 1.
- Flynt H. La Monte Young in New York, 1960–1962 // Bucknell Review. 1996. Vol. 40. № 1. Sound and Light: La Monte Young, Marian Zazeela / Ed. by W. Duckworth and R. Fleming.
- Flynt H. Mutations of the Vanguard: Pre-Fluxus, During Fluxus, Late Fluxus // Ubi Fluxus ibi motus. 1990–1962 / Ed. by G. Di Maggio. Milano: Nuove Edizione Gabriele Mazzotta, 1990.
- Higgins D. Jefferson’s Birthday / Postface. N. Y.: Something Else Press, 1964.
- Interview with A. Kaprow, 1995 // Off Limits: Rutgers University and the Avant Garde, 1957–1963 / Ed. by J. Marter. Newark: Rutgers University Press, 1999.
- Kittler F. Grammophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999.
- Kostelanetz R. Theatre of Mixed Means. N. Y.: Dial Press, 1968.
- Kotz L. Post-Cagean Aesthetics and the «Event» Score // October. 2001. Vol. 95.
- Smith O. F. Fluxus: A Brief History and Other Fictions // In the Spirit of Fluxus / Ed. by J. Jenkins, J. Rothfuss, E. Armstrong. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1994.
- Van der Marck J. George Brecht: An Art of Multiple Implications // Art in America. 1974. № 4.
- Yoko Ono. Grapefruit. Tokyo: Wunternaum Press, 1964.
- Young L. M. Lecture 1960 // Happenings and Other Acts / Ed. by M. Sandford. N. Y.: Routledge, 1995.
State University of Management, Moscow, Russia Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Science (in Philosophy), Professor
Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia Department of Instrumental Performance, Professor, Ph.D. in Philosophy
The Deconstruction of the Idea of Absolute Music
Music has always been for philosophical reflection a kind of mystery, which forced philosophers to seek a non-trivial conceptual decisions regarding the understanding of the essence of music. Perhaps, none of the outstanding philosophers could not resist the temptation to make music a subject of philosophical statements. However, the philosophy of music has not acquired forms of systemic theory and today the expression «philosophy of music” remains quite controversial. The article defines historiosophic motifs in the conceptual structure of the new hermeneutics. The main task is the study of musical hermeneutics, which allows the disclosure of the artistic image, which is possible under condition of full approval endless performing funds with the content of the work, its architectonic composition, that is the real organized sound material, which the artist must perceive and process. Under the influence of postmodern aesthetics there are such transformation of contemporary culture such as uncertainty and relativism, embodied in the pluralism and eclecticism and orientation towards multipolarity and portocannone, creativity becomes a game, real and unreal in human consciousness lose their clear contours.
Key words: absolute music, philosophy, aesthetics, creativity, contemporary culture, avant-garde, postmodern, composer, performer, recipient, bricolage, bricoler.
- Aranovskiy M. G. Muzyka. Myshlenie. Zhizn'. Stat'i, interv'yu, vospominaniya. M.: Gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstvoznaniya, 2012. 440 s.
- Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika: Poetika. M.: Progress, 1989. – 616 s.
- Martynov V. Konets vremeni kompozitorov. M.: Russkiy put', 2001. 296 s.
- Ediade M. Aspekty mifa. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2014. 346 s.
- Levi-Stross K. Pervobytnoe myshlenie. M.: Akademicheskiy proekt, 2015. 430 s.
- Chaykovskiy P. Pis'ma. [elektronnyy istochnik.].
- Derrida Zh. Golos i fenomen i drugie raboty po teorii znaka Gusserlya. SPb.: Aleteyya, 1999. 208 s.
- Shpengler O. Zakat Evropy. Ocherki morfologii mirovoy istorii. V 2 tomakh. M.: Mysl', 1998. T. 2. 606 s.
- Fukuyama F. Velikiy razryv. M.: AST; Ermak, 2004. 480 s.
- Eko U. Zametki na polyakh «Imeni Rozy». [elektronnyy istochnik.].
- Arkad'ev M. A. Khronoartikulyatsionnye struktury novoevropeyskoy muzyki i fundamental'nye problemy ritma. [elektronnyy istochnik.].
- Okorokov V. B. Myshlenie v diakhronno-sinkhronicheskom i prostranstvenno-vremennom toposakh (gipoteza Sossyura – Khaydeggera – Levi- Strossa) // Filosofiya i kosmologiya. Kiev: MFKO, 2012, № 4. S. 171 -192.
- Campbell E. Music after Deleuze. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. 208 p.
- Bogue R. Deleuze on music, painting, and the arts. New York: Routledge, 2003. 234 p.
- Hulse B. Sounding the virtual: Gilles Deleuze and the theory and philosophy of music. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010. 306 p.
- Redner G. Deleuze and film music: building a methodological bridge between film theory and music. Bristol: Intellect, 2011. 204 p.
