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# 1(6) 2012: Cultural Memory
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Topic of the Issue

Aleksey VASIL'EV

Russia, Moskow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research.
PhD in History, Assistant Professor — Deputy-Director for
Research, Head of the Division for the Humanities.

The "Axial Time" of Memory Studies: The Russian Trace

The main goal of the article is the analysis of the contribution of Russian humanitarian thought in relation to the first scientific programs in the field of memory studies in the 1920s and 1930s.
In the second half of the 1920s, the French sociologist, M. Halbwachs and the German art historian, A. Warburg, offered the concepts of collective/social memory, respectively, and formulated the basic principles and problems involved in the study of these phenomena.
The article posits that the cultural and historical psychology of L. Vygotsky, and M. Bakhtin's theory of genre, developed during the same time period in Russian humanities, highlight those mechanisms of functioning belonging to collective/social memory, which in the theories M. Halbwachs and A. Warburg were only briefly outlined.
The author concludes that the "Halbwachs/Vygotsky's" and "Warburg/Bakhtin`s" theories complement one another.

Key words: M. Bakhtin, A. Warburg, L. Vygotsky, M. Halbwachs, collective memory, social memory, cultural and historical psychology, mediated action, memory of a genre


  1. Veber M. Izbrannye proizvedenija. M., 1990.
  2. Hal'bvaks M. Social'nye ramki pamjati.- M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2007.
  3. Misztal B. Theories of Remembering. Maidenhead-Philadelphia, 2003.
  4. Namer G. Halbwachs et la mémoire sociale. P.: L`Harmattan, 2000.
  5. Wertsch J.V. Voices of collective remembering. Cambridge, N.Y. et al., Cambridge University Press, 2002.
  6. Lurija A. R. Jazyk i myshlenie/Cit. po: Verch Dzh. Golosa razuma. Sociokul'turnyj podhod k oposredovannomu dejstviju. M.: Trivola, 1996.
  7. Vygotskij L. S. Pedagogicheskaja psihologija. M.: «Pedagogika-Press», 1996.
  8. Vygotskij L. S., Lurija A.R. Jetjudy po istorii povedenija. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1993.
  9. Bibler V. S. Ot naukouchenija k logike kul'tury. Dva filosofskih vvedenija v dvadcat' pervyj vek. M., 1991.
  10. Warburg A. Notizen zur Einleitung zu Mnemosyne//Cit. po: Gombrich E.H. Aby Warburg. Eine intellektuelle Biographie. Hamburg. 1992.
  11. Bahtin, M. M. Zhanrovaja i sjuzhetno-kompozicionnaja osobennosti proizvedenij Dostoevskogo // M. M. Bahtin. Problemy pojetiki Dostoevskogo. — M.: «Sovetskaja Rossija», 1979.
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Ukraine, Kharkov.
V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University. Chief of Media & Communications Department.
Professor, PhD, Director of the Center of Media Communications and Visual Studies

Total Recall vs. Delete: The Panopticon of Digital Hyper-Memory

What is the semantic spectrum of the "Hyper Memory" concept? To answer this question, it would be possible, as well as interesting, to consider the two concepts of the Digital Hyper Memory: two essays, published in 2009. The first is the book "Total Recall: How the E-Memory Revolution Will Change Everything" by known pioneers of computer science and authors of the project "True Recall" — Gordon Bell and Jim Gemmell, who have created a new technological Utopia of E-Memory Revolution.
The title of the second book is "Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age". The author of this book is an American cyber-politics and e-commerce analyst — Harvard University Professor Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger, who talks about the value of the "Delete" button, and why, in the digital age, it is more important to learn to forget than to remember.
"Total Recall" and "Delete" are the alternative interpretations of the omnipotence of an artificial universal Hyper Memory hypothesis. The first book teaches us to remember, the second — to forget. We are faced with the necessity of reflection pro et contra. Yet, why not try to slip out of this suffocating binary logic? Why not seek out a "third way" that connects the oppositions? In this digital age of a Hyper Memory Panopticon, it's possible to reformulate one of Ludwig Wittgenstein's famous thoughts: "Whereof one cannot remember, thereof one must forget".

Key words: memory, forgetting, digital age, electronic revolution, Hyper Memory, Panopticon


  1. Derrida J. Memoires for Paul de Man. Columbia: Columbia University Press, 1989. P. 4.
  2. Riker P. Pamjat', istorija, zabvenie / Per. s fr. I.I. Blauberg i dr. — M.: Izd-vo gumanitarnoj literatury, 2004. — 726 s.
  3. Lurija A. R. Malen'kaja knizhka o bol'shoj pamjati. — M.: Jejdos, 1994. — 96 s.
  4. Assman Ja. Kul'turnaja pamjat'. Pis'mo, pamjat' o proshlom i politicheskaja identichnost' v vysokih kul'turah drevnosti / Per. s nem. M.M. Sokol'skoj. — M.: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury, 2004. — S.54-55.
  5. Debre R. Vvedenie v mediologiju / Per. s fr. B.M. Skuratova. — M.: Praksis, 2010.
  6. Augé M. Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity. — London & New York: Verso, 1995. — 132 r.
  7. Jejts F.A. Iskusstvo pamjati / Per. s angl. E. Malyshkina. — SPb: Universitetskaja kniga, 1997.
  8. Bell G., Gemmell J. Total Recall: How the E-Memory Revolution Will Change Everything. — Boston, Mass.: Dutton Adult, 2009. – 304 r.
  9. Mayer-Schönberger V. Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age. — Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2009. – 256 r.
  10. Bell G., Gemmell J. Op. cit. P. 7.
  11. Bush V. As We May Think // Atlantic Monthly. — 1945. — July. — P. 101-108: [Electronic resource]. Access mode :
  12. Virtualdayz: Remediated Visions & Digital Memories by Elayne Zalis. — Create Space, 2008. — 160 p.
  13. Jeko U. Ot Interneta k Gutenbergu: tekst i gipertekst. Publichnaja lekcija na jekonomicheskom fakul'tete MGU 20 maja 1998 goda / Per. s ital. E. Kostjukovich // Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie. — 1998. — № 32. — S. 5-14.
  14. Hatton P.H. Istorija kak iskusstvo pamjati / Per. s angl. V.Ju. Bystrova. — SPb: Izd-vo «Vladimir Dal'» / Fond Universitet, 2003. — S. 79.
  15. Kastel's M. Mul'timedіa ta Іnternet: gіpertekst poza konvergencієju // Kastel's M. Іnternet-galaktika. Mіrkuvannja wodo Іnternetu, bіznesu і suspіl'stva / Per. z angl. — K.: Vakler, 2007. — S. 188-206.
  16. «Weaving the Web: Origins and Future of the World Wide Web» (1999); «Spinning the Semantic Web:
  17. Bringing the World Wide Web to Its Full Potential» (2005).
  18. Storkerson R., Wong J. Hypertext and the Art of Memory // Visible Language. — 1997. — Vol. 31.2. — P. 126-157.
  19. Hawkins J., Blakeslee S. On Intelligence. — New York: Owl Books, 2005. — 272 r.
  20. Mayer-Schönberger V. Op. cit. P. 171.
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Alexander LYUSY

