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# 1(26) 2017: Cultural Industries
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Vaganova Ballet Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Department of Philosophy, History and Theory of the Arts
Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor

Cultural Industries in the Contemporary Socio-Cultural Architectonics

The role of cultural industries in the current socio-cultural architectonics is analyzed. Architectonicness is understood as a basic principle of the existence and functioning of culture, allowing to analyze the relationships of structural-functional, dynamic, instrumental and valuable aspects. The current stage of socio-cultural development is evaluated as logically relevant in terms of the synergy of economic, social, technological and mental factors that had influence on the formation of the phenomenon of cultural industries. The parallels between the two global processes are traced: the industrialization of culture as a space of implementation of creative strategies and the growth of the service component of modern society. It is concluded that the leading role of creativity presents a value in the current axiosphere.

Key words: cultural industry, socio-cultural dynamics, cultural architectonic, value, creativity, axiosphere of modern culture, service society.


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  • Zelencova E.V. Stanovlenie i razvitie kreativnyh industrij v sovremennoj kul'ture: analiz zarubezhnogo opyta. Avtoref. …. k. kul'turologii. M., 2008.
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  • Shapinskaja E.N. Klassicheskoe iskusstvo v (post)sovremennom sitiskejpe (o fruktovom cheloveke i rozovom zajce) // Kul'tura kul'tury. 2017. № 1. URL: http://cult- (data dostupa: 21.02.2017)
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Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia 
Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor of Department of Philosophy, Cultural Science and Social Communications

Bases of the Cultural and Creative Industries as Phenomena of Modern Society

This article analyses «сultural industries» sometimes also known as «creative industries». Defining «creative industries», however, is a matter of considerable inconsistency and disagreement in the academic literature. Usage of the term «creative industries» varies among countries. It is of relatively recent origin. The article discusses the problem of the relation of the conceptual notions of cultural and creative industries within the framework of philosophical approach. A principal aim is to examine concepts which are formulated as «cultural industries» and as «creative industries». The demarcation problem is about how to distinguish between cultural industries and creative industries, including between cultural industries, industries, and other products of human activity. The author considers the evolution of methodological approaches to the conceptualization of cultural industries in the modern society; indications of cultural industries, typical features of cultural production. The article deals with the author's point of view on the nature and scope of the term «creative industries»; are analyzed features of its formation in post-industrial society.

Key words: culture, symbolical creativity, cultural industries, creative industries, creativity, cultural production, cultural policy, culture economy.


  • Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial'noe obshhestvo: Opyt social'nogo prognozirovanija / per.s angl. pod red. V.L. Inozemceva. M.: Academia, 1999. 785 s.
  • Ben'jamin V. Proizvedenie iskusstva v jepohu ego tehnicheskoj vosproizvodimosti // Izbrannye jesse / pod. red. Ju. A. Zdorovogo. M.: Medium. 1996. S. 66–91.
  • Zelencova E., Gladkih N. Tvorcheskie industrii: teorii i praktiki. M.: Klassika-XXI, 2010. 240 s.
  • Kastel's M. Informacionnaja jepoha: Jekonomika, obshhestvo i kul'tura / per. s angl. pod red. O.I. Shkaratana. M.: GU VShJe, 2000. 608 s.
  • Ljendri Ch. Kreativnyj gorod / Ch. Ljendri. M.: Klassika-HHI, 2011. 399 s.
  • Markuze G. Odnomernyj chelovek. M.: Refl-book, 1994. 368 s.
  • Flier A.Ja. Kul'turnye industrii v istorii i sovremennosti: tipy i tehnologii / A.Ja. Flier // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 3. [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: (data obrashhenija: 15.10.2016).
  • Florida R. Kreativnyj klass: ljudi, kotorye menjajut budushhee R. Florida. M.: Klassika-XXI, 2005. 430 s.
  • Hezmondalsh D. Kul'turnye industrii. M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2014. 456 s.
  • Hokins Dzh. Kreativnaja jekonomika. Kak prevratit' idei v den'gi. M.: Klassika-XXI, 2011. 256 s.
  • Horkhajmer M. Dialektika Prosveshhenija. Filosofskie fragmenty / per. s nem. M. Kuznecova. M.-SPb.: Medium, Juventa, 1997. 312 s.
  • Huet А., Ion J., Lefebvre А. Capitalismeet Industries Culturelles / 2-ed. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1991. 198 p.
  • Creative Industries Taskforce // Creative Industries Mapping Document. 1998. London. [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (data obrashhenija: 10.03.2010).
  • Creative industries Mapping Document // Department of Culture, Media and Sport. London, 2001. [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (data obrashhenija: 22.09.2010).
  • Miège B. The Logic at Work in the New Cultural Industries // Media, Culture and Society. 1987. Vol.9. P.273–289.
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    URL: (data obrashhenija: 22.03.2007).


St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Doctor of Science in Culturology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Culture


St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and History of Culture

«Research Horizons» and Typologies of Cultural Industries

The article is devoted to the consideration of the debatable situation in science regarding the understanding of the essence, as well as the place and role of cultural industries in the modern world. The text reveals the main approaches used by researchers in fixing and defining the scale of cultural industries, from the general production level to the «sectoral» framework. Various typological features are revealed that serve as the basis for the construction of typologies and classifications of cultural industries. In addition, the article presents author’s typology, which includes cultural industries in the structure of the self- reproduction of culture, proposed by O.V. Lazareva.

Key words: cultural industries, brand, creative skill, creative manufactory, virtual reality.


  • Zhidkov V.S., Sokolov K.B. Sistemnye vzgljady na kul'turu // Sistemnye issledovanija kul'tury. – 2013. – № 3. – C. 4-32.
  • Zuev S.Je. V nachale byl tekst [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Otechestvennye zapiski. – Jelektron. zhurn. – 2005. – №4 (25) // Rezhim dostupa:
    http://www.strana- [Data obrashhenija: 10.02.2017].
  • Kul'turnye industrii Kol'skogo Severa: sociologo-kul'turologicheskoe issledovanie: Kollektivnaja monografija / Pod obshh. red. L.M. Mosolovoj. – SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, 2013. – 183 s.
  • Sovremennye modeli razvitija kul'turnyh industrij v regionah Rossii: Sbornik nauchnyh statej / Otv. red. M.L. Magidovich. – SPb.: Izd-vo RGPU im. A.I. Gercena, 2014. – 418 s.
  • Flier A.Ja. Kul'turnye industrii v istorii i sovremennosti: tipy i tehnologii // Lichnost'. Kul'tura. Obshhestvo. – 2013. – T. 15, Vyp. 1, № 77. – S. 88-103.
  • Hezmondalsh D. Kul'turnye industrii [Tekst] / per. s angl. I. Kushnarevoj; pod nauch. red. A. Mihalevoj; Nac. issled. un-t «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». – M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2014. – 456 s.
  • Jencensberger H.M. Stroitel'nyj material dlja teorii media // LOGOS. – 2015. – №2 (104). – S. 142-161.


Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor



The Military Educational-and-Research Centre Naval Academy named after «Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov», Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor

“Cultural Industries” and “Creative Industries”: the Concepts’ Boundary

The aim of the article is to analyze the definitions “cultural industries” and “creative industries”. The authors consider different notional definitions and sphere of the application of the concept “cultural industry”. In this paper two major modern concepts “creativity” and “creation” are related to each other. The article is devoted to the existing conceptual approaches to the study of the cultural industries and their role in the modern reproduction of social and cultural spheres. On the basis of literature review authors analyze the role creative industries play in national innovation system.

Key words: cultural industries, creative industries, culture, art, creativity, economics, Russian experience.