- Delez Zh. Empirizm i sub"ektivnost': opyt o chelovecheskoy prirode po Yumu. Kriticheskaya filosofiya Kanta: uchenie o sposobnostyakh. Bergsonizm. Spinoza. M.: PER SE, 2001. 480 s.
Vaganova Ballet Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia Department of Philosophy, History and Theory of the Arts Doctor of Science (in Philosophy), Professor
Music in the Pocket: Privatization of Arts as a Trends of Contemporaneity
Using the concept of «mobile privatization», developed by representatives of the British School of Cultural Studies, such as R. Williams and D. Hesmondhalgh, to describe the actual state of culture, author analyzes the further development of this trend using the example of the «privatization of art». The focus is on the analysis of the modern transformations of the axiosphere, related to the development of technology and the corresponding to actualization of the problem of the ecologization of public life in general and of art in particular.
Key words: axiology of art, ecology of art, «mobile privatization», privatization of art, craft culture.
- Ben'yamin V. Proizvedenie iskusstva v epokhu ego tekhnicheskoy vosproizvodimosti. Izbrannye esse. M.: «Medium», 1996.
- Likhachev D. S. Ekologiya kul'tury. V kn.: Russkaya kul'tura. SPb., 2000. S. 91–101 // Fond Likhacheva. URL:
- Lukov M. V. Televidenie: televizionnaya kartina mira // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. Informatsionno-gumanitarnyy portal. URL: zpu/2008/4/Lukov_TV_World-view/
- Mal'tseva D. Britanskaya shkola Kul'turnykh issledovaniy // Sotsiologicheskie podkhody k izucheniyu kul'tury. URL:
- Men'shikov L.A. Istoki postmoderna i rol' neklassicheskoy filosofii v formirovanii intellektual'nogo prostranstva sovremennoy kul'tury // Chelovek. Kul'tura. Obrazovanie. 2013. № 2. S. 6-16.
- Men'shikov L. A. Neulovimoe esteticheskoe v prostranstve antiiskusstva // Vestnik Akademii russkogo baleta im. A.Ya. Vaganovoy. 2015. № 6 (41). S. 180-187.
- Morozov E. Internet kak illyuziya. Obratnaya storona seti. URL:
- Psikhologiya gorodskogo prostranstva // Otkrytyy gorod. URL:
- Sibruk Dzh. Nobrow. Kul'tura marketinga. Marketing kul'tury. M.: OOO «Ad-Marginem Press», 2015.
- Solov'ev B. C. Opravdanie dobra. Nravstvennaya filosofiya // Biblioteka «Vekhi». URL:
- Khezmondalsh D. Kul'turnye industrii. M.: Izdat-vo VShE, 2014.
- Khobsbaum E. Razlomannoe vremya. Kul'tura i obshchestvo v dvadtsatom veke / Per. s angl. N. Okhotina. M.: Izdat-vo AST: CORPUS, 2017. // Prochtenie. URL:
- Tsifrovaya ekologiya: iskusstvo posle interneta // Moskovskiy muzey sovremennogo iskusstva. URL:
- Shapinskaya E. N. Televidenie v sovremennoy kul'ture i obshchestve: tekhnologiya i kul'turnaya forma // Massovaya kul'tura. M.: Al'fa-M; INFRA-M, 2004.
- Raymond Williams. The Technology and the Society // Completely Uncultured. URL:
- Williams R. Culture and Society. 1780 – 1950. NY: Anchor Books, 1960.
- Williams R. Television. Technology and Cultural Form. Hannover; London, 1992.
Nizhny Novgorod State Glinka Conservatoire, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Doctor of Science (in Art Studies), Associate Professor of the Department of Music Theory
How is the Musical Form without Music Possible?
In this article the structure as a «cognitive model» is considered that allows to interpret a number of aesthetic phenomena in the music of the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries. The notion of «a figure» is introduced by Salvatore Sciarrino, which tends to determine the structure of a piece of music as an image-schema or a semantic predicate, might exemplify such structure-making phenomena.
Key words: musical structure and musical form, cognitive model, image-schema, semantic predicate, S. Sciarrino.
- Amrakhova A. A. Kognitivnye aspekty interpretatsii sovremennoy muzyki. Baku: Elm. 2004. 308s.
- Amrakhova A. A. Istoriya s prodolzheniem // Musiqi dünyası, 2012, № 1–2. S. 74–80.
- Dem'yankov V. Z., Kubryakova E. S. Kognitivnaya model' // Kratkiy slovar' kognitivnykh terminov / Kubryakova E.S., Dem'yankov V.Z., Pankrats Yu.G., Luzina L.G. – M.: Filol. f-t MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova, 1996. S.56-57.
- Lavrova S.V «Proektsii osnovnykh kontseptov poststrukturalistskoy filosofii v muzyke postserializma». Dis. na soiskanie stepeni doktora iskusstvovedeniya, Kazan', 2016. 534 s.