Russia, Moscow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research, Seniour Rearcher.
PhD in Cultural Science.

Imagenomics Of History

The article discusses the master-narrative of historical conditions — together with the attraction of real and imagined mechanisms of the symbolical exchange of memory and oblivion. The article presents the narrative approach directed on interrelation of cultural history with practice of historians in their work with memory. In addition, the article discusses the attraction of the experience of modern art and Walter Benjamin's idea that thinking is necessary not only through movement, but also through the cessation of movement. The article also expresses the idea of creating a situational interactive monument of the flight of history and memory, for the purpose of finally getting out from under the yoke of history.

Key words: symbolical exchange, general economy, narrative function, discourse, avant-guard, reconstruction


  1. Megill A. Istoricheskaja jepistemiologija. M., 2007.
  2. Ljusyj A. P. Parad utopij // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. 2010. № 1.
  3. Kropotov S. L.Allegorii v jepohu jekonomimezisa: ob istokah nepanopticheskoj ikonografii strit-arta // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. 2011. № 4 (5).
  4. Rikjor P. Pamjat', istorija, zabvenie. M., 2004. S.
  5. M. Hajdegger. Bytie i vremja. M., 2011.
  6. Hal'vaks M. Social'nye ramki pamjati. M., 2007.
  7. Ven P. Kak pishut istoriju. Opyt jepistemiologii. M., 2003.
  8. Cymburskij V. Kon#junktury Zemli i Vremeni. Geopoliticheskie i hronopoliticheskie intellektual'nye rassledovanija. M.: Evropa, 2011.
  9. Eliseeva O. A. Geopoliticheskie proekty G. A. Potemkina. M., 2000.
  10. B. Grojs. Iskusstvo kak avangard jekonomiki // Maksimka: Zhurnal real'nogo iskusstva. 1999. № 4.
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Vyacheslav SHESTAKOV

Russia, Moskow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research.
PhD, professor.

Memory as a Reality of Historical Time

The rememberance of history is a special ability unique to human beings. Without memory, there would be no history, no civilization and no culture. Memory, in the history of art, plays a very special role — one where continuity and inheritance are of the highest importance. Art itself is an effective instrument against the death of memory, preservation of the past, and cognition of the future.

Key words: history, memory, memorial, time, past, future, death of memory


  1. Danilova N. Psihofiziologija. — M. 1998.
  2. Nicshe F. Nesvoevremennye razmyshlenija: o pol'ze i vrede istorii dlja zhizni. — M.:Harvest, 2003.
  3. Berdjaev N. Smysl istorii. — M. 1991.
  4. Rikjor P. Pamjat', istorija, zabvenie. — M. 2004.
  5. Assman Ja. Kul'turnaja pamjat'. — SPB. 2004.
  6. Hatton P. Istorija kak iskusstvo pamjati. — SPB. 2003.
  7. Gombrich E. H. A Lifelong Interest. A Conversation on Art and Science with Didier Eribon. L., 1993.
  8. Gombrich E. Art and Illusion. — L. 1972.
  9. Gombrich on Art and Psychology. Ed. by R. Woodfield. — Manchester University Press. 1996.
  10. Arnhejm R. Iskusstvo i vizual'noe vosprijatie. — M. 1974.
  11. Kassirer Je. Filosofija simvolicheskih form. M. — Spb. 2002. T.1.
  12. Panofskij Je. Smysl i tolkovanie proizvedenija iskusstva. — M. Spb. 1999.
  13. Shestakov V. P. Jeshatologicheskie motivy v legende o grade Kitezhe // Shestakov V. P. Jeshatologija i utopija. Ocherki russkoj filosofii i kul'tury. — M. 1995.
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Ukraine, Kiev.
National Academy of Personnel Management / Center of Arts and Culture. Department of Theory and History of Culture.
PhD, Seigneur Lecturer.

Poetry and Philosophy: Two Types of Existential Memory

The specifics of poetry and philosophy, as a phenomenon of existential memory in its correlation with the human subject, are analyzed in this article. The function of poetry and philosophy, as an essential remedy for a holistic worldview, are also discussed. In addition, acomparative analysis of poetry and philosophy, as regulators of human psychics and existence, are also proposed here.