  • Vislova A. V. Kul'turnye industrii i teatr // Kul'turologicheskij zhurnal [Jelektronnyj resurs]. 2012. № 1 (7).
    URL: (data obrashhenija:25.02.2017)
  • Zelencova E.V. Stanovlenie i razvitie kreativnyh industrij v sovremennoj kul'ture:i analiz zarubezhnogo opyta. Avtoref. disser. kand. kul'turologii. M., 2008.
  • Zuev S. Je., Vaseckij A. A. Kul'turnye industrii v uslovijah globalizacii // Upravlencheskoe konsul'tirovanie. 2010. No 1. S. 76-89.
  • O'Konor Dzh. Kul'turnaja politika kak vlijanie: Jeksport idei «tvorcheskih industrij» v Sankt-Peterburg. [Jelektronnyj resurs] (data obrashhenija: 25.02.2017)
  • Lihanina E.N. Kreativnye i tvorcheskie industrii kak social'no-kul'turnoe uslovie razvitija sovremennogo industrial'nogo goroda. / Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. №33-1, 2015. S.70-78.
  • Ljendri Ch. Kreativnyj gorod. — Per . s angl. — M. : Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-HHI» , 2006. -399 s.
  • Nikolaeva E.V. «2 v 1» kak format povsednevnoj kul'tury jepohi virtual'nogo konsjumerizma/ E.V. Nikolaeva// Modernizacija jekonomiki i obshhestvennoe razvitie. Kn.2. – M.: Izd. dom GU-VShJe, 2007. S.296-303.
  • Pajn Dzh.B., Gilmor Dzh.H. Jekonomika vpechatlenij. Rabota -jeto teatr, a kazhdyj biznes-scena. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Vil'jams», 2005. - 304 s.
  • Papushina Ju. O. Priglashenie k issledovaniju: kreativnye industrii v Rossii kak ob#ekt sociologicheskogo issledovanija // V kn.: Kreativnye industrii v gorode: vyzovy, proekty i reshenija. Sbornik nauchnyh statej studentov i prepodavatelej NIU VShJe / Otv. red.: Ju. O. Papushina, M. V. Mateckaja. SPb.: Levsha-Sankt-Peterburg, 2012. S. 71-88.
  • Pahter M., Ljendri Ch. Kul'tura na pereput'e. Kul'tura i kul'turnye instituty v HHI veke. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-HHI», 2003. – 96 s.
  • Sibruk Dzh. Nobrow. Kul'tura marketinga. Marketing kul'tury. M.:Ad Marginem, 2005.-304s.
  • Sociologija iskusstva: Uchebnik / Otv. red. V.S. Zhidkov, T.A. Kljavina.– SPb.: Izd-vo «Iskusstvo-SPb», 2005.
  • Florida R. Kreativnyj klass: ljudi, kotorye menjajut budushhee. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-HHI», 2007.- 421 s.
  • Hokins Dzh. Kreativnaja jekonomika. Kak prevratit' idei v den'gi. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-HHI», 2011.– 256 s.
  • Horkhajmer M., Adorno T. Dialektika Prosveshhenija: filosofskie fragmenty. M., Spb.: Medium, Juventa, 1997. -310 s.
  • Jekspertnaja diskussija zhurnala «Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie» «Jekonomika kul'tury: novyj vzgljad» v ramkah Gajdarovskogo foruma «Rossija i mir: ustojchivoe razvitie» (RANHiGS, 17 janvarja 2014 g.) [Jelektronnyj resurs] (data obrashhenija: 25.02.2017)
  • Banks M., O'Connor, J. Introduction: After the Creative Industries, International Journal of Cultural Policy 15(4): 365–374. 2009.
  • Department for Culture Media and Sport// Sajt Departamenta kul'tury, media i sporta Velikobritanii
    URL: industries- mapping-documents-1998 (data obrashhenija: 1.03.2017)
  • Garnham N. Capitalism and Communication. L.:Sage, 1990; Garnham N. Concepts of Culture PublicPolicy and the Cultural Industries (1987). L.:Arhold, 1997.
  • Garnham N. From Cultural to Crreative Industries: The Analysis of the Implications of the Creative Industries Approach to Arts and Media Policymaking in the United Kingdom // International Journal of Cultural Policy. 2005. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 15–30
  • Huet A., Ion J., Lefebvre A., Miege B. Capitalism et Industries Culturelles. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1978.
  • Lash S., Urry J. Economies of Signs and Space. L.: Sage, 1994.
  • Miege B. The Cultural Commodity // Media, Culture and Society. 1979. Vol. P. 297-311.
  • Morin E. Lepstrit du temps. P.: Bernard Grasset, 1962.
  • Department for Culture Media and Sport// Sajt Departamenta kul'tury, media i sporta Velikobritanii
    URL: industries- mapping-documents-1998 (data obrashhenija: 1.03.2017)


Polоtsk State University, Novopolotsk, Belarus
Associate Professor of Social Studies and Humanities Chair's on Department of Finance and Economics
Ph.D. in Cultural Studies

Creative Industries as the Yeast for "Fermentation" of Cultural Identity

The article discusses the relationship between the creative industries and the constructivist approach to understanding cultural identity. The article considers the main limitations for the application of the term “cultural identity”. The approaches to describing the transformation from culture to the creative industries are compared. The text mentions the emergence of the creative proletariat – precariat and its relationship with the creative industries. We use the term "instagrammy", proposed by L. Manovich, to explain the possibility of constructing one's own cultural identity in the process of media consumption. As examples there are various data on media consumption (television, social networks). The observations and conclusions made in the article allow the author to formulate the idea that the cultural industry can be regarded as a permanent generator with insignificant distinctive features and distinctions in the form of separate practical and technical means, which provide opportunities for constructing cultural identities of representatives of the creative class.

Key words: cultural industries, cultural identity, creative industries, precariat, media consumption.


  • Sakovich E.S. Dialektika privatnosti i publichnosti v virtual'nom prostranstve // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. – 2012. – № 8 (3). – C. 41.
  • Sokolova N.L. Cifrovaja kul'tura ili kul'tura v cifrovuju jepohu? // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. – 2012. – № 8 (3). – C. 8.
  • Surova E.Je. Identifikacionnyj princip v kul'ture // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. – 2010. – № 1 (1). – C. 7.
  • Trubnikova N.V. Nauchnyj i politicheskij diskursy identichnosti: sposob samoopredelenija ili «izobretenie tradicij»? /N.V. Trubnikova // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. 2010. – № 1 (1). – C. 21.
  • Horkhajmer M., Adorno T. Dialektika prosveshhenija. Filosofskie fragmenty. Moskva: Medium, – 1997. – 312 c.
  • Garnham, N. "From cultural to creative industries: An analysis of the implications of the “creative industries” approach to arts and media policy making in the United Kingdom." // International journal of cultural policy. – 1 (11) – 2005. – S. 15.
  • Cunningham S. From cultural to creative industries: theory, industry and policy implementation // Media InternationalAustralia Incorporating Cultureand Policy. – 2002. – 102. – C. 57.
  • Jayne M. Culture that works? Creative industries development in a working-class city // Capital & Class. 2004. № 3 (28). C. 208.
  • Hartley, J. Creative Industries / J. Hartley // Creative Industries pod red. J. Hartley, – Blackwell Pub, – 2005. – C. 17.
  • Hall S. Cultural Identity and Diaspora // Identity: Community, Culture, Difference pod red. J. Rutherford, – London : Lawrence & Wishart, – 1990. – 222–237 s.
  • Pratt A. Cultural industries and public policy. // International journal of cultural policy. – 2005. – 11 (1). – S. 6.
  • Strelitz L.N. Media consumption and identity formation: the case of the «homeland» viewers // Media, Culture & Society. – 2002. – № 4 (24). – C. 462.
  • Manovich L. Instagrammism and contemporary cultural identity // Manovich L. Instagram and Contemporary Image, – 2016. (Jelektronnyj resurs) Rezhim dostupa
    URL: mechanisms-of-contemporary-cultural-identity
  • Mao J., Shen Y. Cultural identity change in expatriates: A social network perspective // Human Relations. –2015. №10 (68). – C. 1551.
  • Montgomery J. Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration. Part 1: Conceptualising Cultural Quarters // Planning Practice and Research. – 2003. – № 4 (18). – C. 302.
  • Standing G. The Precariat / G. Standing, New York: Bloomsbury, – 2011. – С.59-89.


Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Assistant in The Department of Cultural Studies, Theory and History of Culture

Industrialization of Culture: from Critisism to the Network Construction

In the modern world there is a change of approaches of productions’ industrializing and economic activity. The cultural sphere is becoming one of the economy’s sectors. Comprehending of the culture and creativity as a paramount source of economic and socio and cultural development led to the occurring of the concepts «cultural industries», «creative industries». In the Russian language the concept «creative industries» is divided into: industries aimed at getting the commercial profit, and industries which make the first paradigm of the creative product.
In this article the attempt to define main differences of these concepts and to justify the expedience of the usage of all three concepts is made. The author describes ontological bases of the culture’s industrializing, reveals major goals of each industry, shows the system of relations between industries, which is built on the way of work with the creative product. Cultural and creative industries are given as net structures which allow to visualize industries’ structure and to form more accurate vision of interrelations between them.

Key words: cultural industries, creative industries, net structures, network, cultural economy, creative economy, concepts differences.


  • Adorno T.V., Horkhajmer M. Dialektika prosveshhenija. Filosofskie fragmenty / T.V. Adorno, M. Horkhajmer. – SPb.: Medium. 1997. – 215s.
  • Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial'noe obshhestvo. Opyt social'nogo prognozirovanija / D. Bell. – M.: Academia, 2004. – 788s.
  • Bodrijjar Zh. Rekviem po mass-media// Pojetika i politika. Al'manah Rossijsko-francuzskogo centra sociologii i filosofii Instituta sociologii Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. SPb.: Aletejja, 1999. – S. 193-226
  • Bokova A.V. Kreativnye industrii kak sovokupnost' slozhnyh setevyh struktur/A.V.Bokova/ Vestnik Tomskogo gos.universiteta. Kul'turologija i iskusstvovedenie. № 1 (21), 2016, S.5-12
  • Bokova A.V. Kul'turnye, kreativnye, tvorcheskie industrii kak javlenie sovremennoj kul'tury: opyt konceptualizacii: dis. … kand. filos. nauk. Tomskij gos. universitet, Tomsk, 2017.
  • Budenkova V.E. Dinamicheskaja racional'nost' v kontekste sovremennoj kul'tury i nauki / V. E. Budenkova // Izvestija Tomskogo politehnicheskogo universiteta. – T. 308. – №2. 2005. – S. 171-176.
  • Veber M. Protestantskaja jetika i duh kapitalizma / M. Veber // Izbrannye proizvedenija. M.: Progress, 1990. – S. 92
  • Derrida Zh. Globalizacija, mir, kosmopolitizm// Kosmopolis, № 2 (8). M. 2004. – S. 125-140
  • Evin I. A. Vvedenie v teoriju slozhnyh setej / I.A.Evin // Komp'juternye issledovanija i modelirovanie, 2010 – T. 2. – №2. – S. 121-141.
  • Kasavin I. T. Social'naja jepistemologija. Fundamental'nye i prikladnye problemy / I. T. Kasavin, M.: Al'fa-M, 2013. – 557 s.
  • Kastel's M. Informacionnaja jepoha: Jekonomika, obshhestvo i kul'tura / M. Kastel's / Per. s angl. pod nauch. red. O. I. Shkaratana; Gosudarstvennyj universitet. Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki. M. 2000. – 606 s.
  • Latur B. Peresborka social'nogo: vvedenie v aktorno-setevuju teoriju / B. Latur /per. s angl. I. Polonskoj; pod red. S. Gavrilenko; Nac. issled. un-t «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». – M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2014. – 384 s.
  • Markuze G. Odnomernyj chelovek. Issledovanie ideologii razvitogo industrial'nogo obshhestva / G. Markuze. – M., 1994. – 368 s.
  • Oleskin A. V. Biopolitika. Politicheskij potencial sovremennoj biologii: filosofskie, politologicheskie i prakticheskie aspekty / A. V. Oleskin. – M., 2006. – 584 s.
  • Tjurgo A. Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenija / A. Tjurgo. – M.: Librokom, 2011. – 184 s.
  • Hojsling R. Social'nye processy kak setevye igry. Sociologicheskie jesse po osnovnym aspektam setevoj teorii / R. Hojsling / per. s nem. – M.: Logos-Al'tera, 2003. – 192 s.
  • Newman M. E. J. The structure and function of complex networks / M. E. J. Newman // SIAM Review, 2003. – V. 45. – № 2 . – pp. 167-256.


Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Department of Educational Psychology
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor

The Issues of Studying the Cultural Productions of Subject Era: Contradictions and Paradoxes

The issue of studying the cultural productions has become relevant in connection with the expansion of these productions and the change in the methodology of science and humanities studies, including cultural studies. The production of subject is paradoxically at its core, and this paradoxical nature becomes extremely glaring in cultural industries that are related to the rational calculation of efficiency and productivity. Studying these issues is only possible if one do not reduce the practices of cultural industries to the production of goods and services in the field of culture. The issues of the research methodology can be defined if to interpret the cultural industries and approaches to their assessment as cultural practices that enter into a dialogue with the other practices of culture. This will provide an opportunity to notice the paradoxes of culture and comprehend them productively.

Key words: culture, cultural industries cultural production, subject, methodology, producer, consumer, goods, contradictions, paradoxes.


  • Antipova I.G. Teorija prinjatija reshenij v kontekste nauchnogo issledovanija: jevristichnost' paradoksal'nosti // Nauchnaja mysl' Kavkaza. 2016. N 3, c. 35 39
  • Vaseckij A.A., Zuev S.Je. Kul'turnye industrii kak znachimyj faktor politiki // Vlast'. 2010. № 4. S. 65–69.
  • Zelencova E., Gladkih N. Tvorcheskie industrii: ot teorii k praktike. M.: Klassika XXI veka, 2010. S. 213.
  • Zelencova E.V., Mel'vil' E.H. K voprosu ob ocenke jekonomicheskoj jeffektivnosti kul'turnoj dejatel'nosti // Nauchnye trudy Severo-Zapadnoj akademii gosudarstvennoj sluzhby. 2011. T. 2. Vyp. 2. S. 206–216.
  • Levin G.D. Protivopolozhnosti i protivorechija // Jepistemologija& filosofija nauki. 2007. T. XI. № 1. S.30-45.
  • Liotar Zh.F. Sostojanie postmoderna. M., 1998.
  • Stepin V.S. Teoreticheskoe znanie. M., 2000.
  • Flier A.Ja. Kul'turologija 20 -11. M.: soglasie. 2011. S. 560
  • Flier A.Ja. Kul'turnye industrii v istorii i sovremennosti: tipy i tehnologii // Lichnost'. Kul'tura. Obshhestvo. 2013. №1. s 88 103.
  • Florida R. Kreativnyj klass: Ljudi, kotorye menjajut budushhee. M.: Klassika XXI, 2005. S. 430.
  • Fuko M. Istorija bezumija v klassicheskuju jepohu. M., 1997.
  • Hezmondalsh D. Kul'turnye industrii. M.: Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki. 2014. 456 s.


Vice-president of Skolkovo Foundation, Director of Urban Environment Development, Head of the Glazychev Department of Territorial Development Studies at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Head of the MA in Cultural Management program «Creative Industries» at the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Ph.D. in Culturology

Governmental Support for the Creative Industries

This article is about actual theme of governmental support for the creative industries in Russia. The author describes problems in this sphere (most of them are related to the lack of legal definition and understanding of creative industries) and offers comprehensive measures to manage them.