- Sokolov A. S. Vvedenie v muzykal'nuyu kompozitsiyu XX veka. M.: Gumanitarnyy izd. tsentr VLADOS, 2004. 141s.
- Susov I.P. O rolevoy interpretatsii propozitivnykh aktantov // Tipologiya konstruktsiy s predikatnymi aktantami. L., 1985. S. 53-55.
- Carratelli C. L'integrazione dell'estesico nel poietico nella poietica musicale post-strutturalista: il caso di Salvatore Sciarrino, una "composizione dell'ascolto". Tesi di dottorato Paris, Sorbonne, 2006. 464p.
- Fillmore C. J. The Case for Case. In: Bach and Harms (Ed.): Universals in Linguistic Theory. New York, 1968. P. 1–88.
- Fillmore C. J., Atkins B. T. Towards a frame-based lexicon: the case of RISK. In: A. Lehrerand, E. Kittay (Hgg.): Frames, Fields, and Contrasts. Erlbaum, 1992. P. 75–102.
- Giacco G. La notion de “Figure” chez Salvatore Sciarrino. Paris: L'Harmattan Éd., 2001. 246 p.
- Lakoff G. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. University of Chicago Press, 1990. 614 p.
- Sciarrino S. Le figure della musica da Beethoven ad oggi. Milano, 1998. 274p.
Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia Professor of the Department of Analytical Musicology, Doctor of Science (in Art Studies)
Tristan Murail. "Le Lake" (Le Lac) for the Ensemble (2001): Analytical Study
The article is devoted to the analysis of Tristan Murail’s piece “Le Lac” written during his stay in the United States of America. The author’s remarks became the starting point of the analysis of music material and compositional approaches which became the object of detailed interpretation. Such notions as “musical object”, filtration and enrichment as well as maquetting which appeared as a result of Openspace program became the objects of analytical interpretation. The composer develops his mastery of the composition in the course of evolution of compositional technique, the steps of which are described briefly.
Key words: Murail, Le Lac, compositional technique, musical object, Openmusic.
- Loskutov A.Yu., Mikhaylov A.S. Osnovy teorii slozhnykh sistem / Moskva, Izhevsk, 2007. s.175
- Anderson J. In harmony: the music of Tristan Murail/ Musical Times, June 1993, pp.321-323.
- Dalbavie M.-A. Notes sur Gondvana. /Entretemps N8, September 1989, pp.139-145.
- Garant D. Tristan Murail. Les objects sonores complexes./ Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011
- Hirs, R. Frequency-based compositional techniques in the music of Tristan Murail/ Contemporary compositional techniques and OpenMusic// Edition Delatour France – IRCAM Centre Pompidou, pp.93–196.
- Hirs, R. On Tristan Murail’s “Le Lac”/Rosalie Hirs/Contemporary Compositional Tecniques and Openmusic. Ed. By R.Hirs, B.Gilmore.—Edition Delatour France, IRCAM Centre Pompidou. 2009. 283 p.
- Murail T. Le Lac /URL:
- Murail T. Attractors etrangees/ URL:
- Murail T. Scelsi, De-Composer / Contemporary Music Review, v.24 N2/3, April/June, 2005, pp. 173-180.
St. Petersburg State University, Russia Faculty of Arts, Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Philosophy
Funny Science vs Awesome Wisdom: About the Human Measurement Of Musical Space
The article deals with some contemporary ways of understanding and consuming the space of music. Various cognitive handicaps and distortions originated from an interference of neurobiological and aesthetic components, which can be found in the process of study of music thinking and music perception, have been analyzed. The main attention is paid to the anthropological and cultural dimension of the music discourse. The concept of timbre is treated as a link between the subjective and objective components of the music production and music perception. The necessity of both development and verification of theories of music perception has been substantiated. The author argues that such theories can be elaborated by inter-disciplinary collaborations which include professional musicians with a rich stage experience.
Key words: perception of music, psycho-acoustics, music space, timbre, sound extraction.
- Aldoshina I.A. Osnovy psikhoakustiki
URL: (data obrashcheniya 20.09.2017)
- Ben'yamin V. Proizvedenie iskusstva v epokhu ego tekhnicheskoy voproizvodimosti: Izbrannye esse. Per. s nem. / Pod. red. Zdorovogo Yu.A. M.: "Medium", 1996. S.15 -65.
- Gel'mgol'ts G. O fiziologicheskikh prichinakh muzykal'noy garmonii/ G. Gel'mgol'ts// Sochineniya Gel'mgol'tsa. №2. SPb.: tip-ya A. A. Porokhovshchikova, 1896. 50 s.
- Kuznetsov L.A. Akustika muzykal'nykh instrumentov. Spravochnik Izdatel'stvo: M.: Legprombytizdat, 1989. 368 s.