Key words: poetry, philosophy, subject, worldview, existence


  1. Kulikov D. K. Situacija «pamjat'»: issledovanija novogo fenomena gumanitarnyh nauk // Aktual'nye problemy filosofii social'no-gumanitarnyh nauk. — Rostov n/D, 2008.
  2. Hajdegger M. Chto znachit myslit'? // Razgovor na proselochnoj doroge. Izbrannye raboty. — M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1991.
  3. Paustovskij K. Iskusstvo videt' mir // Paustovskij K. Severnaja povest'. — M.: Pravda, 1989.
  4. Choran Je.M. Zapisnye knizhki 1957–1972 // Inostrannaja literatura. — 1998. — № 11.
  5. Bazilevs'kij V. Matematika poezії // Kur'єr Krivbasu. — 2001. — № 1.
  6. Gogol' N. V. Vybrannye mesta iz perepiski s druz'jami. — SPb.: Azbuka, 2005.
  7. Berkovskij N. Ja. Mir, sozdavaemyj literaturoj. — M.: Sov. pisatel', 1989.
  8. Vinokur G. O. Ponjatie pojeticheskogo jazyka // Vinokur G. O. O jazyke hudozhestvennoj literatury. — M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1991.
  9. Levinas Je. Sluzhanka i ejo gospodin // Blansho M. Ozhidanie zabvenija. — SPb.: Amfora, 2000.
  10. Lotman Ju. M. Analiz pojeticheskogo teksta. Struktura stiha. — L.: Prosvewenie, 1972.
  11. Prishvin M. M. Dnevnik. 1937. // Prishvin M. M. Dnevniki. — M.: Pravda, 1990.
  12. Slaveckij V. I. Vozvrawenie Marii. Sovremennaja pojezija: puti, tendencii, problemy. — M.: Sovremennik, 1991. — S. 151; 158.
  13. Averincev S. S. Ritm kak teodiceja // Averincev S.S. Svjaz' vremen. — K.: Duh і Lіtera, 2005.
  14. Petrov-Stromskij V. F. Tri jestetiki evropejskogo iskusstva // Voprosy filosofii. — 2000. — № 10.
  15. Mamardashvili M. Kak ja ponimaju filosofiju. — 2-oe izd., izmen. i dopoln. — M.: «Progress», 1992.
  16. Arsen'ev N. S. Dary i vstrechi zhiznennogo puti. Frankfurt-na-Majne: Posev, 1974.
  17. Golding U. Dvojnoj jazyk. — M.: AST, 2004.
  18. Safranski R. Hajdegger: germanskij master i ego vremja / Per. s nem. — 2-e izd. — M.: «Mol. gvardija», 2005.
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Russia, Saratov.
P. A. Stolypin Volga Region Academy of Public Administration.
The Department of sociology, social policy and regional history. PhD in sociological sciences, professor.

The Foretime Colonization

Cultural memory is closely linked to historical memory. The past does not exist in accordance with our perceptions of the past, but only our ideas about it. These ideas vary, and do not constitute a reliable reflection of the actual past. These ideas are socialized, and thus can be censored and corrected by the official ideology. Historical memory constructs a virtual past. In the fixation of the past, artistic texts play a key role, together with historical narratives, between which there is an obvious convergence. Changing the types of discourses of fiction and cinema, has the effect of changing the patterns of cultural memory, making it more individualized and fragmented, and often denying meta-narratives. In addition, another effect is the redirection of value judgments in regard to modern designs. For the last 150 years, cultural and historical continuity, in the traditional sense, has ceased to exist and has been replaced by new models that symbolize the genesis of new social and cultural identities.

Key words: cultural memory, historical memory, text, virtual past, epistemic uncertainty, the structure of cultural memory, cultural and historical continuity


  1. Gunther G. Logik, Zeit, Emanation und Evolution. Opladen: Wetsdeutscher Verlag, 1967.
  2. Gunther G. Das Janusgesicht der Dialektik // Hegel-Jahrbuch. 1974.
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  4. Nosovskij G. V., Fomenko A. T. Hristos rodilsja v Krymu. M., Izd-vo AST, 2009.
  5. Volodihin D. M. Fenomen fol'k-histori // Mify «novoj hronologii». Materialy konferencii na istoricheskom fakul'tete MGU 21 dekabrja 1999 g. / Pod red. V. L. Janina. — M.: SPSL-»Russkaja panorama, 2001.
  6. Ferretti M. Neprimirimaja pamjat': Rossija i vojna. Zametki na poljah spora na zhguchuju temu // Neprikosnovennyj zapas. 2005, №2–3 (40–41).
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  14. Prozorov. Jubilej // Svjawennaja vojna. M., «Jauza-Jeksmo», 2007.
  15. Ferro M. Kak rasskazyvajut istoriju detjam v raznyh stranah mira. M., iz-vo Knizhnyj Klub 36.6. 2010.
  16. Krusanov P. Sim pobedishi // Krusanov P. Otkovat' travu. Rasskazy, povest'. SPb.: Borej-Art, 1999.
  17. Lev Vershinin Pervyj god respubliki Hronika nesluchivshejsja kampanii // Svjawennaja vojna [sbornik] (Antologija — 2008). Jeksmo, Jauza; Moskva. 2008.
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Russia, Moskow.
National Research University Higher School of Economics
PhD in sociology, assistant professor.


Russia, Moskow.
MA student — National Research University, School of Economics.
Magistrant fakul'teta sociologii.

Nostalgic images of the Soviet's Recent Past:The Media Activism of Leonid Parfenov

Post-Soviet nostalgia is an important phenomenon in the collective memory of both Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The concept of nostalgia is at the center of many theoretical debates about the production of a collective memory. A theoretical analysis of the characteristics of nostalgia is not possible without the concept of a collective memory. Therefore, our paper consists of two parts. In the first part, we analyze the relationship between the concepts of collective memory and nostalgia, and provide a definition of nostalgia in the context of the humanities. The second part of the article is an analysis of the popular series of publications by Russian journalist and social activist, L. Parfenov, which are devoted to the history of the Soviet's recent past. The uniqueness of these publications is based on the integration of facts and information about major historical events and phenomena, as well issues that relate to everyday life. These publications have reached a wide readership and create a nostalgic image of the Soviet's recent past. We explore the reasons why the publication of the collections of the "Namedni.Nasha era" have evoked such nostalgic emotions in readers.