Key words: creative industries, creative entrepreneurship, governmental support, state programs, cultural policy.


  • Creative economy outlook and Country profiles: Trends in international trade in creative industries, 2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs].
  • Creative Economy Report 2013, UNCTAD [Jelektronnyj resurs].
  • Strategija gosudarstvennoj kul'turnoj politiki na period do 2030 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs].

Andrey Nikolaevich KABATSKOV

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Perm, Russia
Associate Professor of Humanities, Ph.D.

Luddites in Modern Cultural Industry. Perm Case

Luddites is a historical term used to describe a type of artisan, lost their guild status, economic independence and position in the course of the industrial revolution. Perm case allows us to apply the term to a situation of mass introduction of cultural industries in the modern city.
In modern society, Gallery is a specialized factory for the production of art. It organizes artistic activity of people of art, develops rules for distinguishing art, creates a center of attraction for artists, their agents and producers. Similar functions are performed by modern theaters, museums, book fairs and exhibition centers.
The paper presents an analysis of resistance practices that the local branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, some writers and journalists met with the development of the project in the Perm Museum of Modern Art PERMM and support program for cultural industries. Displaying the birth of public skirmishes in the press, the ideology of resistance to cultural invasion. The core of the resistance ideology was the idea of the construction of the local territorial identity, spiritual identity and traditions of the mining civilization storage (Ivanov). This allowed the opposition to present a cosmopolitan conflict, businessmen and the keepers of folk traditions.
The reason for the defeat of bearers is a disability to mobilize citizens. Relegating them to the role of spectators, and the power of the initiators of the cultural changes turned them into the crowd of onlookers in no one's own social position. As a result of the defeat of “Perm cultural project” Luddites were able to celebrate a victory (in contrast to their British predecessors), and creative industries were compromised.

Key words: cultural industries, resistance, innovation, Luddites, urban culture.


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  • Fadeeva L.A. Glava 3. «Proshloe» v politike identichnosti i problema kollektivnoj pamjati // Bor'ba za identichnost' i novye instituty kommunikacij / pod red. P.V.Panova, K.A. Sulimova, L.A.Fadeevoj. – M.: ROSSPJeN, 2012. – 263 s. – S.35–56.
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Valeriy GORDIN

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Department of Management
Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor



National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Department of Management
Ph.D., Associate Professor




National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Department of Management
Master Student, Master's Program “Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management”

A Study on the Educational Potential of Creative Spaces

The number of creative spaces in St. Petersburg is constantly increasing, and their activities influence more and more the formation of the urban cultural environment. Creative spaces become locations for various events (cultural and educational), contribute to the formation of new educational and cultural territory products. In this connection it becomes relevant to analyze the development of educational services that provide creative entrepreneurs – residents of creative spaces. This trend is, on the one hand, a response to the online educational platforms (Coursera, edX, Universarium et al.), that provide educational services of high level in a virtual way, and on the other hand, it makes possible to develop new formats – quests, role play, different types of activity-related courses. Also, there is another research problem: whether educational projects of creative entrepreneurs replace traditional institutions of further education of adults and school children or close new niches? The article is devoted to the study of these issues.

Key words: creative space, creative industries, educational activities, further education.


  • Andres, L. & Chapain, C. The Integration of Cultural and Creative Industries into Local and Regional Development Strategies in Birmingham and Marseille: Towards an Inclusive and Collaborative Governance? // Regional Studies. 2013. № 47 (2). Pp. 161–182.
  • Chapain C. & De Propris, L. Drivers and Processes of Creative Industries in Cities and Regions // Creative Industries Journal. 2009. № 2 (1). Pp. 9-18.
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  • Jakovleva K.G. Kreativnye prostranstva kak faktor sozdanija sovremennoj gorodskoj sredy Sankt-Peterburga // Vestnik NAT. №4 (36). SPb.: Nacional'naja akademija turizma, 2015. S. 86-89.
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Alexander KRAMER

Leningrad State University named after A.S.Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Senior Lecturer

Сultural Industries: Some Their Reatures Regarding Cultural Reproduction of the Printed Media

The article concerns some historical and cultural circumstances of “cultural industries” concept’s appearing and some features of the printed media’s development during the second part of the XX century. In the first part of the article it is trying to point the key roles of intellectual property, as well as computerization process and of ‘homo computabilis’ idea, and trace their ways to be assembled in the whole design of “cultural industries” concept. The second part concerns some “ndustrial” aspects of the printed media reproduction in culture using some tools of the theory of practices. And in the last part of the article certain assumptions about further AI’s development within the scope of cultural industries were made.

Key words: cultural industries, creativity, homo computabilis, intellectual property, media industry, press, AI.


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Moscow State Institute (University) of Culture, Russia
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Social and Cultural Activities

The Entertainment Industry in the Field of Contemporary Cultural Practices

The article discusses the entertainment industry – a new segment of cultural industries, the formation of which reflects the general regularities of development of modern cultural process. Hedonistic function determines the specificity of all social and cultural functions of the entertainment industry (educational function, cognitive function, function of recreation, the entertainment function, communicative function, etc.). The possibility of obtaining fun and excitement is the main encouraging motto for entertainment. In the development of global entertainment industry needs to gain new experiences dominates. Further development of the entertainment industry the author considers as the development of socio-cultural technologies, allowing to solve tasks of social-cultural education and personal development in the specific conditions of organized leisure.

Key words: cultural industry, entertainment industry, leisure industry, leisure and entertainment functions, entertainment, industry.


  • Abankina, T. Jekonomika zhelanij v sovremennoj «civilizacii dosuga» / T. Abankina // Otechestvennye zapiski. – 2005. – № 4. – S. 115–123.
  • Avanesova, G. A. Kul'turno-dosugovaja dejatel'nost' / G. A. Avanesova. – Moskva : Aspekt-press, 2006. – 234 s.
  • Gerasimova I.A. Dosugovye predpochtenija sovremennoj molodjozhi: social'no-kul'turnyj analiz // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2014. № 3 (59). S. 128-133.
  • Dulikov, V.Z. Industrija dosuga: k interpretacii ponjatija // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2014. № 3 (59). S. 121- 127.
  • Zelencova E., Gladkih, N. Tvorcheskie industrii: teorii i praktiki. – Moskva : Izdatel'skij dom «Klassika-XXI», 2010. – 240 s.
  • Kljusko, E.M. Sovremennye koncepcii istorii razvitija turisticheskoj dejatel'nosti v Rossii i stranah vostochnoj Evropy v XIX-XX vekah: po materialam zarubezhnyh issledovanij // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2014. № 3 (59). S. 110-120.
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  • Ponukalina, O.V. Razvlechenija v kontekste sovremennoj massovoj kul'tury // Voprosy kul'turologii. 2010. № 10. – S. 84-87.
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  • Sharkovskaja, N.V. Ponjatie «dosug» v kontekste gumanitarnogo diskursa // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2014. № 5 (61). S. 100 -106.
  • Jaroshenko, N.N. Vospitatel'nyj potencial sovremennoj industrii dosuga / N.N. Jaroshenko // Vestnik Cheljabinskoj gosudarstvennoj akademii kul'tury i iskusstv. 2015. № 4 (44). – S. 28–35.
  • Jaroshenko, N.N. Pedagogicheskie problemy na stranicah zhurnala «Kul'tura i obrazovanie»: analiticheskij obzor // Kul'tura i obrazovanie: nauchnyj zhurnal vuzov kul'tury i iskusstv. 2014. № 4 (15). S. 52-57.
  • Jaroshenko, N.N. Dosug postindustrial'nogo obshhestva: poisk strategii upravlenija social'no-kul'turnymi processami // Kul'tura i obrazovanie. – Dekabr' 2015. № 12 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
  • Jaroshenko, N.N. Industrija razvlechenij v sovremennom kul'turnom prostranstve Rossii // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul'tury i iskusstv. 2016. № 3 (71). С. 122-132.
  • State of the UK Leisure Industry: A Driver for Growth. London: Oliver Wyman, 2012. – 86 pp.


Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor of Department of Theory and History of Culture

Curating and Auction as Free Artistic Practices

Practices are in the processes of performativity. The most free forms of practice are curating and auctions, since they allow the independent circulation of works of art. The curator has several characteristics and shows a special mental ability. Its flexibility is formed in the advanced ability of communication. The auction demonstrates free circulation of works of art.

Key words: art work, practice, creativity, curator, auction, performativity, imagination, values, meanings.


  • Burd'e P. Prakticheskij smysl. SPb. Aletejja. 2001.
  • Virno P. Grammatika mnozhestva: k analizu form sovremennoj zhizni. M. Ad Marginem Press, 2015.
  • Gilen P. Bormotanie hudozhestvennogo mnozhestva. Global'noe iskusstvo, politika i postfordizm. M. Ad Marginem Press. 2015.
  • Isaeva O.A. Jevoljucija stilja rannih graficheskih romanov Anglii i SShA / Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta kul'tury i iskusstv. Nauchnyj zhurnal. №2 (27) 2016, ijun'.
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  • Kro K. Marsel' Djushan. M., Ad Marginem Press, 2016.
  • ONil P. Kul'tura kuratorstva i kuratorstvo kul'tur(y). M. Ad Marginem Press, 2015.
  • Rans'er Zh. Jesteticheskoe bessoznatel'noe. 2-e iz-e. SPb. Machina. 2012.
  • Sibruk D. Nobrow. Kul'tura marketinga. Marketing kul'tury. M. Ad Marginem. Press. 2015.
  • Smit T. Osmysljaja sovremennoe kuratorstvo. M. Ad Marginem Press. 2015.
  • Hajdegger M. Vremja i bytie. Stat'i i vystuplenija. SPb. Nauka. 2007.
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Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Head of the Humanities Department, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor

The Types of the Creative Industries in the Action Art of the 1960th

Article tracks the formation of the creative industries in action art of the 1960th. The reasons and conditions for the distribution of the creative industries are established. The history of the main industrial forms of creativity is described. The typology of the most widespread creative industries is formed. The features of such art forms as multiple, art-shop, lecture, trademark are analyzed. The conclusions on extensive material of the artifacts created by the art styles close to conceptualism are drawn. The main attention to formation of the creative industries within art projects of fluxus art, pop art, arte povera is paid.

Key words: cultural industries, creative industries, conceptualism, concept, instruction, art shop, fluxus, mail-art, multiple, event, lecture- performance.


  • Birjukova M. V. Kassel'skaja Dokumenta 5 Haral'da Zeemana: K probleme hudozhestvennoj formy v zapadnom iskusstve vtoroj poloviny HH veka // Izvestija Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni A. I. Gercena. 2008. № 54. S. 17–21.
  • Bobrinskaja E. A. Konceptualizm. M.: Galart, 1994. 216 s.
  • Bychkov V. V. Postneklassicheskaja jestetika: K voprosu o formirovanii sovremennogo jesteticheskogo znanija // Filosofskij zhurnal. 2008. № 1. S. 90–108.
  • Grigor'ev A. D., Zaharchenko T. Ju. Razvitie koncepcij cifrovogo iskusstva // Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. № 5 (180). S. 11–17.
  • Grojs B. Utopija i obmen. M.: Znak, 1993. 373 s.
  • Drobysheva E. Je. Cennostnye strategii kul'turnyh industrij // Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal issledovanij kul'tury. 2016. № 2 (23). S. 106–114.
  • Dubinec E. A. Made in USA: Muzyka – jeto vsjo, chto zvuchit vokrug. M.: Kompozitor, 2006. 415 s.
  • Emel'janova M. A. Diskussii o sovremennom iskusstve: Komparativistskij analiz putej razreshenija // Uchjonye zapiski: Jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. № 2 (34). S. 67–72.
  • Krom A. E. «Dom mechty» La Monta Janga: Amerikanskij muzykal'nyj minimalizm v dialoge s tradiciej indijskoj ragi // Izvestija Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta. 2010. № 8 (52). S. 87–89.
  • Maksimova A. S. Formirovanie vtorogo centra Zapadnoj muzyki v SShA // Problemy muzykal'noj nauki. 2015. № 4. S. 132–137.
  • Man'kovskaja N. B. Parizh so zmejami: Vvedenie v jestetiku postmodernizma. M.: IFRAN, 1995. 220 s.
  • Semjonova E. A. Performans kak hleb // Iniciativy XXI veka. 2012. № 1. S. 166–170.
  • Smoljanskaja N. V. Zachem snova govorit' ob avangarde // Vestnik Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. Serija: Filosofija. Sociologija. Iskusstvovedenie. 2016. № 1 (3). S. 63–72.
  • Tkach E. G. Aktual'noe iskusstvo kak oblast' social'nogo jeksperimentirovanija // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Serija Filosofija. 2002. № 3. S. 28– 38.
  • Fateeva N. A. Art-rynok kak provokacija iskusstva // Voprosy kul'turologii. 2008. № 7. S. 49–50.
  • Hezmondalsh D. Kul'turnye industrii. M.: Izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2014. 456 s.
  • Biennials and Beyond – Exhibitions That Made Art History. 1962–2002 / Ed. B. Altshuler. L.: Phaidon, 2013. 402 p.
  • Bruce Nauman. Audio-Video Underground Chamber / MUMOK. Nurnberg: Verlag fur modern Kunst, 2005. 158 p.
  • Concept. Action. Language: Pop-Art, Fluxus, Concept Art, Nouveau Realisme and Arte povera. From the Collections Hahn and Ludwig / Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien; Edited by A. Hochdorfer, W. Kuehn, S. Neuburger. Koln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter Konig, 2010. 320 p.
  • Schmidt-Burkhardt A. Maciunas` Learning Machines: From Art History to a Chronology of Fluxus. Wien; N. Y.: Springer, 2011. 216 p.
  • Vautier B. Is everything art? Basel: Museum Tingely, 2015. 315 p.

Svetlana LAVROVA

Vaganova Ballet Academy, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ph.D. in Art Sciences, Vice-Rector for Research and Development

Neo-Conceptual Art in New Music of the XXI Century: Idea as a Commodity, Creative Writing as a Trademark

The article is devoted to the new technologies in the music of the XXI century, copies known modes of production in a globalizing world. The article analyzes the work of the composer-neo-conceptual artist J. Kreidler. In composition «Fremdarbeit» “Outsourcing” composer sells as a matter of composing art the idea of using human labor from Third World countries involved in the overall artistic process. The main conclusion of the analysis carried out in the article: the idea in contemporary composition acts is a commodity. A creative composer's handwriting becomes an analogue of the brand.

Key words: new music, modern creative technology, media art, neo-conceptual art.