- Lavrova S.V. Avtor v Novoy muzyke «epokhi tekhnicheskoy vosproizvodimosti» //Vestnik Akademii russkogo baleta im. A.Ya. Vaganovoy. 2016. № 2 (43). S. 174- 180.
- Medushevskiy V.V. Intonatsionno-fabul'naya priroda muzykal'noy formy. Dissertatsiya na soiskanie stepeni doktora iskusstvovedeniya. Moskovskaya gosudarstvennaya dvazhdy ordena Lenina konservatoriya im. P.I. Chaykovskogo, M., 1981. 381 s.
- Mozg, poznanie, razum: vvedenie v kognitivnye neyronauki: v 2 ch. Ch. 1 / pod red. B. Baarsa, N. Geydzh ; per. s angl. pod red. prof. V. V. Shul'govskogo. M.: BINOM. Laboratoriya znaniy, 2014. 541 s.
- Morina L. P., Sokolov E. G. Pretsedent 256 // Vestnik SPbGU Seriya 17. Filosofiya. Konfliktologiya. Kul'turologiya. Religiovedenie. 2016. Vyp. 4. S. 98-109.
- Naumenko T. Akopyan: L. «Sovremennoe muzykovedenie dolzhno byt' interesno chitatelyu» //Uchenye zapiski RAM im. Gnesinykh. Vyp. 2, 2012.
- Nitsshe F. Sochineniya. T. 1. Sost. K. Svas'yan. Ser. «Literaturnye pamyatniki». Izd-vo «Mysl'», M.,1990.
Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia Lecturer, Ph.D. in Art Studies
Оutside-Time Structure and Inside-Time Structure of Analogique B (From the Mixed Composition Analogique A & B by I. Xenakis)
The article is devoted for one of the first experiment of Iannis Xenakis in mixed composition Analogique A & B (1959) for strings and tape. It considers as the Оutside-time structure (the term of the composer) of the work, in other words the pre-compositional stage. It is the same for «analog» and «electroni» works. Its basis is in the compositional mechanism which depends on three variables (frequency, intensities and density) and with eight screens. Screens are possible variants of those variables interaction. Article contains revised screens of the Analogique B for a simple visual perception. This approach simplifies foreseeing sound result. Inside- time structure of Analogique B (record 1959) is analyzed by using sonogram method. Analyze was made with the aid of the SPAX program. There are a lot of discrepancies after correlating the formalized prescriptions of Оutside-time structure with sonograms. We can conclude that the Inside-time structure diverges from formalized mechanism of Оutside-time structure.
Key words: I. Xenakis, Analogique A & B, оutside-time structure, inside-time structure, electroacoustic music, analysis оf electroacoustic music, sonogram, Markovian stochastic music, mixed composition, SPAX.
- Ksenakis Ya. Formalizovannaya muzyka. Novye muzykal'nye printsipy formal'noy kompozitsii / Ya. Ksenakis; [per. Zalivadnyy M.]. SPb. : SPbGK, 2008. 176 s.
- Kharuto A. V. Komp'yuternyy analiz zvuka v muzykal'noy nauke / A. V. Kharuto. M. : Nauchno-izdatel'skiy tsentr "Moskovskaya konservatoriya", 2015. 448 s.
- Tsaregradskaya T. V. O svoystvakh vremennogo kontinuuma v muzyke Ya. Ksenakisa / T. V. Tsaregradskaya // Iskusstvo XX veka: ukhodyashchaya epokha. Sb. statey Nizhegorodskoy Gos. konservatorii. M.,1997. T. II S.119–127.
- Arcello A. Analogique B: a computer model of the compositional process [Electronic source]
A. Arcello // Proceedings of the international Symposium Xenakis. La musique électroacoustique /Xenakis. The electroacoustic music. Université Paris 8, May 2012. Available at: intervention20_xenakis_electroacoustique.pdf
- Di Scipio A. Formalization and intuition in Analogique A et B (with some remarks on the historical-mathematical sources of Xenakis) / A. Di Scipio// International Symposium Iannis Xenakis. Conference Proceedings. Athens, May 2005. P. 95-108.
- Hill P. Xenakis and the performer. Xenakis and the performer» / P. Hill // Tempo. 1975. №112. P.17-22.
- Matossian H. Iannis Xenakis / H. Matossian. Paris: Fayard, 1981. 325 p.
- Valsamakis N. Aesthetics and Techniques in the Electroacoustic Music of Iannis Xenakis / N. Valsamakis // Journal of the hellenic diaspora. 2000. Vol. 26. R. 7- 58.
- Xenakis I. Alpha & Omega. 4 × CD, 2011. Zapisano 1958/1959 GRM Paris.
- Xenakis I. Formalized Music. Thought and Mathematics in Music / I. Xenakis. N. Y. : Pendragon Press, 1992. 387 p.
