Mission |
International Journal of Cultural Research is an innovative project designed to provide full access to current cultural studies and a new type of scientific discourse that by-passes barriers traditionally dividing humanitarian and social science research from the natural sciences. The project goal is to enhance and promote the development of the modern theory of culture, to establish the basis and protocol of trans-disciplinary communications, and to offer a mechanism for renewing and generating such communications. Recognizing the essential incompatibility of the ideas and methods of cultural studies in Russia and in the West, the project initiators regard the disparity as a constructive challenge rather than a dramatic gap in understanding and communication. The opportunity to engage researchers from Russia and abroad in meeting this creative challenge will have a positive influence on the field of cultural research, both as a fundamental science and as a cultural process. International Journal of Cultural Research consist of two different, although integrated components: a traditional journal (‘the academic core’), in which scientific and critical articles, analytical studies, reviews, and translations are published; and an innovative on-line publication (‘the interactive periphery’), containing a wide range of analyses from various sources. An important part of the project is to establish and maintain regular dialogue, discussion, and information-sharing by means of internet sharing. Approximately half of ‘the academic core’ of International Journal of Cultural Research is devoted to monitoring the current state of cultural studies, with special attention paid to strategies for integrating Russian cultural studies into the general context of global cultural studies. Each section of the journal is devoted to a particular area of research, presenting both the current state and the prospects for elaborating the research, both in Russia and abroad. In creating the journal, we hope that supplementing traditional academic presentations with an interactive exchange will generate quick responses to current events in academic life. The on-line discussions enable researchers to respond more immediately and comprehensively to the increasing socio-economic, cultural, and psychological challenges of our times. Not having to wait for the release of the next issue to see what is developing in the field will give the professional community new momentum in developing ideas and insights. The on-line format of the journal includes a vivid exchange of opinions in formats that are increasingly familiar to the general audience, including chats, blogs, forums, moderated discussions and comments, presentations and teleconferences, and texts supplemented with multimedia clips and hyperlinks. Presentations of monographs, journal articles, and films, as well as virtual exhibitions and presentations will help us to promote closer ties between the reading audience and current trends of in the contemporary art process. All relevant information contained in the journal is automatically recorded in the files of the Scientific Electronic Library elibrary.ru, as means of participating in the formation of Russian and international indices of scientific citation. International Journal of Cultural Research is published quarterly. All materials in the journal are subject to general publishing rules and procedures. All materials appearing in the journal should adhere to the traditional standard practices for reference lists and citations. The journal is disseminated mainly by online subscription. |