Key words: collective memory, nostalgia, utopian thinking, restorative nostalgia, reflexive nostalgia


  1. Bojm S. Konec nostal'gii? Iskusstvo i kul'turnaja pamjat' konca veka: Sluchaj Il'i Kabakova//Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, № 39, 1999
  2. Gavrilov A. Jepoha renessansa sovetskoj antichnosti. Interv'ju s L. Parfenovym//Argumenty Nedeli, 2010, № 3 (193)
  3. Kustarev A. Zolotye 1970-e — nostal'gija i reabilitacija//Neprikosnovennyj zapas, No. 2, 2007
  4. Levada-centr. O raspade SSSR. Press-reliz, 2011 []
  5. Namedni. Nasha jera. 1961-1970(71-80, 81-90). 278 fenomenov desjatiletija. M.: KoLibri,2009-2010.
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  7. Hal'bvaks M. Rekonstrukcija proshlogo/Hal'bvaks M. Social'nye ramki pamjati. M.: Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2007.
  8. Shaburova O., Smolina N. Nostal'gicheskij diskurs v konstruirovanii kollektivnoj identichnosti//Ural'skij MION, 2010.
  9. Shubrt I., Pfajferova Sh. Ramki i mesta kollektivnoj pamjati: staraja tema, novye vzgljady//Lichnost', kul'tura, obwestvo, 2011, T.XIII, Vyp.1.(№№61-62), s.77-85.
  10. Assmann J. and Czaplicka J. Collective Memory and Cultural Identity // New German critique, No. 65, 1995, pp. 125-133
  11. Balazs F. The apotheosis of Janos Kadar-On the glorifying gesture of nostalgic memory. In N/Osztalgia—Ways of revisiting the socialist past, ed. I. Willinger. Budapest: Anthropolis,2007, p.5-9.
  12. Bell A. and Garrett P. Approaches to media discourse. Wiley-Blackwell, 1998.
  13. Berdahl D. '(N)Ostalgie' for the Present: Memory, Longing, and East German Things//Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 1999, 64.1pp.192–211.
  14. Betts P. Remembrance of Things Past: Nostalgia in West and East Germany, 1980–2000.Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth-Century German History. Ed. Paul Betts and Greg Eghigian. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2003, pp.178–207.
  15. Boym S. From the Russian Soul to Post-Communist Nostalgia // Representations, No. 49, 1995, pp. 133-166.
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  17. Davis F. Yearning for yesterday: a Sociology of Nostalgia. New York: Free Press, 1979.
  18. Eckman J. and Linde J. Communist Nostalgia in Central and Eastern Europe: A Matter of Principles or Performance? Conference paper, Nordic Political Science Association's Annual Meeting, Aalborg, Denmark, August 15–17, 2002.
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  20. Fine G. A. Review [Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia by Fred Davis] // Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1980, pp. 410-411.
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  24. Houlden K. Nostalgia for the past as guide to the future: Paule Marshall's The Chosen Place the Timeless People // Memory Studies, No. 3, 2010, pp. 253-261.
  25. Jameson F. Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism,London: Verso, 1991.
  26. Kansteiner W. Finding Meaning in Memory: A Methodological Critique of Collective Memory Studies // History and Theory, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2002, pp. 179-197.
  27. Legg S. Memory and Nostalgia // Cultural Geographies, No. 11, pp. 99-107
  28. Nora P. Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire // Representations, No. 26, 1989, pp. 7-25.
  29. Panelas T. Review [Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia by Fred Davis] // The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 87, No. 6, 1982, pp. 1425-1427.
  30. Post-communist nostalgia/edited by M. Todorova and Z. Gille. New York: Berghahn Books, 2010.
  31. Radstone S. Nostalgia: Home-comings and departures//Memory Studies,2010 №3, p.187-200.
  32. Sedikides C., Wildschut T., Arndt J. and Routledge C. Nostalgia: past, present, and future//Current Directions in Psychological Science, No. 17, 2008,p.304-307.
  33. Stewart K. Nostalgia — a Polemic//Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1988, pp. 227-241.
  34. Tannock S. Nostalgia Critique//Cultural Studies, No. 9, 1995, pp. 453-464.
  35. Velikonja M. Titostalgia — A Study of Nostalgia for Josip Broz. Ljubljana: Peace Institute, 2008.
  36. Wilson J. Nostalgia: A Sanctuary of Meaning. Bucknell University Press, 2005.
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Alexander KOTYLEV

Russia, Siktivkar.
Komi State Pedagogical Institute. PhD, senior lecturer

The Actualization/Deactualization of Educational Concepts in Cultural Memory
(an example of Stephan's textual development)

The Stephan's text is comprised of all the works devoted to the acts and doctrine of Stephan of Perm, a Russian 14th century missionary. During the period spanning from the15th to the 21st century, this text is transformed from history into myth. The idea of Christian education also changes, at times being perceived asmore rational, while in other periods it is perceived as being more mystical.

Key words: historical consciousness, mythological thinking, medieval missionary work, historiography