- Xenakis I. Works [Electronic source] / I. Xenakis. 1980.
Available at :
Vladislav PETROV
Astrakhan State Conservatory, Russia Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Music, Doctor of Science (in Art Studies)
Sound and Theatrical Beginning in the Instrumental Performances of Victor Ekimovsky
The article is devoted to the examination of instrumental compositions by the contemporary Moscow composer Viktor Yekimovsky, that are involved in the synthesis of the arts, which have as their basis a combination of musical and theatrical series. The classification of the instrumental performances of the composer according to the type of relation to sound is presented: 1) with a low level of events, 2) with a high level of events. It is noted that the dramatization influences in a significant way are not only the drama of the work, transforming the instrumental composition into a performance, but also the stage of realization of the opus, in which not only music (sound) but also the visual aspect is important – the movements of the instrumentalists, their dispositions, the word (Voice), props, light and color, additional sources of noise. The works «In the constellation Canes Dogs», «Dictionary of unprintable expressions», «Initiations», «The Princess has pricked a finger – and the whole kingdom has fallen asleep ...», «Balletto», «The Specter of the Theater» are analyzed.
Key words: performance, instrumental theater, Victor Ekimovsky, sound and theatricalization, postmodernism, scenic events.
- Ekimovskiy V. Avtomonografiya. M., 1997. 431s.
- Nekroshene A. Dirizher i ego orkestr // Muzykal'naya akademiya. 2000. № 3. S. 187.
- Petrov V.O. «Prizrak teatra» Viktora Ekimovskogo: osobennosti stsenicheskoy realizatsii instrumental'nogo proizvedeniya-deystviya // Izrail' KhKhI: muzykal'nyy zhurnal. 2011. № 2 (26)
[Elektronnyy resurs] Rezhim dostupa: [Data obrashcheniya: 05.11.2016].
- Petrov V.O. Instrumental'nyy teatr Viktora Ekimovskogo // Muzyka KhKh veka v ryadu iskusstv: paralleli i vzaimodeystviya: Sbornik statey po materialam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii 15-16 oktyabrya 2008 goda. Astrakhan': Izd-vo OGOU DPO AIPKP, 2008. S. 222-242.
- Rozhnovskiy V. «Moskovskoy oseni – 25!» // Muzyka i vremya. 2004. № 1. S. 8-11.
- Farkhadov R. Viktor Ekimovskiy + Viktor Ekimovskiy // Ars Nova: muzykal'nyy al'manakh. 2007. № 1 [Elektronnyy resurs] Rezhim dostupa: module=arsnova [Data obrashcheniya: 10.06.2016].
- Tsenova V. Mezhdunarodnaya mozaika v pyati chastyakh // Muzykal'naya akademiya. 2004. № 1. S. 50.
- Shul'gin D. Sovremennye cherty kompozitsii Viktora Ekimovskogo: Monograficheskoe issledovanie. M., 2003. 571 s.
- Shul'gin D., Shevchenko T. Tvorchestvo-zhizn' Viktora Ekimovskogo. Monograficheskie besedy. M., 2003. 209 s.
Vaganova Ballet Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia Postgraduate
History of the Formation of Spatial Music: from the Beginning to the middle of the XX century
The article is devoted to the history of the formation of spatial music: from the birth of this idea in the music of the Renaissance, the further development of this idea in the principles of antiphonal singing, in the experiments of the first half of the twentieth century, to the music of the 1950s of the twentieth century. The examples given in the article reflect a vivid historical picture of the development and formation of ideas for the organization of sound space. In the article the author comes to the conclusion that the 1950s for spatial music represent only the first stage of its development, while the most intensive process of transforming ideas about sound space and multi-channel perception of sound streams by the listener will occur at the beginning of the XXI century.
Key words: spatial music, Antiphons, Ives, Stockhausen, Schaeffer, concrete music, electronic music.
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[Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data 14.09.2017)
- Dmitryukova Yu. Razocharovanie pervootkryvatelya // Muzykal'naya akademiya, 2003, №2. S. 90−98.
- Kenigsberg A. K., Mikheeva L. V. 111 oratoriy, kantat i vokal'nykh tsiklov. SPb, Kul'tInformPress, 2007, S. 168-169.
- Lavrova S.V. «Proektsii osnovnykh kontseptov poststrukturalistskoy filosofii v muzyke postserializma» diss. dokt. iskusstvovedeniya 546s.
- Fizicheskaya entsiklopediya / Gl. red. A. M. Prokhorov. Moskva: Bol'shaya Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya, 4. S. 308. 704 s.
- Brant H. Space as an essential aspect of musical composition, Contemporary Composers on Contemporary Music, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967. pp.221-242.
- Frova A., Marenzana M. Thus spoke Galileo: the great scientist's ideas and their relevance to the present day. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. P. 133– 137.
- Bregman A. S. Auditory Scene Analysis, MIT Press; 1990, 196-200, pp. 204-250.