  • Guzeev I.A.O birzhevyh motivah i predvoshishhenii hoda torgov// Ekonomіchnij nobelіvs'kij vіsnik. 2014. № 1 (7) s.133-137.
  • Deljoz Zh. Gvattari F.Kapitalizm i shizofrenija. Kniga 2. Tysjacha plato. Ekaterinburg: U-Faktorija, 2007. S.148.
  • Filatov D.A. Modelirovanie i analiz finansovyh rynkov na osnove metodov neli- nejnoj dinamiki: dis. ... kand. jekonom. nauk / D.A. Filatov. – Voronezh, 2007. – S. 18–21.
  • Iddon M. Outsourcing Progress: on conceptual music // Tempo Volume 70, Issue 275January 2016, pp. 36-49
  • Kreidler J. SongSmith: Financial crisis soundtrack composed from tumbling share price graphs [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: composed-from-tumbling-share-
    price-graphs.html (data obrashhenija 20.02.17)
  • Kreidler J. SongSmith: Financial crisis soundtrack composed from tumbling share price graphs [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL:
  • Kreidler J. Graphic Notation Miniatures [Jelektronnyj resurs] URl: (data obrashhenija 5.06.2016)
  • Kreidler J. Mit Leitbild?! Zur Rezeption konzeptueller Musik 2013 Erschienen // Positionen 95. 2013. S. 29–34.
  • Kreidler J. Musik mit Musik Wolke Verlagsges. Mbh, 2012. 256 s.
  • Kreidler J. Musik mit Musik Abgedruckt in: Darmstädter Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 21 (Juli 2012)
  • Kreidler J.Sentences on Musical Concept-Art (2013) Lecture, given at the Conference "New Perspectives on New Music" at Harvard University [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URl: (data obrashhenija 5.06.2016)
  • ReegS.The Sound of Tumbling Stock Prices PRI's The World. [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (data obrashhenija 5.06.2016)


College of Tourism, Saint Petersburg, Russia
PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor

Entertaining Modalities of Tourism: From Initiation to Seduction

The dynamics of modern food and recreation enterprises development reflects the shift in the worldview paradigm not so much to functional, as to leisure, gaming and entertainment characteristics. Among entertaining modalities there is physiological transgression that is expressed in perverse needs satisfaction. The restaurants with the staff of twins, nanuses, children can be considered both as a new social game and as an attempt to overcome different kinds of inequality: physical, age- related and cultural. The variety of existing and emerging entertaining modalities in tourism demonstrates ambivalent combination of cultural models aimed at the search of new ways of society functioning in the framework of the repressive seduction and manipulation with the customer.

Key words: innovation, tourism, service, myth, culture, hotel, restaurant, tour, initiation, seduction, entertainment, food.


  • Vizgin V.P. Kul'tura segodnja: situacija rasput'ja // Ot filosofii zhizni k filosofii kul'tury. SPb.: Aletejja, 2001. S. 380-385.
  • Dinkevich M. V SShA otkrylos' pervoe kafe s fekalijami v menju // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: VESTI.RU (20.12.2012)
  • Dom, kotoryj umeet vrashhat'sja vokrug svoej osi [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (28.02.2017)
  • Istorija soljanyh kopij. Soljanaja shahta Velichka. Turisticheskij marshrut // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (25.02.2017)
  • Kuper D. Jenciklopedija simvolov / [Per.: Komarov I.V.]. – M : Assoc. Duhov. Edinenija "Zolotoj vek", 1995. 401 s.
  • Luk'janova S.V. Fenomen pishhi, vkusa v mediatekste // Vestnik Pskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Social'no-gumanitarnye i psihologo- pedagogicheskie nauki. – 2014. – Vypusk №4. – S. 97-100 .
  • Mifologicheskij slovar' / Gl. red. E.M. Meletinskij. – M.: Sov. Jenciklopedija, 1991. 736 s.
  • Nikolaeva E.V. Goroda kak fraktal'nye perekrestki mira // Labirint. Zhurnal social'no-gumanitarnyh issledovanij, №3, 2012. S.92-106.
  • Nils Mujzhnieks. Detskij trud v Evrope: sohranjajushhijsja vyzov // Dnevnik prav cheloveka [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: in-europe-a-persisting-challen-1 (20.04.2016)
  • Otel' Attrap’Rêves, Francija // [Jelektronnyj resurs] URL: (25.02.2017)
  • Otel' v shahte: noch' v podzemnom grote v Shvecii // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (25.02.2017)
  • Samye neobychnye restorany mira // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (7.01.2016)
  • Skripova T.V. Zarubezhnyj opyt ispol'zovanija prirodnyh osobennostej i nacional'nyh tradicij v sozdanii neordinarnyh otelej // Gumanitarnye, social'no- jekonomicheskie i obshhestvennye nauki. – Krasnodar: OOO «Nauka i obrazovanie». – 2013.– Vypusk №2. – S. 128 –132.
  • Sohan' I.V. Arhitektonika povsednevnosti: pishha // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – 2008. – Vypusk № 306. – S. 39 – 44.
  • S#edobnyj otel' v Londone - Tate & Lyle Tasting House, Velikobritanija. Turisticheskij portal Mir krasiv! // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (10.12.2015)
  • Jekskljuzivnye jekskursii po neizvestnomu Parizhu turistam predlagajut bezdomnye // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: eksklyuzivnye_ ekskursii_po_neizvestnomu_parizhu_
    turistam_predlagayut_bezdomnye (25.02.2017)
  • Jekskursija «Moskva kabakov i pritonov» // [Jelektronnyj resurs]
    URL: (25.02.2017)


Tula State Pedagogical University by L. N. Tolstoy, Tula, Russia
Postgraduate Student

The Phenomenon of “Theatrical Pedagogy” in the Architectonics of Social and Cultural Processes of the Early XX Century

The article deals with the concept of “cultural industries”, its evolution in the studies of Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Bernard Mezha, A. Flier. Highlighted the main features of the concept of “cultural industry”: the complexity, ambivalence, contradictory, mass and standardized.
“Cultural industries” as a phenomenon has its history and prehistory of the formation. In the XIX century theater became a mass phenomenon, began to develop a system of professional training of the actor (the position B. Karatygina, M. Shchepkin, etc.). In the twentieth century, theater acquired a new social functions declared themselves as “educational projects” on the formation of public awareness, education and re-education of the masses, has become an active tool of socialization. Theatrical actively “invaded” the field of “cultural production”, the mass production of ideas and meanings. As a result, there were various theatrical trends and schools.
The article shows theater as a phenomenon for which we can apply the term “cultural industries”.

Key words: cultural industries, culture, complexity, ambivalence, contradictory, mass, standardize, theatrical sphere, the system of professional training the actor, the symbolic creativity, inculturation.


  • Adorno T., Horkhajmer M. Dialektika prosveshhenija. Filosofskie nabroski// Gumanitarnye tehnologii. Informacionno-analiticheskij portal. -
  • Rodina T. M. Russkoe teatral'noe iskusstvo v nachale XIX veka / Otv. red. N. G. Zograf. M.: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1961. 319 s.
  • Katenin P. A. Razmyshenija i razbory. — «Literaturnaja gazeta», 1830, № 4, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21. — Cit. po kn.: S. Bertenson. P. A. Katenin. SPb., 1909, str. 54.
  • Mejerhol'd V. Je. Stat'i. Pis'ma. Rechi. Besedy. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1968. — T. II. - 586 s.
  • Stanislavskij K. S. Rabota aktera nad soboj. – M.: Izd-vo «Artist. Rezhisser. Teatr», 2008.
  • Hezmoldansh D. Kul'turnye industrii/per. s angl. I. Kushnarevoj; pod A. Mihalevoj; nac. Issled. Un-t «Vysshaja shkola jekonomiki». – M.: izd. dom Vysshej shkoly jekonomiki, 2014.
  • Fevral'skij A. V. Desjat' let teatra Mejerhol'da. M.: Federacija, 1931. 100s.
  • Flier A. Ja. Kul'turnye industrii v istorii i sovremennosti: tipy i tehnologii [Jelektronnyj resurs] // Informacionnyj gumanitarnyj portal «Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie». 2012. № 3 (maj — ijun').
    URL: [arhivirovano v WebCite] (data obrashhenija: 15.02.2017).
  • Chehov M. A. Literaturnoe nasledie: V 2 t. / Redakc. Kollegija N. B. Volkova, M. O. Knebel',N. A. Krymova, T. I. Ojzerman, G. A. Tovstonogov, M. A. Ul'janov, Obshh. nauch. Redakcija M. O. Knebel', Red. N. A. Krymova, Sost. I. I. Abroskina, M. S. Ivanova, N. A. Krymova, Komm.I. I. Abroskinoj i M. S. Ivanovoj. 2-e izd. ispr. i dop. M.: Iskusstvo, 1995. T. 2. Ob iskusstve aktera. 588 s.
  • Jurskij S. Ju. Popytka dumat'. M.: Vagrius, 2003. 239 s.


Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Art Sciences

The Phenomenon of Fashion Photography: the Order of Mythological Systems

In the systems of the twentieth century — social, artistic and mythological — fashion photography takes a very special place. On the one hand, its specifics is defined by a narrow-functional task: presentation and demonstration of clothes and fashion items. On the other hand, its basic principle is the creation of ideologies, the boundaries of which extend far beyond the practical tasks. In fact, fashion photography has played a central role in the creation of the phenomenon of fashion. It takes a major part in the creation of the environment, which we identify as the instrument of establishing values. Fashion photography forms the other than language or commodity economic of values, ignoring the principle of direct relevance and direct equivalent. It allows to consider fashion as a symbolic system, which is opposed to the principle of the dichotomy of sign. The article is devoted to fashion photography which could be recognized as an example of cultural industries — that reproduces not only the social stereotypes of a sign, but also support the regulation of mythological systems.

Key words: fashion photography, mythological system, Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, Michel Foucault, Mikhail Bakhtin, language, sign, ideology, Edward Steichen, George Hoyningen-Huene, Helmut Newton, Nick Knight.


  • Bart R.Camera Lucida: kommentarij k fotografii (1980) / per., komment. i poslesl. M. Ryklina. M.: Ad Marginem, 1997. 223 s.
  • Bart R.Sistema mody. Stat'i po semiotike kul'tury (1967) M.: Izd-vo im. Sobashniko-vyh, 2003. — 511 s.
  • Bart R.Ritorika obraza (1964) // Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: semiotika, pojetika / per. s fr. G. Kosikova. M.: Progress, 1989. S. 297–318.
  • Bart R.Mifologii (1957) / per. s fr. S. N. Zenkina. M.: Izd-vo im. Sabashnikovyh, 1996. — 312 s.
  • Bahtin M. Formy vremeni i hronotop v romane // Bahtin M. M. Jepos i roman. SPb.: Azbuka, 2000, s. 11 - 193.
  • Bahtin M. Jepos i roman // Bahtin M. M. Jepos i roman. SPb.: Azbuka, 2000, s. 194 - 232.
  • Bodrijjar Zh. Soblazn (1979) / per. s fr. A. Garadzha. M.: Izdatel'stvo Ad Marginem, 2000. — 318 s.
  • Bodrijjar Zh.Simvolicheskij obmen i smert' (1976) / per. s fr. S. N. Zenkina. M.: Dobrosvet, 2011. 392 s.
  • Vasil'eva E. Ideja znaka i princip obmena v pole fotografii i sisteme jazyka. / Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 15., 2016, vyp. 1, s. 4-33.
  • Vasil'eva E. Fenomen zhenskogo i figura sakral'nogo. / Teorija mody: telo, odezhda, kul'tura, № 42, zima 2016 - 2017. s. 160 - 189.
  • Vasil'eva E. Fotografija i fenomen vremeni. // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 15., 2014, vyp. 1, s. 64-79.
  • Grojs B. O novom. Opyt jekonomiki kul'tury. M.: Izdatel'stvo Ad Marginem, 2015. — 240 s.
  • Gudova M. Hronotop gljancevyh zhurnalov kak mehanizm vytesnenija sovetskih jekzistencial'nyh struktur identichnosti i formirovanija identichnosti postsovetskogo cheloveka. [Jelektronnyj resurs]
  • Delez Zh. Gvattari F. Anti-Jedip: Kapitalizm i shizofrenija (1972) / Per. s fr. i poslesl. D. Kralechkina, nauch. red. V. Kuznecov. — Ekaterinburg.: U-Faktorija, 2007. — 672 s.
  • Kassirer Je. Mifologicheskoe myshlenie // Kassirer, Je. Filosofija simvolicheskih form: V 3 tt. M.—SPb.: Universitetskaja kniga, 2002, t. 2. — 280 s.
  • Kristeva Ju. Smysl i moda // Izbrannye trudy. Razrushenie pojetiki / per. s fr. G. K. Kosheleva, B. P. Narumova. M.: ROSSPJeN, 2004, s. 83 - 113.
  • Podoroga V. Vopros o veshhi. Opyty po analiticheskoj antropologii. M.: Izdatel'stvo Grjundrisse, 2016. — 348 s.
  • Sossjur F.Kurs obshhej lingvistiki (1916) / per. s fr. A. Suhotina. M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. — 256 s.
  • Steblin-Kamenskij M. Mif — L. «Nauka», 1976. — 103 s.
  • Fuko M.Slova i veshhi. Arheologija gumanitarnyh nauk (1966) / per. s fr. V. Vizgina, N. Avtonomovoj. SPb.: A-cad. 1994 g. — 408 s.
  • Jeliade M. Aspekty mifa. M.: Akademicheskij proekt, Paradigma, 2010. — 251 s.
  • L'Art de la Robe. Paul Poiret, vu par Georges Lepape et Steichen // Art et Decoration, avril, 1911. p. 98 — 112.
  • Brugger I. Modebilder - Zeitbilder // Modefotografie von 1900 bis heute. Ausstellungskatalog. Wien, Kunstforum Länderbank, 1990. s. 7-9.
  • Finnegan C. Picturing Poverty: Print Culture and FSA Photographs. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2003. — 260 p.
  • Hall-Duncan N. The History of Fashion Photography. New York: Alpine Book, 1979. — 240 p.
  • Honeff K. Paradox par excellence. Die Mode und die Fotografie — ein beziehungsreiches Verhältnis // Modefotografie von 1900 bis heute. Ausstellungskatalog. Wien, Kunstforum Länderbank, 1990. s. 11-18.
  • Smith J. Edward Steichen: The Early Years. / Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1999. — 168 p.
  • Solomon-Godeau A. The Legs of the Countess. // October, № 39,winter 1986, p. 65-108.
  • Sontag S.On photography. New York: Farrar; Straus & Giroux, 1977. — 165 p.


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Academic Department Sports Industry Management and Marketing
Associate Professor, PhD in Cultural Anthropology




Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law
Professor, Doctor of Science in Philosophy

Ethnosport in Event Tourism

The article presents the results of a study of the authenticity factors of ethnosport competitions, which originally existed as rituals of traditional games in the framework of people’s holidays. The festivities now serve as a catalyst for the development of the formed tourist areas and directions, since they help to overcome the problems of seasonality and compensate for periods with low tourist activity due to an increase in the flow of visitors. The traditional games always contain one main competition of ethnosport, which serves as the culmination of an event. From all the diversity of ethnosport, we chose to study kayak competitions with using traditional boats during the people’s holidays. We have studied the experience of two decades since the beginning of the new history in the conditions of sporting races on Chinese Dragon boats (canoes) and Khanty-Mansi races on oblas (kayaks) by comparing sociological surveys at competitions in Macau (China), Melbourne (Australia), and Nefteyugansk (Russia). The aim of the research was the development of the concept of people’s holidays in the face of contradictions by the correlation between authenticity and commoditization – depersonalization under the influence of statutory standards in the approaches to organizing mass cultural and sporting events. Identifying the risks of commoditization is the main goal of our study aimed at finding mechanisms for compensating for the negative impact of socio- cultural design. Interpretation of the results of the research aimed at forming recommendations to the organizers of ethnosport competitions in event tourism, including the features of working with participants, spectators, international organizations and information support.