  1. Kotylev A. Ju. Stefanovskij istoriko-prostranstvennyj koncept v nauchno-obrazovatel'noj sisteme sovremennoj rossijskoj kul'tury // Semiozis i kul'tura. Vyp. 2. — Syktyvkar, 2006.
  2. Kotylev A. Ju. Uchenie i obraz Stefana Permskogo v kul'ture Rusi / Rossii XIV–XXI vekov. — Syktyvkar, 2012.
  3. Shestakov P. Sv. Stefan, pervosvjatitel' Permskij. — Kazan', 1868.
  4. Kljuchevskij V. Drevnerusskie zhitija svjatyh kak istoricheskij istochnik. — M., 1871.
  5. Lytkin G. S. Zyrjanskij kraj pri episkopah permskih i zyrjanskij jazyk. 1383 — 1501. — SPb., 1889. Reprintnoe izdanie. — M., 1995.
  6. Lihachev D. S. Kul'tura Rusi vremeni Andreja Rubleva i Epifanija Premudrogo. — M.-L., 1962.
  7. Fedotov G. P. Svjatye Drevnej Rusi. — M., 1990.
  8. Chernecov A. V. Posoh Stefana Permskogo // TODRL. T. XLI.- L., 1988.
  9. Prohorov G. M. Ravnoapostol'nyj Stefan Permskij i ego agiogaraf Epifanij Premudryj // Svjatitel' Stefan Permskij. — SPb., 1995.
  10. Chernecov A. R. «Samotvoritel' novyja gramoty» Stefan Permskij // Drevnerusskaja knizhnost' (Tvorchestvo i dejatel'nost' Stefana Permskogo) / Otv. red. R. A. Simonov. — M., 1995.
  11. Kotylev A. Ju. Sociokul'turnoe znachenie obraza i dejanij svjatitelja Stefana Permskogo v svete istoricheskih analogij // Art. 2006. № 4.
  12. Kotylev A. Ju. Slovo o zhitii i uchenii svjatogo otca nashego Stefana, byvshego v Permi episkopom, kak istoricheskoe proizvedenie // Istoricheskoe proizvedenie kak fenomen kul'tury. Vyp. 2. — Syktyvkar, 2008.
  13. Epifanij Premudryj. Slovo o zhitii i uchenii svjatogo otca nashego Stefana // Svjatitel' Stefan Permskij. — M., 1995.
  14. Meletinskij E. M. Kul'turnyj geroj // Mify narodov mira v dvuh tomah. T. 2. — M., 1982.
  15. Vlasov A. N. Stefan Permskij v narodnoj pamjati // Hristianstvo i jazychestvo naroda komi. — Syktyvkar, 2001.
  16. Kul'tura Vizantii. Vtoraja polovina VII–XII v. — M., 1989.
  17. Borisov N. S. Cerkovnye dejateli srednevekovoj Rusi XIII–XVII vv. — M., 1988.
  18. Kazakova N. A., Lur'e Ja. S. Antifeodal'nye ereticheskie dvizhenija na Rusi XIV — nachala XVI v. — M.; L., 1955.
  19. Zhitie svjatogo Leontija, episkopa Rostovskogo. S predisloviem A. A. Titova. — M., 1893.
  20. Kotylev A. Ju. Agonal'noe modelirovanie pravoslavnogo mirovidenija v disputah prosvetitelej s inovercami // Semiozis i kul'tura. Vyp. 4. — Syktyvkar, 2008.
  21. Florja B. N. Komi-Vymskaja letopis' // Novoe o proshlom nashej strany. — M., 1967.
  22. Limerov P. F. Obraz svjatogo Stefana Permskogo v pis'mennoj tradicii i fol'klore naroda Komi. — M., 2008.
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Russia, Saint-Petersburg.
Institute of History (Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg).
researcher, PhD in History.

The dispute over "Ingrian Heritage":
The construction of Ingrian identity, Finno-Ugric traditional culture and new-Ingrian Occidentalism in Saint-Petersburg and the surrounding region

The present article explores the phenomenon of Saint-Petersburg's society spanning the period of 2000–2010 — and the construction of a regional identity around the term "Ingria" or "Ingermanland". In the 17th century, the province of the Swedish Kingdom included the territory of the contemporary Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region. The protagonists of this new identity don't recognize any ethnic factor, regarding their identification as Ingrians, in contrast to the Finns of Ingria, a sub-ethnic Finnish group, living in the Russian Federation. These "new Ingrians" emphasize their belonging to a region of European civilization, prior to the foundation of Saint-Petersburg by Peter the Great in 1703. The principles of openness, self-identification and a liberated personality strongly contrast to the ethnic closeness between the majority of Russian Finns, who claim to have an exclusive monopoly on the name of Ingria. From 2000–2008, this was a cause of great dispute. Nowadays, however, the dispute has been transformed into a state of mutual understanding through cooperation in cultural and commemorative actions and projects.

Key words: identity, regional identity, Ingria, Ingermanland, ethnic constructivism


  1. Krjukov A. V. Ob jetnicheskom samosoznanii ingermanlandskih finnov i izhor // Finno-ugorskie narody Rossii: problemy istorii i kul'tury. Istochniki, issledovanija, istoriografija. SPb, 2007.
  2. Skvorcov N. G. Problema jetnichnosti v social'noj antropologii. SPb, 1996.
  3. Egorov S. B., Kiseljov S. B., Chistjakov A. Ju. Jetnicheskaja identichnost' na pogranich'e kul'tur. SPb, 2007.
  4. Kokko V. A. Tendencii razvitija nacional'nogo dvizhenija ingermanlandskih finnov // Jetnografija Peterburga — Leningrada. Tridcat' let izuchenija 1974 — 2004. Sost. N. V. Juhnjova. SPb, 2004.
  5. Kniga pamjati finnam repressirovannym za nacional'nuju prinadlezhnost' v SSSR. Sost. L. A. Gil'di, M. M. Braudze. T. 1. SPb, 2010.
  6. Guboglo M. N. Identifikacija identichnosti: jetnosociologicheskie ocherki. M., 2003.
  7. Anderson B. Voobrazhaemye soobwestva. Razmyshlenija ob istokah i rasprostranenii nacionalizma. M., 2001.
  8. Vertjachih A. Ju. Principy praktikujuwego kraevedenija // Sedaja krov' Ingermanlandii. Sbornik statej. SPb, 2008.
  9. Gumiljov L. N. Jetnogenez i biosfera Zemli. L., 1990.
  10. Pugovkin A. Baltijskij put' Peterburga. SPb, 2011.
  11. Zhukov K. S. Istorija Nevskogo kraja (s drevnejshih vremjon do konca XVIII veka). Kniga dlja uchitelja. SPb, 2010.
  12. Lanin D. Kul'tura Peterburga: ot imperskoj — k nacional'noj! // Ingermanlandskij mozhzhevel'nik. Stihi i pesni o nashej rodine. Vyp. II. SPb, 2009.
  13. Gavrilina S. Vershiny sosen i korni travy // Ingermanlandskij mozhzhevel'nik. Stihi i pesni o nashej rodine. Vyp. IV. SPb, 2012.
  14. Mustin I. «Chto jeto, Bjerrimor?» // Inkeri. № 2 (073). 2010.
  15. Virki V. «Perepis' — 2010» // Inkeri. № 2 (073). 2010.
  16. Anderson B. Voobrazhaemye soobwestva. Razmyshlenija ob istokah i rasprostranenii nacionalizma. M., 2001.
  17. Dekonskaja A. Moleben na Mitrofan'evskom kladbiwe // Inkeri. № 2 (075) — 2011.
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Cultural Theory

Nadezhda GOLIK

Russia, St. Petersburg.
St.Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy
PhD, Full Professor of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture Department.