- Bryant, D. The ‘cori spezzati’ of St Mark's: myth and reality, Early Music History, Vol. 1, R. 165-186, 1981. 56 p.
- Cage J. Experimental Music, Address given to the convention of Music Teachers National Association, Chicago, 1957, 142 p.
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- Harley M. A. An American in Space: Henry Brant's "Spatial Music", American Music, Vol. 15(1), pp. 70-92, 1997.
- Meyer-Eppler W. Elektronische Klangerzeugung: Elektronische Musik und synthetische Sprache, Bonn: Ferdinand Dümmlers, 1949, 148 p.
- Shinn-Cunningham B. G. Spatial hearing advantages in everyday environments, proceedings of ONR workshop on Attention, Perception, and Modelling for Complex Displays, 2003, 50 p.
- The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, New York, 2001, 912 p.
Academy of Media Industry, Moscow, Russia Department of Screen Arts, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Art Studies
Academy of Media Industry, Moscow, Russia Department of Screen Arts, Postgraduate
The Sonic Aspect of the Design of Fiction Objects in Convergent 3D Animation, Films and Interactive Environments
The article highlights the problem of sound design as an integral part of object design, emphasizing the intersection of visual, sonic and dramatic elements in the design of unreal objects. The article deals with the actual problems of materialization of audiovisual images of fantastic objects in the fictional space of the film and the interactive media product. In the process of convergence of screen based arts under the influence of 3D animation and synthesized digital sound emphasizes the similarity of production aspects of audiovisual content items of media products with the principles of discrete formation of virtual reality content. The problem of visual and audio manifestations of the object design in screen arts is considered on the basis of a phenomenological approach to the aesthetics of digital media. The object of research is the sonic aspect of the design of fictional objects in media artworks of a fantastic genre, science-fiction films and interactive environments of virtual reality. Particular attention is paid to such specific effects of sound on the image, as sound zooming, acousmatic demonstration, audiovisual counterpoint, audiovisual dissonance, object animation, semantic decoding and interpretation. The issue of creating an adaptive sound image by means of procedural audio to provide scenario manifestations of objects in interactive environments is touched upon. The identification of interaction of the design principles of virtual development of sound and visual images in audiovisual manifestation of fictional objects, as well as comprehension of specifics of project activity for audiovisual elements of works of convergent screen art and interactive environments became results of a research.
Key words: sound design, audiovisual representation, object design, fictional object, digital character animation, virtual space, media convergence, 3D animation, procedural audio, sound zooming, cinema, screen based arts, theremin, interactive environment, computer graphics.
- Terakopyan M. L. Razvitie kinoobraznosti pod vliyaniem komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy: avtoref. dis. ... kand. iskusstvovedeniya. M., 2008. 20 s.
- Krivulya N. G. Evolyutsiya khudozhestvennykh modeley v protsesse razvitiya mirovykh animatografiy: avtoref. diss. … d. iskusstvovedeniya. M., 2009. 60 c.
- Khitruk F.S. Professiya – animator: v 2-kh t. M.: Gayatri, 2007. T.2. 304 s.
- Gvon Gyun Gzha. Khudozhestvenno-esteticheskaya spetsifika zvuka v animatsionnom kino : avtoreferat dis. ... kandidata iskusstvovedeniya : 17.00.03 / Vseros. gos. in-t kinematografii im. S.A. Gerasimova. M., 2005. 25 s.
- Aldred J. «I am Beowulf! Now, it`s Your Turn» Playing With (and As) the Digital Convergence Character. / The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media. Oxford University Press, 2015. P. 381–395.
- Yatsyuk O. G. Mul'timediynye tekhnologii v proektnoy kul'ture dizayna: gumanitarnyy aspekt : avtoreferat diss. ... dok. iskusstvovedeniya. M.: VNIITE. 2009. 64 s.
- Lugovtsev A. Yu. Ponyatie ob"ektnogo dizayna v ekrannykh iskusstvakh. // Kul'tura i iskusstvo. 2017. № 3. C. 1–16.
- Poznin V.F. Vyrazitel'nye sredstva ekrannykh iskusstv: esteticheskiy i tekhnologicheskiy aspekty: diss. ... dok. iskusstvovedeniya. Spb., 2009. 345 s.
- Lugovtsev A. Yu. Ob"ektnyy dizayn kak rezul'tat evolyutsii proektnogo tvorchestva. // Vestnik KazGUKI. 2016. № 3. S. 112–115.
- Voronov N. V. Rossiyskiy dizayn. Ocherki istorii otechestvennogo dizayna. M.: Soyuz dizaynerov Rossii, 2001. 424 s.
- Demidova M. V. Proektirovanie vizual'no-zvukovoy kompozitsii v dizayne mul'timedia. avtoref. dis. ... kand. iskusstvovedeniya: SPb., 2006. 21 s.