Key words: authenticity, cultural project management, ethnosport, event management, people’s holidays, sport, traditional games.


  • Gureeva E.A., Kylasov A.V. Sociokul'turnye i jekonomicheskie aspekty proektirovanija tradicionnyh igr // Vestnik RJeU im. G.V. Plehanova, 2016, №3. – S. 133– 138.
  • Kylasov A.V. Sopostavlenie opyta sportizacii tradicionnyh igr Jugry i Jakutii // Finno-ugorskij mir, 2016, №1 (26). S. 106–111.
  • Kylasov A.V. Tradicionnye igry i jetnosport: obshhaja klassifikacija // Teorija i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury, №8 (25), 2014.
  • Kylasov A.V. Teorija jetnosporta. – M.: Sovetskij sport, 2012.
  • Kylasov A.V. Jetnosport. Konec jepohi vyrozhdenija. – M.: Territorija budushhego, 2013.
  • Kylasov A.V., Tedoradze A.S. Problemy sohranenija i razvitija tradicionnoj bor'by njul-tahli // Vestnik ugrovedenija, 2014, № 4(19). S. 156–174.
  • Kylasov A.V. Religioathletae, ili Kul'turno-religioznaja sushhnost' olimpizma // Vestnik sportivnoj nauki, 2009, №5. – S. 55–58.
  • Bauman, Z. (1996) ‘From Pilgrim to Tourist - or a Short History of Identity’, pp. 19-36.
  • Cohen, E. (1988). Authenticity and commodization in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 15, 371–386.
  • Elias-Varotsis, S. (2006). Festivals and events – (re)interpreting cultural identity. Tourism Review, 61(2), 24–29.
  • Green, G.L. (2002). Trinidad Carnival. The Cultural Politics of a Transnational Festival. Edited by Garth L. Green and Philip W. Scher. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007. P. 218.
  • Kim, S. and Jamal, T. (2015). The Co-Evolution of Rural Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development in Hongdong, Korea: Complexity, Conflict and Local Response. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23 (8-9): 1363-1385. Special Issue: Rural Tourism: New Concepts, New Research, New Practice. E. Katenholz and B. Lane (Eds.). Online April 1, 2015: DOI: 10.1080.09669582.2015.1022181
  • MacCannell, D. (1973). Stage authenticity. Arrangements of social space in tourist settings. American Journal of Sociology, 79(3), 589–603.
  • McCartney Glenn, Osti Linda. From Cultural Events to Sport Events: A Case Study of Cultural Authenticity in the Dragon Boat Races. Journal of Sport & Tourism, Vol. 12, No. 1, February 2007, pp. 25–40.
  • Olsen, K. (2002). Authenticity as a concept in tourism research. Tourist Studies, 2(2), 159–182.
  • Richards, G. (forthcoming) The Festivalization of Society or the Socialization of Festivals? The Case of Catalunya. In Richards, G. (ed.) Cultural Tourism: Global and local perspectives. Binghampton: Haworth Press, 2007. P. 229–252.
  • Sofield, T.H.B., & Sivan, A. (2003). From cultural festival to international sport – the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Races. Journal of Sport Tourism, 8(1), 9– 20.
  • Wang, N. (1999). Rethinking authenticity in tourism experience. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(2), 349–370.


Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Graduate School of Print and Media
Professor, Doctor of Science in Philosophy

Ornament Outlines of Muslim Culture in the Advertising Discourse of the Social Networks of St-Petersburg

The article presents the results of a study of Muslim communities in the social networks of St. Petersburg from the position of advertising communication. In today’s Russian society the interest in religious practices is growing. Religious values are presented not only in conventional forms, but in the form of advertisements. The Muslim communities are the most active in this area. The article analyzes the Muslim advertising, presented in nine Russian online communities. In the article the classification of advertising messages and identification of the core values represented by advertising is supposed. The study shows the advertising message as an ornamental configuration. The article reveals the mechanisms of constructing of the Muslim community in the advertising discourse. The transformation of the religious concept of “Halal” in the international brand plays an important role in this process. It also spreads it the set of communicative practices. Advertising is becoming a modern way of constructing of religious community.

Key words: advertising, confessional community, communication, discourse, Halal, Muslims, brand, ornamentation.


  • Bauman Z. Tekuchaja sovremennost'. SPb.: Piter, 2008.
  • Bodrijjar Zh. Obshhestvo potreblenija. M.: Respublika; Kul'turnaja revoljucija, 2006. – 126 s.
  • Luman N. Real'nost' massmedia. M.: Praksis, 2005.
  • Hajdegger M. Veshh' // Vremja i bytie. M.: Respublika, 1993. – 318 s.
  • Islamskie brendy vytesnjajut svoih zapadnyh konkurentov.
    URL:] (dostup 22.01. 2017)
  • Haljal' Sankt-Peterburg magazin. URL: (dostup 22.01.2017)
  • Reklama v musul'manskih stranah. URL: (dostup 22.01.2017)

Theory of Culture

Kevin HART

University of Virginia, USA
Department of Religious Studies
Edwin B. Kyle Professor of Christian Studies, Full Doctor of Philosophy

The Neutral Reduction: Thomas l’obscur

Translation from English into Russian Korotkov D.M., Korotkov I.S.: Hart, Kevin The Neutral Reduction: Thomas l’obscur // Clandestine Encounters. Philosophy in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot / Edited by Kevin Hart. - University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. Pp. 61-90.

Key words: philosophy, Doppelganger, Maurice Blanchot, Heraclitus, Heidegger, literature, phenomenological reduction, obscure, neutral, the Outside, Imaginary.


Vladimir KONEV

Samara State University, Samara, Russia
Head of the Department of Philosophy of Humanitarian Faculties, Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Professor

Towards of the New Modern Culture (On the book Konev V. Sense of Culture. Samara. 2016. 276 p.)

The author presents a collection of articles “The Sense of Culture”, which analyzes the features of modern European culture. The author argues that the current stage of development of culture can be described as the realization of a new project of modernity. This is reflected in the fact that, since Nietzsche, again revived the value of life itself, is approved by the unconditional value of individuality, freedom throw the shackles of necessity and truth throw uniqueness, knowledge logic is replaced by the logic of sense. This trend of development of culture requires a new type of education, a new type of thinking, a new nature of social relations, which would proceed from the priority of personal principle.

Key words: culture, sense, project of modernity, the logic of sense, individuality, personality, freedom, cultural space and time.



К проблеме наездницы русского постмодернизма

Sunday, 22 September 2013 | Olga Kirillova
Посвящается В. Л. Рабиновичу Насмерть загоню? Не бойся — ты же, брат, не Брут: Смерть мала и ненадолго, Цезарь...
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Рецензия на книгу: Попова Д.Л Сакральная семиосфера северного города. - Архангельск, 2015

Saturday, 28 October 2017 | Alexander Lyusiy
Сакральная семиосфера северного города: монография/Д.Л.Попова; М-во образования и науки Российской Федер,...
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Арзрум, да не тот. Империобол как предчувствие футболистической революции

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
В основе материала — выступление автора на Международном конгрессе «Россия и Польша: память...
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Reminder about Humbert

Thursday, 05 April 2012 | Alexander Lyusiy
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There are no translations available yet

Friday, 01 July 2011 | Irina Sokolova
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Oil — a metaphor for culture

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Anna Rileva
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The Chronotope of Illustrated Magazine

Friday, 14 January 2011 | Margarita Gudova
The article deals with the industry glossy magazines as an agent of modernization of consciousness and the transition from the patriarchal and industrial models to the identification of...
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There are no translations available yet

Tuesday, 15 November 2011 | Alexey Krivolap
There are no translations available yet
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