Modern Crisis: Philosophy of Culture's Helicopter View

The culture of any society is a clear parameter of its "quality" — its capability to develop, improve, transform and evolve into something else. In some cases, such transitions can be qualified as a decline (or degradation) of culture — a "crisis" or disaster. In a directsense, a catastrophe or crisis is often a sign of a cultural "cancer", as it were — an unhealthy growth and multiplication of unhealthy cells, which eventually overcome the healthy cells. Thus, a cultural crisis often marks the beginning of the culture's demise, in the same way as a cancer is often the beginning of an organism's death. So-called "demonstrative consumption" has played the role of "cancerous cells" in the development of modern crises. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the spread of "cancerous cells" has achieved epidemic proportions: demonstrative consumption has, in fact, become the universal illness of specific dependence, describing a condition of public and individual health. Modern research studies emphasize the destructive character of demonstrative consumption, resulting in strategies of greediness, aggression and envy (resentment).

Key words: culture, crisis, "cancer" of culture, demonstrative consumption, resentment


  1. Manhejm K. Diagnoz nashego vremeni. — M.: 1994.
  2. Fuko M. Chto takoe Prosvewenie // Fuko M. Intellektualy i vlast'. T. 1. — M., 2002.
  3. Mendel'son M. O voprose «Chto znachit prosvewat'?» (Perevod i vstup. stat'ja M. Demina) // Filosofskij vek. Al'manah 27. — SPb., 2004.
  4. Kant I. Otvet na vopros: chto takoe Prosvewenie? // Soch. v shesti tomah. T.6. — M., 1966.
  5. Mamardashvili M. Neobhodimost' sebja. — M.: «Labirint», 1996.
  6. Arendt H. Ljudi v temnye vremena. — M., Moskovskaja shkola politicheskih issledovanij, 2003.
  7. Arendt H. Skrytaja tradicija. — M., «Tekst». 2008.
  8. Benda J. La Tragison des clercs (1927). Paris: Grasset, 1977.
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How was Blanchot possible? Iran: The Destruction of Literature

Parham Shahrjerdi — Iranian poet, translator, board member of "The Society of Maurice Blanchot's friends", founder of the site "The Space of Maurice Blanchot". In this essay, the author questions how a translation could be possible under conditions where neither the language, nor the social and political horizon are suitable for such a translation, due to specific, mitigating circumstances. The essay attempts to help readers comprehend such a literary piece, as a translation.

Key words: French philosophy of the 20th century, translation, politics and literature

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Critical Theory


Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State University. Faculty of Philosophy. The center of mediaphilosophy. Researcher.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Researcher, PhD.

Machine turn: Invention instead of Methodology — Interview with Gerald Raunig

Post-industrial technological civilization demands new research technologies. Beginning from continuous predictions and exclamations about cyborgs reducing the machine to a completelyt echnical level, universal gadgets and avatar duplications in social networks — the capitalist machine becomes a biopolitical megamachine. The concept "general Intellect", used by Marx to explain collective knowledge in its various forms (the sciences, practical knowledge of production) — is at the center of modern, postindustrial criticism or cognitive capitalism. Modern criticism expands Marx's "general Intellect" in regard to extensive areas of general knowledge and new forms of social and interpersonal relations, as well as social interactions.

Key words: machine theory, machine, turn, methodology, cognitive capitalism, general intelligence, Invention, Gerald Raunig

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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research. Deputy director.
PhD in cultural research, senior lecturer.

The Abstract Machine and the Machinery of Shifts. Transversal Activism of War Against Art
On Gerald Raunig's "Art and Revolution: Transversal Activism in the Long Twentieth Century" First Russian translation

This book shows an extremely important movement in the contemporary social condition, known as 'transmodrnism' — a profound combination of social development theory and unexpected aesthetic speculations. The author explores the concept of 'revolution' in contemporary philosophy and critical theory. Principal events of Western and early Sovet activism are discussed as a phenomena of the whole process of social transformation, under the power of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's concept of the "abstract machine".

Key words: Gerald Raunig, Transversal, activism, abstract machine, multitude, modern and contemporary art


  1. Rauning G. Iskusstvo i revoljucija: hudozhestvennyj aktivizm v dolgom dvadcatom veke. — SPb.: Izdatel'stvo Evropejskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge, 2012.
  2. Venkova A. V. Reprezentacija plasticheskoj normy i ideja «besformennogo» v sovremennom iskusstve // Fundamental'nye problemy kul'turologi: tom V: teorija i metodologija sovremennoj kul'turologii. — M., SPb.: Novyj hronograf, Jejdos. — 2009. — S. 536–550
  3. Hardt M. Negri A. Imperija. — M.: Praksis, 2004.
  4. Valerij Podoroga Homo ex machina. Avangard i ego mashiny. Jestetika novoj formy. Logos № 1(74) 2010.
  5. Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Anti-Jedip: Kapitalizm i shizofrenija. - Ekaterinburg: U-Faktorija, 2007.
  6. Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Tysjacha plato: Kapitalizm i shizofrenija. — Ekaterinburg: U-Faktorija; M.: Astrel', 2010.
  7. Delez Zh., Gvattari F. Shmit K. Teorija partizana. — M.: Praksis, 2007.
  8. Valerij Podoroga Homo ex machina. Avangard i ego mashiny. Jestetika novoj formy. Logos № 1(74) 2010.
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Art Theory

Arkadiy OROPAY

Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. PhD, Associate Professor.

Pushkin and Limonov: "Strange Convergences" in Prophetism

This article is devoted to literary prophetism. The author believes that there is some connection between literary prophecy and the spatial characteristics of culture. The author concludes that, even as regards such ideologically and chronologically far-removed prophetic activities like those of authors like A. Pushkin and E. Limonov, they show an interest in the peripheral areas of social and cultural space.