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- Shay D. Duncan J. The Making of Jurassic Park. Ballantine Books, 1993. 195 p.
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- Chion M. Film, a Sound Art. Columbia University Press, 2009. 536 p.
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- Farnell A. Designing Sound. MIT Press, 2010. 664 p.
- Dvorko N. I. Transmediynoe povestvovanie v tsifrovuyu epokhu. [Tekst]. Materialy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii.: Spb.: Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy institut kino i televideniya, 2013. S. 242–247.
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- Boulanger R. The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing, and Programming. MIT Press, 2000. 740 p.
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- Cubitt S. Digital Aesthetics. SAGE, 1998. 172 p.
Theory of Art
Taurida Academy, V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol Head of the Chair of Culturology, Professor, Doctor of Science (in Philosophy)
Intertextuality as the Principle of Formation of the Figurative Art System of the Silver Age in Russian Culture
In the article the problem of the specifics of the art of the Silver age in Russian culture has been put. The author considers the synthetical character and symbolization as distinctive features of the principles of formation of the figurative system of this period which found expression in the theoretical treatises (A. Potebnya, A. Losev), in P. Florensky's reflections and others. Being guided by the provision of Yu. Lotman about the «textomorfnostc» of the culture the author of the article analyzes verbal, visual and audio texts in the formation of artistic figurative systems of the leading figures of that era. It is Malevich's painting «Black Square», the poem of A. Blok «The Twelve», the treatise by V. Kandinsky «On the Spiritual In Art», thoughts of the authors about the originality of a form and color in their creativity. The analysis of early prose of S.N. Sergeyev-Tsensky from theposition of the intertextuality which is carried out for the first time is of undoubted interest: «Movements», «Diphtheria», «Beregovoye» and others. The author of the article addresses also to the text of the French thinker of the XIX century F. Portal which became a basis of the concept of P. Florensky: «At thought watersheds», «The pillar and Ground Of the Truth» and others. The comparison of the symbolical value of colors in theoretical works of P. Florensky and the artistic figurative system of early prose of S.N. Sergeyev-Tsenskyin the 1910th has been given.
Key words: intertextuality, verbal, visual and audio texts, symbolics of color, synthetical character, symbolism of the figurative system, the Silver age.
- Berestovskaya D. S. Mysliteli KhKh veka o kul'ture. Simferopol': IT«ARIAL», 2010.148 s.
- Berestovskaya D. S. Ocherki filosofii iskusstva. Simferopol': IT ARIAL, 2013. 210 s.
- Berestovskaya D. S. Simvolicheskiy mir ranney prozy S. N. Sergeeva-Tsenskogo. Simferopol': IT «ARIAL», 2013. 116 s.
- Berestovskaya D. S., Sinichkin A. V. Dukhovnyy oblik V. I. Vernadskogo: kul'turologicheskiy analiz epistolyarnogo naslediya. Simferopol': IT «ARIAL», 2013. 212 s.
- Blok A. Sobr. soch. : v 6 t. L. : Khudozh. lit., 1983. T. 4.
- Vernadskiy V. I. Dve opasnosti / N. V. Bagrov, V. G. Ena, I. O. S"edin, S. B. Filimonov. – Kiev: Libіd', 2004. 310 s.
- Gorelov A. Groza nad solov'inym sadom. – L.: Sov. pisatel', 1973. 456 s.
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- Kazimir Malevich // Velikie imena (Iz sobraniya Tret'yakovskoy galerei). № 14. 2007. 30 s.
- Kandinskiy V. Izbr. trudy po teorii iskusstv v 2-kh t. M.: Gileya, 2001. T.1. 430 s.
- Kandinskiy V. O dukhovnom v iskusstve». M.: Arkhimed, 1992. 110 s.
- Kondakov I. V. Mezhdu ekranom i knigoy: k osmysleniyu intertekstual'nosti sovremennoy kul'tury // Mir kul'tury i kul'turologiya. Al'manakh NOKO. SPb: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2016. Vyp. V. 932 s.
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- Losev A. F. Vysshiy sintez. Neizvestnyy Losev. M.: Che Ro, 2005. 264 s.
- Malevich K. Sobr. soch. v 5 t. M.: Gileya, 1995. T.1. 393 s.
- Maley A. Transtsendentnoe esteticheskoe znanie (filosofskoe obosnovanie proekta) // Malevich. Klassicheskiy avangard. Vitebsk. 9. Minsk: Ekspress, 2004. S. 191- 208.
- Potebnya A. Slovo i mif. M., 1989. S. 160-176.
- Sergeev-Tsenskiy S. N. Beregovoe (Priboy) Poema // Rasskazy. L., 1928. S. 179-216.
- Sergeev-Tsenskiy N. S. Pis'mo A. G. Gornfel'du. RGALI, 1914. F. 155. 0p. 1. Ed.khr. 470.