Key words: prophetism, literary prophecy, the space of Russian culture, center, periphery, border, Pushkin, Limonov


  1. Gercen A.I. Byloe i dumy. — Minsk: Nar. asveta, 1971. — S. 383.
  2. Lessing G.Je. Izbrannoe. — M.: Hudozhestvennaja literatura, 1980. — S. 389.
  3. Limonov Je. «Ja — jenergichnyj russkij muzhik s Volgi» // Literaturnaja gazeta. — 2009. — № 27.
  4. Berlin I. Podlinnaja cel' poznanija. Izbrannye jesse. — M.: Kanon+, 2002. — S. 513 .
  5. Berdjaev N.A. Mutnye liki. «Vospominanija o A.A. Bloke» A. Belogo// Filosofskie nauki. — 1990. — № 7. — S. 64–69.
  6. Paleolog M. Carskaja Rossija nakanune revoljucii. — M.: Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, 1991. — S. 325.
  7. Al'tshuller M.G. Jepoha Val'tera Skotta v Rossii. Istoricheskij roman1830-h godov. — SPb.: Akademicheskij proekt, 1996. — S. 242.
  8. Volgin I. Lev Tolstoj kak zerkalo… (nuzhnoe vpisat'). — Literaturnaja gazeta. — № 22–23.
  9. Bondarenko V. G. Trubadury imperskoj Rossii. — M.: Jauza, Jeksmo, 2007. — S. 310.
  10. Limonov Je. Moja politicheskaja biografija. Dokumental'nyj roman. — SPb.: Amfora, 2002. — S. 118.
  11. Pushkin A.S. Istoricheskie zametki. — L.: Lenizdat, 1984. — S. 9.
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Art History

Vyacheslav SHESTAKOV

Russia, Moskow.
Russian Institute for Cultural Research.
PhD, professor.

Michael Alpatov and Hans Sedlmayr:
Russian Impact on Vienna's School of Art History

Michail Alpatov and Hans Sedlmayer first met in Vienna in 1929. They became friends, andexchanged letters for many years. Alpatov's archive at the Moscow State Art Museum,named after A. Pushkin, includes 14 letters, written between 1960 and 1978. These letters show the international influence of the Vienna School of Art, and contain important remarks about art history, iconography, etc. For the first publication of these letters, see: V.Shestakov. Tragedy of Exile — The Fate of Vienna School of Art History. Moscow, 2005.

Key words: art history, Vienna School of Art, iconography, icons, the Renaissance


  1. Vanejan S. Pustujuwij tron. Kriticheskoe iskusstvoznanie Hansa Zedl'majra. M. 2004.
  2. Sedlmayr H. Epochen und Weke. Gesammelte Schriften zur Kunstgeschichte. 1985, Bd.2.
  3. Sir Ernst Gombrich: An Autobiographical Sketch and Discussion // Rutgerts Art Review, VIII, 1987.
  4. Slausberg K. Wiener Schule — Russischer Formalismus  — Prager Strukturalismus: Ein komparatistisches Kapitel Kunstwissenschaft // Idea 2,1983.
  5. Rosenauer A. Zur neuen Wiener Schule der Kunstgeschichte // XXVII congres internat. d'histoire de l'art (1985), Strasbourg 1992.
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Media Studies

Oliver GRAU

Austria, Krems.
Professor of Image Science and Head of the Department
for Image Science at the Danube University

Phantasmagoric Visual Magic of the 18th Century and Its Afterlife in Media Art

The current article focuses on the reappearance of the phantasmagoria in media art and its analysis. The Phantasmagoria medium, developed from the Laterna Magica and part of the history of immersion, opened up the virtual depth of the image space for the first time, as a sphere of dynamic changes. Events explored in contemporary art and visual representation, and united through a number of contemporary media artists, are now merged in the Phantasmagoria.
In contrast to the Panorama, the Phantasmagoria suggests that contact can be established with the psyche — the dead or artificial life forms. It is a model for the functioning of illusionism, a material image machine as basis of an art work that appears immaterial.

Key words: phantasmagoria, technological art, media art, media theory, history of arts, machine


  1. Pascal Beausse: Zoe Beloff: Images rémantes, After-images. Artpress, Nr. 35, 1998.
  2. Chris Gehman: A mechanical medium. A conversation with Zoe Beloff and Gen Ken Montgomery. Cinéma Scope, 2001, Nr. 6.
  3. Timothy Druckrey: Zoe Beloff. Nam June Paik Award 2002.
  4. Future Past: Zoe Beloff´s Beyond. Artbyte. The Magazine of Digital Arts, Bd. 1, Nr. 3.
  5. Victor Tausk, On the Origin of the "influencing Machine", Schizophrenia, in: Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1933, Nr. 2.
  6. E. Cassirer: Individuum und Kosmos, Darmstadt 1963 (1927).
  7. Oliver Grau: Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion, Cambridge/Mass., MIT-Press 2003.
  8. Rudolf Arnheim: The Coming and Going of Images. Leonardo, Bd. 33, Nr. 33.
  9. Walter Benjamin: Lichtenberg [Typoskript, 1932].
  10. Ulrike Hick: Geschichte der optischen Medien, München (Fink) 1999.
  11. W.A. Wagenaar: The Origins of the Lantern. The New Magic Lantern Journal, Bd. 1, Nr. 3, 1980.
  12. Stephan Oettermann: Johann Karl Enslen's Flying Sculptures. Daidalos 37, 15, 1990.
  13. Margret Cohen: Walter Benjamin's Phantasmagoria. New German Critique, Nr. 48, 1989.
  14. E.G. Robertson: Mémoires récrétifs, scientifiques et anecdotiques d'un physician-aeronaute, Langres: Clima Editeur 1985. Ebenfalls: La Phantasmagorie, La Fleur Villageoise 22 (28.2. & 23.5. 1793).
  15. Joseph Pristley: Geschichte und gegenwärtiger Zustand der Electricität, nebst eigentümlichen Versuchen, Berlin 1772.
  16. Edmund Burke: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, London, 1958 (1757).
  17. Grimod de la Reyniére, Courrier des Spectacles, 1092, 7.3., 1800.
  18. Ken Goldberg (Hg.): The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology on the Internet. Cambridge/Mass: MIT Press, 2000.
  19. Hans Moravec: Robot. Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind, Oxford 1998.
  20. Christopher G. Langton (Hg.): Artificial Life, Cambridge: MIT-Press, 1995.
  21. Thomas Ray: An Approach to the Synthesis of Life. The Philosophy of Artificial Life, Oxford 1996.
  22. Oliver Grau & Andreas Keil: Mediale Emotionen, Frankfurt/Main 2005.
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Film Studies


Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research.
Head of department. PhD in philosophy, senior lecturer.

Amnesia or Forms of The Objectification of Memory

As a rule, film directors tend to show the classic model of memory — where the memory is considered as a keeper of the Past and is perceived as an "information container". As a result, the majority of stories that portray the sense of memory are associated with the loss of memory or, rarely, with nostalgia for the Past. If the artistic model of memory, as nostalgia, stresses it as a process, the visualization of memory's loss transforms it in the object, distancing it from consciousness and imagination.

Key words: memory, amnesia, time, film, information, identity


  1. Rikjor P. Pamjat', istorija, zabvenie / Per. s franc. — M.: Izdatel'stvo gumanitarnoj literatury, 2004.
  2. Nora P. Vsemirnoe torzhestvo pamjati. //
  3. Derrida Zh. O grammatologii.//
  4. Hal'bvaks M. Kollektivnaja i istoricheskaja pamjat'// Neprikosnovennyj zapas, N 2—3 (40–41).
  5. Ferry J.-M. Les Puissances de l'experience. Essai sur l'identite contemporaine, t. II: Les Ordres de la reconnaissance. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 1991.
  6. Boltanski L., Thevenot L. De la justification. Les economies de la grandeur. Paris, Gallimard, 1991.
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Francisca FOORTAI

Russia, St. Petersburg.
Leningrad State University n. a. A. S. Pushkin.
PhD in Art History, Associate Professor.

The Keeper of the Key: The Role and Place of Creativity and Paintings in Andrei Tarkovsky's films

This article is devoted to the seven outstanding films of A. Tarkovsky: "Ivan`s Childhood", "Passions According to Andrei (Andrei Rublev)", "Solaris", "Mirror", "Stalker", "Nostalgia", and "Sacrifice". The imaginative-artistic structure of these films is considered an indivisible hypertext with reappearing characters, symbols and philosophies. Great attention is paid to the role and the place of artistic masterpieces, existing in these motion pictures, which the authoress of this article examines and perceives as special keys revealing the metaphysical sense of the director`s creative work.

Key words: cinema, Andrei Tarkovsky, painting key, hypertext, reappearing characters, imaginative-artistic hierarchy, paintings in cinema


  1. A. Tarkovskij. Zapechatlennoe vremja. // Iskusstvo kino. Dekabr' 2001 g. — № 12.
  2. Terehova M. S Andreem Tarkovskim. / O Tarkovskom. — Sost., avt. predisl. M. A. Tarkovskaja.- M.: Progress, 1989.
  3. M. Lewilovskij. Odin god s Andreem. / O Tarkovskom. — Sost., avt. predisl. M. A. Tarkovskaja. — M.: Progress, 1989.
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Russia, St. Petersburg.
St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Institute of Cultural Research.
PhD, seniour rearcher.

The New Baroque: About Tim Burton's film "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure"

The exposure of the cinema as a conditional idiom creates an affinity between Tim Burton's films and modernist art. However, Burton operates within the network of popular cinema and explores its conventions. "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" (1985), his first live-action film, is a kind of encyclopedia of cinematographic genres. The film's "horizontal" or narrative dimension is combined with "vertical" dimensions,, which function together as elements of a synchronous paradigm — in a style that is strangely reminiscent of Baroque literature.

Key words: Tim Burton, cinema genres, pop culture, Baroque


  1. Horhe-Luis Borhes. Chetyre cikla // Horhe-Luis Borhes. Kollekcija / Per. s isp. — SPb.: Severo-Zapad, 1992.
  2. Klement Grinberg. Avangard i kich. Per. s angl. A. Kalinina // Hudozhestvennyj zhurnal. — 2005. — № 60
  3. Aleksandr Mihajlov. Izbrannoe. Zavershenie ritoricheskoj jepohi. — SPb.: izd-vo SPbGU, 2007.
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Book Reviews


Russia, St. Petersburg.
Herzen State Pedagogical University. Department of theory and history of culture.
PhD in cultural research, senior lecturer.

A Review of M. Stolyar's book: "The Soviet Laughter Culture"

A review of the book "The Soviet Laughter Culture". The review focuses on the author's typology of laughter culture. Laughter begins with the ambiguous relations of Soviet ideology and power, as well as its opposition and interdependency.

Key words: laughter culture, Soviet culture, ideology, humor, religion


  1. M. Stoljar «Sovetskaja smehovaja kul'tura». — K.: Stilos, 2011. — 304 s.
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К проблеме наездницы русского постмодернизма

Sunday, 22 September 2013 | Olga Kirillova
Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь...
Comment: 1

Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

Saturday, 28 October 2017 | Alexander Lyusiy
Сакральная семиосфера северного города: монография/Д.Л.Попова; М-во образования и науки Российской Федер,...
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Арзрум, да не тот. Империобол как предчувствие футболистической революции

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
В основе материала — выступление автора на Международном конгрессе «Россия и Польша: память...
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Reminder about Humbert

Thursday, 05 April 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
There are no translations available yet.
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There are no translations available yet

Friday, 01 July 2011 | Irina Sokolova
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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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The Chronotope of Illustrated Magazine

Friday, 14 January 2011 | Margarita Gudova
The article deals with the industry glossy magazines as an agent of modernization of consciousness and the transition from the patriarchal and industrial models to the identification of...
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There are no translations available yet

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Alexey Krivolap
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