- Sergeev-Tsenskiy S. N. Sobr. soch.: v 12 t. M.: Pravda, 1967. T.1.
- Stoikita V. Kratkaya istoriya teni /per. s angl. D. Yu. Ozerkova pod red. V. Ostanina. SPb.: Macyina, 2004. 269 s.
- Florenskiy P. A. Ikonostas. M.: Iskusstvo, 1995. 254 s.
- Florenskiy P. A. Stolp i utverzhdenie istiny: Sobr. soch. v 2-kh t. M.: Pravda, 1990. T. 1. 838 s.
- Florenskiy P. A. U vodorazdelov mysli: Sobr. soch. v 2-kh t. M., 1990. T. 2. 448 s. S. 18-19.
- Portal F. Des couleurs symboliques dans l`antiquité, le moyen âge et les temps modernes par Frédéric Portal, 1957.
Herzen State Pedagogical University, St.Petersburg, Russia Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Cultural Studies
Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D) as Cultural and Artistic Phenomenon
We analyze the dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D) as a cultural phenomenon in this article. The permanent identity is actually impossible in an unstable information society. The person, defending itself against the socio-cultural environment pressure, develops adaptive mechanisms, reformatting his own identity depending on the assessment of threats and his own sense of life. Some mechanisms of self-defense work completely without the participation of a person, being incorporated into it. As a result of their intervention, we can face the simultaneous deconstruction of identity and the formation of a new identities within a single "host body". Considering the phenomenon of dissociative identity disorder, particular attention is paid to the representation of this phenomenon in art. We conclude that due to the introduction of the dissociative identity disorder into the text, art is constantly enriched with a new conflict situations and characters from the XIX century. We also point out the specific features of representation and the reasons for the author appeals to D.I.D.
Key words: culture, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, personality, identity, art, literature, cinema.
- Atlanov D.Yu., Bulgakova O.S. Filosofiya lichnosti. SPb., NPTsPSN, 2012. 230s.
- Berri Dzh., Purtinga A.Kh., Sigall M.Kh., Dasen P.R. Kross-kul'turnaya psikhologiya. Issledovaniya i primenenie. Khar'kov: Gumanitarnyy Tsentr, 2007. 556s.
- Bulgakova O.S. // Vestnik psikhofiziologii. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy zhurnal, №3, 2016. SPb. Izd.: NPTs PSN, 2016. S. 8–9.
- Glossariy. Psikhologicheskiy slovar' // Psychologies
[Elektronnyy resurs] Rezhim dostupa: (10.09.2017)
- Matsumoto D. Psikhologiya i kul'tura. / Pod red. D.Matsumoto. SPb. Izd.: Piter, 2003. 718s.
- Razorina L.M. K opredeleniyu ponyatiya «lichnost'» v sovetskoy psikhologii. // L.M.Razorina // Voprosy psikhologii : Izdaetsya s yanvarya 1955 goda / Red. E.V.Shchedrina 2005. №1 yanvar'-fevral' 2005. s. 79-88.
- Remark E. Chernyy obelisk / per. s nem. Very Stanevich. Kemerovo. Izd.: Kemerovskoe, 1982. 416s.
- Rudnev V. Filosofiya yazyka i semiotika bezumiya: Izbrannye raboty. M.: "Territoriya budushchego", 2007, s. 504-510.
- Chukurov A. Mekhanizmy samodaptatsii lichnosti kak prichiny sotsiokul'turnykh transformatsiy. // Terra Humana. Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie. 2015, №4 SPb.: Asterion, 2015. S.116–121.
Theory of Media
St. Petersburg State University, Russia Centre for Mediaphilosophy, Scientific Secretary, Ph.D. in Philosophy
Vampire Words, Energy Images and the Sophia Body: Media Understanding in Russian Philosophy
Russian philosophical thought, by virtue of the closeness to the Eastern Christian tradition, is also bind with the ancient and medieval understanding of reality as a reason symbolically open to man and awaiting acceptance from man through the soul-body transformation. Since the media is an actual format for contemplation, comprehension and experience, the article attempts to apply to the media-reality analytic the concepts that was formed in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy, for which cognition is a mystical fact.
Key words: vampire-words, image, energy, sophia, corporeality, media reality.
- Bulgakov S. N. Filosofiya imeni // Bulgakov S. N. Sochineniya v 2-kh tt. T. 2. M.-SPb: Iskusstvo, Inapress 1999.
- Likhachev D. S. Poetika drevnerusskoy literatury M.: Nauka, 1979.
- Fedotov G. P. Russkaya religioznost'. Chast' I. Khristianstvo Kievskoy Rusi. X-XIII vv. // Fedotov G. P. Sobranie sochineniy v 12 tt. T. 10. M. Martis, 2001
Sunday, 22 September 2013 | Olga Kirillova Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь... Comment: 1
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